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Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Training BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS 2/26/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Training BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS 2/26/2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Training BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS 2/26/2014

2  What are blood borne pathogens (BBPs)?  Why are they harmful?  How can I protect myself?  What is our Exposure Control Plan? COURSE TOPICS


4 Blood Borne Pathogens can enter your body through:  Direct contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person  (Ex) Touching an open wound  Contaminated instrument injuries  A break in the skin (cut, lesion, etc.)  Mucus membranes (eye, nose, mouth) HOW ARE BBP’S TRANSMITTED

5  The pathogen involved  The type or route of exposure  The amount of virus in the infected blood at the time of exposure  The amount of infected blood involved in the exposure  Whether post-exposure treatment was taken  The immune status and specific response of the infected individual RISK OF BBP TRANSMISSION VARIES

6  Sharing Food/ Water  Saliva  Hugging  Casual Contact BBPS ARE NOT TRANSMITTED


8  Hepatitis B - A disease causing inflammation of the liver. Can lead to other illnesses (cirrhosis and liver cancer) and death  Symptoms: general ill-health, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, body aches, mild fever, dark urine, itchy skin  Vaccine available  Hepatitis C - A disease causing infection in the liver. Is one of the most common chronic blood borne infections.  Symptoms: flu-like symptoms, jaundice, fatigue, dark urine, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea  No vaccine available HBV AND HBC

9  Human Immunodeficiency Virus – A virus leading to AIDS, which causes the immune system to fail  Four stages and Symptoms 1.Incubation: no symptoms 2.Acute infection: fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, muscle pain, general ill-health 3.Latency: few to no symptoms 4.AIDS: symptoms from opportunistic infections HIV


11  Injuries  Not using protective equipment  Not following proper clean up procedures  Some viruses (like Hepatitis B) can live for over a week outside the body POTENTIAL HAZARDS

12  Medical Emergency Situation  Only First Aid/CPR trained co-workers may administer treatment  Universal Precautions  All body fluids are potentially infectious  Use latex gloves and CPR masks  HBV Vaccine EXPOSURE INCIDENT

13  No cost to you  Provides long term immunity  3 shots: 0, 1, & 6 months  No chance of infection from vaccine  Effective for 95% of adults  If decline, you must sign a “Declination Form”  Vaccine available at later date if desired HEPATITIS B VACCINE

14  Wash hands  The person performing first aid is responsible for cleanup  Wear protective eyewear and mask if splashing is anticipated.  Decontaminate surfaces (throw away gloves and masks)  Use water and bleach (5:1)  Located in safety supplies cabinet CLEAN UP

15  The appropriate PPE is provided for you  Gloves  CPR masks  Gloves and Masks must be replaced if…  Contaminated  Torn/Punctured  Deemed unusable  Gloves and Masks should never be washed or decontaminated for re-use. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT

16 WASTE DISPOSAL  Must have biohazard symbol  Labels attached securely to any containers or items containing blood/OPIM  Red bags/containers may substitute for labels

17  Report to Safety Coordinator  Document using the Blood borne Pathogens Exposure Incident Report  A copy is located in the safety manual  Post exposure evaluation and follow-up EXPOSURE CONTROL PLAN

18  Appointment set with a physician  Blood test given to source individual and exposed co-worker  Physician provides written opinion  Records maintained  Confidentiality is of extreme importance POST-EXPOSURE EVALUATION & FOLLOW-UP

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