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Made by Zsófia Bindes. The Nokia story 1865: riverside paper mill 2011: global telecommunications leader.

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Presentation on theme: "Made by Zsófia Bindes. The Nokia story 1865: riverside paper mill 2011: global telecommunications leader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Made by Zsófia Bindes

2 The Nokia story 1865: riverside paper mill 2011: global telecommunications leader

3 The story so far… 1865: mining enginer Fredrik Idestam sets up his wood pulp mill in Finland Second mill next to Nokianvirte river  name of the company: Nokia Ab 1871

4 1898: Eduard Polón founds Finnish Rubber Works (later Nokia’s rubber business) 1912: Arvid Wickström sets up Finnish Cable Works, the foundation of Nokia’s cable and electronics business 1963: radio telephones for the army and emergency services – Nokia’s 1 st foray into telecommunications 1967 : Nokia Ab, Finnish Cable Works and Finnish Rubber Works officially merge

5 The mobile era begins 1979: radio telephone company Mobira Oy 1981: Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) service (International roaming) 1982: 1 st car phone 1987: Mobira Cityman : 1 st handheld mobile phone („Gorba”)

6 1987: GSM (Global System for Mobile communications): European standard for digital mobile technology 1992: Nokia launches its first digital handheld GSM phone, the Nokia 1011 Strategic decision: manufacturing mobile phones and telecommunications systems

7 1994: 2100 series, 1st phones to feature the Nokia Tune ringtone 1997: Introduction of the game „Snake” 1998: Nokia is the world leader in mobile phones

8 Between 1996 and 2001, Nokia’s turnover increases almost fivefold from EUR 6.5 billion to EUR 31 billion

9 1999: Nokia 7110: web-based functions 2001: 1 st phone with built-in camera 2002: 1 st 3G phone (third generation) 2005: Nokia sells its billionth phone 2007: Nokia is recognised as the 5 th most valued brand in the world 2010: Dow Jones Indexes ranks Nokia as the world’s most sustainable technology company

10 Nowadays: toughest challenge: competition in the smartphone segment Competitors: iPhone and Android-based devices September, 2010: Nokia appoints Stephen Elop as President and CEO

11 February, 2011: Nokia joins forces with Microsoft to strengthen its position in the smartphone market Nokia smartphones are adopted the new Windows 7 operating system October, 2011: 1 st Nokia with Windows phones

12 Key elements of Nokia’s strategy Build a new winning mobile ecosystem in partnership with Microsoft Bring the next billion online in developing growth markets Invest in next-generation disruptive technologies Increase their focus on speed, results and accountability

13 Corporate Governance

14 Annual General Meeting The use of profits The remuneration of the Board of Directors Elect the members of the Board of Directors and the auditor Review of the financial statements and the auditors’ report for the past year Possible stock option plans

15 Board of Directors Represents and is accountable to the shareholders Strategic direction of the company Management policies Appoints and discharges the CEO 3 committees:  Audit Committee  Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee  Personnel Committee

16 Nokia Leadership Team Managing the operations of Nokia The chairman and the members are appointed by the Board of Directors

17 Auditors External Auditor  Elected annually by our shareholders at the Annual General Meeting Internal Auditor  Independent appraisal function  Examines and evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of the company’s system of internal control

18 Structure of Nokia

19 Mobile Phones Bring a modern and affordable mobile experience to people In growth markets: bring people affordable access to the internet and applications

20 Smart Devices Creation of smartphones New models and software updates

21 Location & Commerce Develops integrated social location products and services Develops platform services and local commerce services

22 Markets Selling products Executing winning marketing and communications Customer care Manufacturing IT and logistics

23 Nokia Siemens Networks Jointly owned by Nokia and Siemens Leading providers of telecommunications infrastructure hardware, software and professional services globally

24 Nokia- Connecting People Nokia TV advertisement: I am your Nokia

25 Source:

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