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Published byGeorgiana Helen Marsh Modified over 9 years ago
WWW.UNIVERSUMGLOBAL.COM UNIVERSUM OPISKELIJATUTKIMUS 2014 AALTO YLIOPISTO, TEKNIIKAN ALAT Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulu Insinööritekniikan korkeakoulu Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu Perustieteiden korkeakoulu VERRATTUNA KAIKKI OPISKELIJAT (ei AMK): Tekniikka, IT, luonnontieteet
2 About the Universum Student Survey | Finnish Edition 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT METHODOLOGY THE QUESTIONNAIRE Created based on 25 years of experience, extensive research within HR, focus groups and communication with both our clients and students. Global perspective - local insight. DATA COLLECTION Conducted via an online survey, distributed via university contacts, the Universum Panel and local partners. WEIGHTING In order to provide our clients with reliable data we set targets per main field of study and educational institution to reflect the actual distribution of students. Weighting is used to compensate for discrepancies from the targets. Note that only data based on all students or on all students within a main field of study is weighted. Breakdowns like gender, high achievers or other more specific target groups are not weighted. WEIGHTING In order to provide our clients with reliable data we set targets per main field of study and educational institution to reflect the actual distribution of students. Weighting is used to compensate for discrepancies from the targets. Note that only data based on all students or on all students within a main field of study is weighted. Breakdowns like gender, high achievers or other more specific target groups are not weighted. FIELD PERIOD November 2013 to March 2014 11 Educational institutions
3 University reports can be based on the total number of respondents from all main fields of study, or may be specific to a main field of study. This particular report is specific to: Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT. Groups in this report 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT Global 2 712 Your university Finland The comparisons in this report are based on: Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT Respondents from School of Chemical Technology Participating students from 11 educational institutions in Finland. Throughout the report, this group is referred to as “All universities”. Excluding university of applied sciences. Students participate annually in Universum’s global career research. ~600 000 147 Respondents from School of Engineering Respondents from School of Electrical Engineering Respondents from School of Science 142 175 185
4 67 % Students’ profile and summary of preferences 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT Average age (years): 23,6 33 % Top 3 most used communication channels: Employer websites Career magazines for students Job boards Top 3 industries: Technology Hardware & Equipment Energy Engineering and Manufacturing Top 5 most attractive attributes: Variety of assignments (Job Characteristics) A friendly work environment (People & Culture) A creative and dynamic work environment (People & Culture) Leaders who will support my development (People & Culture) Competitive base salary (Remuneration & Advancement Opportunities) Top 3 career goals: To have work/life balance To be dedicated to a cause or to feel that I am serving a greater good To be competitively or intellectually challenged Top 3 career profiles: Leader Entrepreneur Harmoniser Average expected monthly salary: Average reported academic performance 7,3 Aalto University Year of graduation: 3 271 EUR
5 Summary of preferences School of Chemical Technology School of Science School of Electrical Engineering School of Engineering
6 Which of these career goals are most important to you? Please select in order of preference, where '1' is most important.‘Career goals’ refer to what students want from employment in the long term, whereas ‘attributes’ refer to things sought by students from their first employer. Career goals 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT Aalto University First choice Second choice Third choice
7 All universities Which of these career goals are most important to you? Please select in order of preference, where '1' is most important.The graph shows career goals chosen as first, second or third choice in 2014. The alternatives in the legend are sorted according to importance in 2014. Thus, the most important career goal in 2014 is at the top of the legend. Career goals across time 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT
8 Summary of your University Brand Perception 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT Employability & Advancement Opportunities 1. Good reference for future career and/or education 2. Target school for employers in my field 3. High employment among graduates Employability & Advancement Opportunities 1. Good reference for future career and/or education 2. Target school for employers in my field 3. High employment among graduates University/College Culture & Student Life 1. Secure campus environment 2. Social and recreational activities 3. Heritage and tradition University/College Culture & Student Life 1. Secure campus environment 2. Social and recreational activities 3. Heritage and tradition Educational Offering 1. Attractive/exciting programs and fields of study 2. Challenging curriculum 3. Study abroad program Educational Offering 1. Attractive/exciting programs and fields of study 2. Challenging curriculum 3. Study abroad program University/College Reputation & Image 1. Highly-ranked within its field 2. Prestige 3. Innovative University/College Reputation & Image 1. Highly-ranked within its field 2. Prestige 3. Innovative ASSOCIATIONS BASED ON THE UNIVERSUM DRIVERS OF UNIVERSITY ATTRACTIVENESS TOP OF MIND ASSOCIATIONS
