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Meetings with FDA Martha A. Feldman, RAC

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1 Meetings with FDA Martha A. Feldman, RAC
Drug & Device Development Co., Inc. UWE Biomedical Regulatory Affairs Feldman Nov 2007

2 Topics for this Session
FDA’s views on meetings Kinds of Meetings: drug/biotech and medical device products Types of Meetings for PDUFA Products Make request for a meeting Prepare for Meeting Participate in Meeting Follow-up to Meeting Miscellaneous Feldman Nov 2007

3 FDA’s View of Meetings FDA is committed to communicating and interacting with sponsors FDA believes face-to-face meetings benefit both sponsor and agency FDA believes meetings are cost-effective in the long run for both sponsor and agency This slide and several of the following slides are abstracted from Elisa D. Harvey, “Understanding the Pre-IDE Program: FDA Perspective”, 25 May 2005 Feldman Nov 2007

4 Kinds of Meetings - 1 Drugs and Therapeutic Biologics
Pre-clinical Research Meeting Pre-IND Meeting End of Phase 2/Pre-Phase 3 Meeting Clinical Hold Meetings Pre-NDA Meeting Advisory Committee Meeting End of Review Conference Refusal to File Conference Pre-NDA Supplement Meeting Feldman Nov 2007

5 Kinds of Meetings - 2 Medical Devices
Scientific Meeting/Prior to proof of concept animal studies Early Collaboration Meetings (Agreement and/or Determination) Pre-IDE Meeting/Post-feasibility/Pre-Pivotal Study Meeting Informal Pre-IDE Meetings Other Device Meetings Pre-PMA Meeting 100-Day PMA Meetings Post-deficiency letter for 510(k) or PMA Appeal of final decision on PMA, 510(k), IDE disapproval Advisory Committee Meeting Feldman Nov 2007

Feldman Nov 2007

7 Pre-clinical Research Meetings
Meetings are for the purpose of reaching agreements on the design and size of clinical study for effectiveness claim Special Protocol, Pharm/Tox Only on the pharm/tox portion Special protocol, Chemistry Only on the chemistry portion Special Protocol, Medical Only for the medical portion Feldman Nov 2007

8 Pre-IND Meeting - 1 CDER needs data that the drug is reasonably safe for use in initial small-scale clinical studies The sponsor would request a meeting with the appropriate review division. Discussions will include animal protocols, clinical testing phases, data requirements, and scientific issues needing resolution prior to clinical studies Feldman Nov 2007

9 Pre-IND Meeting - 2 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) Pre-IND meeting may be part of clinical meeting or separate Guidance document applies to both drugs and therapeutic biologics Topics covered in the meeting depend on what Phase study is being conducted Purpose: discuss CMC issues as they relate to the safety of the new drug/biologic for the proposed indication Feldman Nov 2007

10 End of Phase 1 Sponsor may request a meeting after completion of Phase 1 Purpose is to review results and reach agreement on plans for Phase 2 program Feldman Nov 2007

11 End of Phase 2/Pre-Phase 3 Meeting
Primary purpose: to determine if it is safe to proceed to Phase 3. Secondary purpose: to plan the protocol for the Phase 3 study, e.g., the objectives, study design Also, to discuss and identify any additional information that may be required to support a NDA. Feldman Nov 2007

12 Critical Path Meeting Meeting which is held to help with a stalled drug development program Purpose is to help program proceed Feldman Nov 2007

13 Clinical Hold Meeting At any point, the CDER can impose a clinical hold, i.e., prohibit the study from proceeding or to stop a study that has started for reasons of safety, or because of a sponsor’s failure to disclose the risk of the study to the investigators. Feldman Nov 2007

14 Pre-NDA/Pre-BLA meeting
Primary purpose: to discuss the data in support of the application – filing and format issues Secondary purpose: to uncover any major unresolved problems or issues that might lead to a “refuse to file” recommendation Also, to acquaint reviewers with the information submitted and to discuss how the data will be presented in the NDA. Feldman Nov 2007

15 90-Day Meeting Occurs 90 days after the initial submission
Purpose: to discuss any issues uncovered in the first stages of the review Feldman Nov 2007

16 Advisory Committee Meeting
Purposes: To solicit outside advice and opinions from experts Recommendations are nonbinding on CDER Issues that may be discussed Opinion about a new drug Opinion about new indication for an approved drug Considerations about special regulatory requirements Advice on necessary labeling Help with proposed study Assessing if safety and efficacy data are adequate support for the NDA Feldman Nov 2007

17 End of Review Meeting Sponsor requests meeting to determine what steps are needed to be completed by the sponsor, what additional information may be required in order for the application to be approved. Feldman Nov 2007

