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Scanning electron microscopy Katedra experimentálnej fyziky FMFI UK B r a t i s l a v a.

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Presentation on theme: "Scanning electron microscopy Katedra experimentálnej fyziky FMFI UK B r a t i s l a v a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scanning electron microscopy Katedra experimentálnej fyziky FMFI UK B r a t i s l a v a

2 History 1897 - Discovery of the electron ( J. J. Thompson) 1924 - Particle and wave theory (L. deBroglie) 1926 - Electromagnetic lens (H. Busch) 1927 - Demonstration of electron diffraction (C. J. Davisson and L. H. Germer) 1929 - Theoretical description of SEM (H. Stintzing) 1932 - Construction of first electron microscope (transmission) (M. Knoll and E. Ruska) 1935 - Demonstration of scanning electron microscope theory (M. Knoll) 1938 - First SEM constructed (M. von Ardenne) 1939 - First commercial transmission electron microscope (B. von Borries and E. Ruska)

3 History 1942 - Production of electrostatic lens SEM (V. K. Zworykin, J. Hillier and R. L. Synder) 1956 - Production of electromagnetic lens SEM (K. C. A. Smith) 1956 - X-ray microanalyzer with a scanning probe (V. E. Cosslett and P. Duncomb) 1960 - Improved secondary electron detector (T. E. Everhart and R. F. M. Thornley) 1960's - First commercial SEM (Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd.) 1971 - Construction of a STEM with a field emission source (A. V. Crewe and J. Wall)

4 Physics Electron interaction with sample Electron energy spectrum Electron – core electron interaction

5 Electron interaction with sample

6 Electron energy spectrum

7 Electron – core electron interaction

8 Technics Vacuum chamber Electron optics Image formation Electronics

9 Tubus VEGA

10 Electron gun

11 Cathode

12 Electromagnetic lens

13 Detectors

14 Image formation

15 Image modes



18 SEM – VEGA TS5136MM

19 Image Gallery Poppy seed

20 Image Gallery Leaf of nettle with beetle

21 Image Gallery Fly head

22 Image Gallery Ant head

23 Image Gallery Ant feeler

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