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13 October 2009 Eurostat data visualization tools Rosa Ruggeri Cannata Unit D5 Key indicators for European policies Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business.

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Presentation on theme: "13 October 2009 Eurostat data visualization tools Rosa Ruggeri Cannata Unit D5 Key indicators for European policies Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 13 October 2009 Eurostat data visualization tools Rosa Ruggeri Cannata Unit D5 Key indicators for European policies Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys 12-13 October 2009

2 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys Main tools Table Graph Maps (TGM) Country profiles Business Cycle Clock

3 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys Table Graph Maps (TGM) Available since September 2007 Displaying a simple data set as a table, graph or map Covering almost 2000 tables Targeted to the general public User customizable, interactive and downloadable graphs and maps –bookmark –e-mail –print –download Euroindicators/PEEIs web page linked to TGM

4 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys TGM characteristics Tables: –Data downloadable in Excel, html, xml and TSV format –Optionally: footnotes and short descriptions –Excel and html files with dynamic link toward the up-to-date table Graphs: –Downloadable bar charts (horizontal and vertical), pie charts, line graphs and scatter plot –animation option Maps: –Can be zoomed and re-centred with respect to a selected point –Downloadable –“Compare with” functionality

5 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys

6 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys TGM - Metadata

7 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys

8 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys

9 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys Country profiles EU-27, euro area, EFTA, candidate countries, USA, Canada and Japan statistical data A coloured graph with the latest data available is shown for each indicator in a map of Europe Directly linked to TGM Provides links to general information and news concerning each geographical entity

10 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys

11 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys Business Cycle Clock Acknowledgements go to Statistics Netherlands for sharing their visual concept of tracing business cycles On line since July 2008 Animated graphical interface for the cyclical evolution of European and national PEEIs GDP, consumption, investment, imports and exports, (un-)employment, Economic Sentiment, industrial production…. Indicators move clockwise as a cloud Some lead, others lag behind Up to 6 geographical entities (release 2009)

12 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys Economic evolution Four phases: (1) the indicator is above its long-term trend and is increasing (2) it is still above the long-term trend, but after having reached a peak it is now gradually moving downwards (3) after subsequent decreases it reaches levels below the long-term trend and is heading into a trough (4) gradually picks up again even though still under the long-term trend

13 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys Data treatment Time series starting generally in 1990 (some from 1995) Seasonally adjusted data Expressed as an absolute index or as an absolute number Christiano-Fitzgerald (CF) band-pass filter Normalized –zero average and unit standard deviation

14 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys Business Cycle Clock: data seasonally and trend adjusted time series data (growth rates)

15 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys

16 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys

17 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys Eurostat Internet Site: consultation 495 000 Tables consultation with the TGM interface (300 000 in March 2007) 91 000 Metadata consultation (112 000 in March 2007) 24 000 consultations of the new country profile interface 5000 Consultation of the Business Cycle Clock

18 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys

19 13-Oct 2009Fourth Joint EU-OECD Workshop on Business and Consumer Opinion Surveys Thank you for your attention

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