18 Refusal to File Meeting
The sponsor may request in writing a meeting with CDER is it refuses to file an application If, after the meeting, the sponsor wants the application, the FDA will do so under protest. Feldman Nov 2007

19 Pre-NDA(BLA)/Supplement Meeting
The purpose of this meeting is to acquaint the FDA reviewers with the general information to be submitted Discuss appropriate methods of statistical analysis Discuss proposed format for data To identify the major supporting studies Discuss any unresolved issues Feldman Nov 2007

20 Other Possible Meetings
Advertising and promotion issues Biopharm and Bioequivalence Compliance Electronic submissions Labeling Phase 4 Safety Issues Feldman Nov 2007

Feldman Nov 2007

22 Scientific/Pre-proof of Concept Testing
Discuss concepts, broad outline of test plans, including need for certain bench studies, need for animal studies and need for clinical studies (no test results needed, just plans, at this meeting) Discuss regulatory options, possible pathways Discuss primary mode of action issues of a possible combination product; jurisdictional issues Feldman Nov 2007

23 Early Collaboration Meetings
Present early prototype evaluation in preliminary animal models Discuss proposed clinical application, indication for use Get FDA feedback on bench and animal study plans; feasibility study plans. Start asking specific questions (e.g., patient population; acceptable endpoints) Discuss probable regulatory pathway (non-binding discussion), including Risk Determination for device (SR/NSR) Feldman Nov 2007

24 Pre-IDE Meeting/Post-feasibility/Pre-Pivotal Study Meeting
Sponsor presents results of animal and feasibility study; describe finalized device design Sponsor discusses pivotal trial protocol (1° and 2° endpoints, duration, statistical analysis and evaluation methods), including Indication for Use and patient population FDA gives feedback on above and on proposed regulatory pathway, and nonbinding feedback on expedited status, need for Advisory Panel meeting FDA gives feedback on focused questions Feldman Nov 2007

25 Pre-IDE Meetings Are Are Not
To provide feedback on preclinical test plan To provide feedback on clinical plans Determine what is Exempt/NSR investigation To discuss international (OUS) studies Are Not A tool for negotiation For modular review To preview data For an in depth IDE review Legally binding For dispute resolution To hold FDA to years-old informal feedback To be part of a series of such meetings Feldman Nov 2007

26 Informal Pre-IDE Meetings
Not determination or agreement meetings Nothing binding May not have full review team present Individual divisions may have their own checklists about what to submit prior to the meeting – ascertain prior to sending package Feldman Nov 2007

27 Other Device Meetings Pre-PMA Meeting 100-Day PMA Meeting
Post-deficiency letter for 510(k) or PMA Appeal of final decision on PMA, 510(k), IDE disapproval Feldman Nov 2007

28 Advisory Panel Meeting
Requirements (Section 513(b)(6)(B) Must have adequate time for initial presentation Must have adequate time provided for response to any differing views by persons whose devices are the subject of a classification panel Must encourage free and open participation by all interested persons Feldman Nov 2007

29 Advisory Panel Sponsor sends FDA material on Panel presentation
FDA sends to the Sponsor the list of items it will include in package to members of the Panel FDA sends package of materials to Panel members; no new data provided within last 2 weeks prior to meeting Time lines for presentation to the Panel are provided in guidance document Feldman Nov 2007

30 FDA Does Not Have to Accept Recommendations from the Panel
Feldman Nov 2007

31 Applies to both CDER and CBER
TYPES OF MEETINGS Applies to both CDER and CBER Feldman Nov 2007

32 Type A Is immediately necessary for a stalled drug development program to proceed Occur within 30 days of sponsor’s request Examples: Dispute resolution meetings Clinical holds Special protocol assessment after FDA evaluation Feldman Nov 2007

33 Type B Scheduled 60 days after receipt of sponsor request
Pre-IND meeting (21 CFR ) Certain end of Phase 1 meetings (21CFR ) End of Phase 2/Pre-Phase 3 meetings (21 CFR ) Pre-NDA/BLA meetings (21 CFR ) Feldman Nov 2007

34 Type C Any meeting other than a Type A or a Type B meeting
Examples of such meetings About advertising About promotional labeling Not Type C meetings – examples about launch activities and materials Postmarketing safety evaluation meetings Feldman Nov 2007

35 Requesting a Meeting with FDA
Feldman Nov 2007

36 Whom to Meet With Check Center’s organizational chart to determine to which group to send meeting request Call the division and give a brief overview of why a meeting is being requested, i.e., the purpose and scope of the meeting; give regulatory status of the product (e.g., new, re-vamped in some way, new indication for previously approved product) Get a name of the person to whom the package should be addressed, usually the Branch Chief The package must be received before a meeting is scheduled, usually about 2-3 weeks in advance. Feldman Nov 2007

