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Chapter 6.1.  Early signs  The show A few drops of blood may show when the mucus plug is beginning to dissolve. Next is a trickle or gush of fluid from.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6.1.  Early signs  The show A few drops of blood may show when the mucus plug is beginning to dissolve. Next is a trickle or gush of fluid from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6.1

2  Early signs  The show A few drops of blood may show when the mucus plug is beginning to dissolve. Next is a trickle or gush of fluid from the vagina. May occur a few days before the baby is born.  Delivery should occur 24-48 hours after ones “water breaks”  Avoid infections

3  Contractions tightening and releasing of the muscle of the uterus.  Become closer together as labor goes on.  37 weeks or earlier is considered premature.  False Labor  Contractions are not regular  Contractions do not get stronger  Contractions ease with light exercise

4  Sometime labor must be artificially induced  Done by medication or breaking the amniotic sac  Typically done at 42 weeks  No side effects

5 1. Contractions open the cervix 2. Baby is born 3. Placenta is expelled

6  Contractions pull up on the cervix, slowly softening it and opening it.  Contractions last about 30 seconds and are 20 minutes apart.  When contractions start lasting 60 seconds and are 2-5 minutes apart you are in active labor.

7  Contractions are 2-3 minutes apart and last 90 seconds.  Cervix is fully dilated.  10 cm or 4 in  Women now begins to push the baby out.  Babies head should be first.  Sometime baby come out feet or butt first, making delivery more complicated.

8  Babies skull bones overlap to allow the baby to come out.  Episiotomy may need to be done.  Making a cut to allow baby more room to come out.  May use suction or tongs to help remove the baby.

9  Episiotomy Episiotomy

10  May have a short break between the baby being born and stage 3.  Stage 3 is the delivery of the placenta. Vaginal Childbirth delivery  (kworker1988 password-kworker)

11  May be a result of complications during birth.  Baby is born through a surgical incision in the mothers abdomen.  After C-section woman is taken to recovery for 1-2 hours.  Encouraged to walk and stand  Make take up to 6 weeks to recover Cesarean Childbirth section-delivery

12  Delivery Delivery

13 Chapter 6.2

14 Chapter 6.2 has a lot of new, strange vocabulary words that you probably have never heard, so take some time, look up the words online, and find a picture to go along with the vocabulary word so that you are able to better understand the word.

15  Baby goes through many changes that are necessary for life outside the womb.  During pregnancy the babies lungs are not used. They get oxygen through the mothers blood.  During delivery lungs fills with amniotic fluid that was in the babies trachea.  Trachea delivers air from the mouth to the lungs.

16  Most of the fluid is squeezed out during the delivery. Remaining fluid is suctioned out right after birth.  Baby may need to be rubbed or patted to get breathing started.  Babies may sneeze to get mucus out of their nose.

17  Breathing may become normal a month or two after the baby is born.  After birth the umbilical cord is clamped and cut off.

18  Limbs are skinny.  Head may look too large for the body and be wobbly.  Skull may be lopsided and pointed.  Fontanel: Open spot on the baby’s head where the bones have not joined yet.

19  Swollen or Puffy  Short flat noses  Receding chins  African American, Asian, and Hispanic babies typically have brown eyes when born and stay that color.  Caucasian babies have grayish-blue eyes at birth, but change later.

20  Some babies especially preemies, have lanugo.  Hair on the babies foreheads, backs, and shoulders. Does not stay long.  Vernix thick, white pasty substance.  Washed off during first bath.  Many babies have milia, or baby acne.  Plugged oil ducts, go away in a week or two.

21  Lanugo  Vernix  Milia

22  Apgar 5 factors that they check the baby on at 1 and 5 minutes old.  Normal score is 6-10  Anything under 6 may indicate the baby needs special care.  Right after birth baby is washed, apply antibiotic to the baby’s eyes and get a shot of vitamin K. (Prevent diseases)


24  Hand and Foot are printed with ink.  Blood test  Hearing Test

25 Chapter 6.3

26  To be able to describe what happens after birth so that there aren’t any surprises as a parent or for someone who wants to go to into the prenatal/neonatal field

27  Medical term used for the baby from birth to one month of age.  Significant adjustment for the parents  Jaundice a liver condition that can make the skin, tissues, and body fluids yellowish.  Cannot remove bilirubin  Baby may receive UV light treatment

28  Newborn bonding is very important.  Helps brain development.  Holding, singing, and talking to your baby.

29  If mother breastfeeds she will continue to produce milk.  Some mothers have trouble  Many hospitals offer lactation consultants to help your learn breastfeeding techniques.

30  In most cases mothers may choose if they would like their baby to stay with them all night, or spend the night in the nursery.  If baby stays in nursery they may be brought back to the mother for nighttime feedings.

31  Birth certificate is the most important legal document a baby has.  Parents fill out document at the hospital or birthing center. Paper is then sent in and a copy of your child’s birth certificate is sent to your house.

32  Intensive care nursery (ICN)  Special nursery that can provide immediate intensive care just after birth for babies who need it.  Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU)  Heated completely enclosed beds for newborns who need intensive care.  3 levels

33  Need special care and extra nutrients.  May need special pacifiers to help them learn how to suck properly.  Frequently tested for infections.  When they start to improve them may move out of their incubator.

34  Mother may be extremely exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally.

35  Rest  Exercise: Help loose weight and feel more energetic.  Good Nutrition: If breastfeeding be sure to intake an extra 300 calories a day and plenty of fluid.  Medical Checkup: 4-6 weeks after birth mother should have a check up to make sure everything is returning to normal.

36  “Baby Blues” Mother may cry or feel irritable, lonely, anxious, or sad for no reason.  If the “Baby Blues” do not go away the mother may experience Postpartum depression mother feels very sad, irritable, lonely, anxious, and has no energy.  Treatment is available. Be sure to talk to a doctor right away.

37  Ch 6 Review  #2-10, 14, 17, 18, 20

38  You will be creating a baby book for your babies for few years of life. Baby books typically begin with a birth certificate, pictures, and events following the birth.  Your baby book will include:  Birth certificate  A picture of the newborn baby Include how it would actually look (may have vernix, lanugo, a cone head, jaundice, etc.) Include a description  A description of where and how the baby was delivered, as well as, who delivered it.  A written account of scores of tests (note if their were any issues)  A journal response describing you and your partners feelings following the birth.

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