9 This is an extract from a University Report based on the results of the Universum Student Survey 2014. Please visit for more information about Universum and our global research. Summary of your University Brand Perception 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT Percentage of students who would choose to study at their current university if they could make the choice again: Would your students recommend Aalto University to a friend or family member? (1-10, 1= not at all, 10= extemely likely): All universities 8,27,9 All universities 56%60% Aalto University 7,2 School of Chemical Technology 7,7 54% School of Engineering 74% School of Science 8,5 8,164% School of Electrical Engineering 46% School of Chemical Technology
10 What is your expected salary before tax at your first employment after graduation, excluding commission and bonus? Expected monthly salary 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT 3 1063 106 EUR School of Chemical Technology 3 0823 082 EUR All universities 3 2743 274 EUR School of Engineering 3 2203 220 EUR School of Electrical Engineering 3 4873 487 EUR School of Science
11 All universities How important are each of the aspects below to you? Please divide 100 points between the alternatives, depending on how important they are to you. The total must equal 100 to move to the next question. Which of these attributes are most important to you? (Max. 3) Driver attractiveness across time Employer Reputation & Image People & Culture Job Characteristics Remuneration & Advancement Opportunities 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT
12 How important are each of the aspects below to you? Please divide 100 points between the alternatives, depending on how important they are to you. The total must equal 100 to move to the next question. Which of these attributes are most important to you? (Max. 3) This table shows the most attractive of the 40 attributes, taking into account the overall importance of the driver categories to the students. This analysis gives a summarised 360 degree view of what influences employer attractiveness. Students’ overall top 10 preferences 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT All universities Aalto University Employer Reputation & Image People & Culture Job Characteristics Remuneration & Advancement Opportunities
13 Most preferred industries (1-10) 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT
14 School of Chemical Technology Now choose the 5 employers you most want to work for, your 5 Ideal Employers. Ideal Employer Ranking | Top 20 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT School of Engineering
15 Now choose the 5 employers you most want to work for, your 5 Ideal Employers. Ideal Employer Ranking | Top 20 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT School of Science School of Electrical Engineering
16 Top of mind associations with Ideal Employers 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT School of Chemical Technology School of Science School of Engineering School of Electrical Engineering
17 This framework has been developed by Universum in cooperation with universities. The Universum Drivers of University Attractiveness Various aspects of the education provided by the university. Quality and variety of courses Attractive/exciting programs and fields of study Challenging curriculum Unique or particular programs Exceptional professors/lecturers Practical aspects within the curriculum International focus Strong student support (e.g. Tutors, advisors, etc.) Study abroad program Long-term opportunities the university provides for students. Supports and develops entrepreneurship Good reference for future career and/or education Launching pad for international career High employment among graduates Opportunities to network with employers Strong ties with industry Teaches transferable and practical skills employers are looking for Target school for employers in my field Focus on professional development Refers to the university as a whole. Tradition of academic excellence State-of-the-art facilities Successful alumni Internationally acclaimed Prestige Low costs (e.g. accommodation, tuition, living expenses, etc.) Availability of financial aid and scholarships Highly-ranked within its field Recommended by friends/family UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE REPUTATION & IMAGEEDUCATIONAL OFFERING EMPLOYABILITY & ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Social environment on- and off-campus. International student body Creative and dynamic atmosphere Social and recreational activities Friendly and open environment Attractive geographic location Acceptance towards minorities Support for gender equality Secure campus environment Heritage and tradition UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE CULTURE & STUDENT LIFE 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT
18 School of Chemical Technology School of Science School of Engineering School of Electrical Engineering Most attractive attributes Aallon opiskelijoille on tärkeää, että korkeakoulu on alallaan arvostettu. Sähkötekniikan opiskelijat arvostavat myös hyviä fasiliteetteja ja perustieteet menestyneitä alumneja. Opiskelijat arvostavat avointa, ystävällistä ilmapiiriä ja sosiaalisia aktiviteetteja. Tärkeää on myös hyvä työllistyminen ja oppia taitoja ja tietoa mitä työnantajat etsivät. Insinööritieteen opiskelijat toivovat ammatillista kehitystä ja perustieteiden opiskelijoille on tärkeää, että se on alan työnantajien kohdekoulu.