37 Setting a date Be flexible as to dates – give several possible dates and times. NOTE: If significant additional information is submitted after the package has been sent and after the meeting has been scheduled, the meeting might be cancelled or postponed. If you have to cancel, do it at least 48 hours ahead. Feldman Nov 2007

38 The CDER/CBER “Package” Includes:
Proposed agenda; list of attendees and affiliations Product name, chemical name and structure Proposed indication(s) Dosage form, route of administration, dosing Study plans: bench, animal, clinical Summaries of prior animal or clinical data (as appropriate for phase of study) Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (as appropriate for Phase of study) List of objectives/outcomes expected from meeting Feldman Nov 2007

39 The Device “Package” Includes:
Proposed agenda (and time allotment) and list of attendees and each person’s affiliation Background of clinical condition or disease Currently available products, balanced view of pros and cons of each Product description and rationale for use in this condition or disease intended use and indication for us Test plans: bench, animal, clinical List of questions to be addressed at meeting Feldman Nov 2007

40 What FDA does when it Receives the Package
Branch chief receives package BC determines who will be on Review Team BC assigns project to a lead reviewer Copies prepared (or requested of Sponsor) and distributed Internal pre-meeting and sponsor meetings are scheduled Team members review package and prepare memos prior to pre-meeting Internal pre-meeting held to discuss issues, reach consensus, get further information from Team/management Feldman Nov 2007

41 Preparing for a Meeting with FDA
Feldman Nov 2007

42 Planning the Presentation-1
Use the time optimally. Presentation of the agenda and list of attendees should take no more than 2 minutes Assume the FDA has read all of the material; do not waste time in your presentation reviewing material sent in the package. Call a week ahead of meeting to see if the Lead Reviewer can send you a list of the questions generated at their internal meeting. Feldman Nov 2007

43 Planning the Presentation - 2
The preliminary questions from the reviewing team may cover deficiencies and/or other issues Compare your list of questions with the preliminary questions from the review team. Ensure your presentation will cover them and, if possible, without presenting significant new information. Focus your presentation to elicit as much information, comments, suggestions from the agency. Manage the time by rehearsing presenters so that they keep to their time allotment. Limit the number of presenters – too much time can be lost during change of speakers. Feldman Nov 2007

44 Preparing for the Meeting
Do a mock rehearsal with two groups of people: Those that know a lot about the product and research - to ensure you have not omitted critical information and have included all possible issues Those that do not know anything abut the product and have read only the “package” - to ensure your presentation is comprehendible and flows smoothly Feldman Nov 2007

45 Participating in a Meeting with FDA
Feldman Nov 2007

46 The Meeting - 1 Get to the building early as there is a lengthy sign-in and inspection procedure. Meetings are usually one hour long. They will start and end on time. TURN OFF CELL PHONES AND PAGERS! There will be a sign-in sheet circulated during the meeting, which will be copied for the sponsor. Stick to the agenda. Feldman Nov 2007

47 The Meeting - 2 Manage the time well. Leave small talk to the end, if there is time. Be brief and stay focused on scope of meeting. No side conversations. No open-ended questions. If the group gets bogged down on one issue, suggest that the one issue be handled off-line and continue with the other topics. Ensure that at least one person from your company is taking notes during the meeting. Feldman Nov 2007

48 The Meeting - 3 While taking notes, mark the items that are action items, commitments for providing follow-up information to the company commitments for providing follow-up information to the FDA, arranging for off-line discussions Make sure there is about 10 minutes at the end of the meeting to review the Action Item list. Get a copy of the attendees list. Feldman Nov 2007

49 Follow-Up After a Meeting with the FDA
Feldman Nov 2007

50 Debrief As soon as possible after the meeting, gather the company representatives to debrief As part of the debriefing, get people’s perceptions of the reaction to the presentation of each member of the FDA’s Team Assess if there may be any misunderstandings or mistaken impressions by anyone – can expand upon some things in the minutes or add an addendum with clarification See if you may have “supporters” Feldman Nov 2007

51 Minutes of the Meeting Have one person take everyone’s notes and draft the minutes, including a section for the action items Distribute to the other attendees for review in order to ensure full capture of information, commitments, etc. Issue minutes to management Send to FDA with a cover letter asking for comments Feldman Nov 2007

52 Miscellaneous Information
Feldman Nov 2007

53 References - Drugs CDER Data Standards Manual: Industry Meetings Types Formal meetings – PDUFA Products Clinical Hold/Refusal to file Meetings CMC IND Meetings The New Drug Approval Process Feldman Nov 2007

54 References - Devices Early Collaboration Meetings under FDAMA - Meeting guidance Advisory Panel Meetings Advisory Panel/Committee Information Contact Feldman Nov 2007

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