19 What students consider attractive vs. what they associate with you Average attractiveness of the attributes within the driver Important areas where your university rates low - consider whether to adapt communication Important areas where your university rates highly - continue communicating Less important areas where your university rates low - monitor / no action Less important areas where your university rates highly - keep as is Average association for your university Attractiveness of the attributes Attributes that your students associate with your university 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT
20 YOUR STUDENTS Which of the following attributes do you associate with each institution? Please select as many as applicable. Which of these attributes are most important to you? (Max. 3) University/College Reputation & Image | Attractiveness vs. Associations 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT
21 YOUR STUDENTS Which of the following attributes do you associate with each institution? Please select as many as applicable. Which of these attributes are most important to you? (Max. 3) Educational Offering | Attractiveness vs. Associations 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT
22 YOUR STUDENTS Which of the following attributes do you associate with each institution? Please select as many as applicable. Which of these attributes are most important to you? (Max. 3) University/College Culture & Student Life | Attractiveness vs. Associations 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT
23 YOUR STUDENTS Which of the following attributes do you associate with each institution? Please select as many as applicable. Which of these attributes are most important to you? (Max. 3) Employability & Advancement Opportunities | Attractiveness vs. Associations 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT
24 Aalto University | Internal Identity vs. External Image 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT 1. Highly-ranked within its field 2. Prestige 3. Innovative UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE REPUTATION & IMAGE 1. Prestige 2. Internationally acclaimed 3. Highly-ranked within its field UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE REPUTATION & IMAGE 1. Attractive/exciting programs and fields of study 2. Challenging curriculum 3. Study abroad program EDUCATIONAL OFFERING 1. Attractive/exciting programs and fields of study 2. Quality and variety of courses 3. Challenging curriculum EDUCATIONAL OFFERING 1. Secure campus environment 2. Social and recreational activities 3. Heritage and tradition UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE CULTURE & STUDENT LIFE 1. International student body 2. Creative and dynamic atmosphere 3. Attractive geographic location UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE CULTURE & STUDENT LIFE 1. Good reference for future career and/or education 2. Target school for employers in my field 3. High employment among graduates EMPLOYABILITY & ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES 1. Good reference for future career and/or education 2. Launching pad for international career 3. Strong ties with industry EMPLOYABILITY & ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES INTERNAL IDENTITY EXTERNAL IMAGE Aallon tekniikan korkeakoulut koetaan sisäisesti innovatiiviksi, kansainvälisiksi ja erinomaiseksi aluksi uralle ja työantajien kohdekouluksi. Ulkoa Aallon korkeakoulut koetaan kansainvälisesti arvostetuiksi, jossa on hyvät siteet yrityksiin ja työnantajiin ja dynaaminen ilmapiiri.
25 Top of mind associations with Aalto University 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT School of Chemical Technology School of Science School of Engineering School of Electrical Engineering
26 What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of your preferred educational institution?These are answers written in by students Spelling mistakes might occur. Attracted students are respondents who answered that if they were to begin their studies again, they would choose your university. Top of mind associations with Aalto University 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT ATTRACTED STUDENTS
27 Which of these career services have you used at your educational institution? Please select as many as applicable. Which of these are most important to you? Please select a maximum of three alternatives. Evaluation of career services offered by Aalto University 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT
28 How would you rate the career services offered at your educational institution? Rating of career services Aalto tekniikan alan korkeakoulut is the average score for all universities 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT 6,6 6,4 PoorExcellent Aalto University All universities Aalto-yliopisto, kauppakorkeakoulu 7,7
30 Which educational institution do you attend? Educational institutions (1/1) 2014 | Finland | Students | Engineering/Natural Sciences/IT
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