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Distance Education in North America Entering the Mainstream.

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1 Distance Education in North America Entering the Mainstream

2 How the Web is Changing Distance Education Increasing Access to Specialized Programs Increasing Institutional Diversity Multiple Points of Institutional Innovation New Institutional Community Offering a New Pedagogy Creating New Institutional Models Mainstreaming Distance Education

3 Beyond Access: Transformation 1892 -- Industrial Revolution as Driver 2006 -- Information Revolution as Driver

4 A Comparison 1892 Industrial Revolution Information Highway: RFD Immigration Urbanization Industrial and Agricultural Mass Education New Institutions Land Grant Colleges Normal Schools 2006 Information Revolution Information Highway: WWW Globalization Networked Society Professional Education Communities of Interest New Institutions Virtual Networks For-Profit Companies

5 Growth in Online Education 18.2% annual growth in enrollments in 2004-05. Number of online enrollment increased from 1.98 million in 2003 to 2.35 million in 2004. The online enrollment growth rate is more than ten times that projected by the National Center for Education Statistics for the general postsecondary student population. Growing by Degrees, Sloan Consortium, 2006

6 Evidence of Mainstreaming 65% of schools offering graduate F-2-F courses also offer graduate courses online. 63% of schools offering undergraduate F-2-F courses also offer undergraduate courses online. 44% of schools offering F-2-F Master’s degree programs also offer Master’s programs online. 43% of schools offering F-2-F Business degree programs also offer online Business programs. Growing by Degrees, Sloan Consortium, 2006

7 Evidence of Mainstreaming 65% of i institutions mainly use core faculty to teach their online courses compared to 62% that report they are using primarily core faculty to teach their face-to-face courses. 74% of public colleges report that their online courses are taught by core faculty, as opposed to only 61% for their face-to-face courses. Growing by Degrees, Sloan Consortium, 2006

8 Evidence of Mainstreaming Institutions that identify online education as a critical long-term strategy grew from 49% in 2003 to 56% in 2005. Largest increases are in Associate Degree institutions; 72% now see online part of their long-term strategy, up from 58% in 2003. The smallest institutions--private nonprofit institutions and baccalaureate colleges-- remain the least likely to see online education is part of their long-term strategy. Growing by Degrees, Sloan Consortium, 2006

9 Emerging Social and Institutional Benefits Access The Ability to Aggregate Learning Communities Specialized Degree Programs Equity in Multi-Campus Systems Curricular Integrity Multi-Campus and Distance Education Programs High-Enrolling On-campus Programs New Pedagogy for the Information Society

10 The New Pedagogy Focus on Inquiry and Problem Solving Resource-Focused Rather than Content Focused Collaborative Develops Skills Needed for Information Society Work

11 Online Learning for Workforce Education Workforce Development a Critical Social Issue Shift from Industrial to Information Society Demographic Changes 80% of new jobs require a degree Innovation--problem recognition, problem solving--a key to competitiveness

12 Trends in Online Learning for Workforce Development General Emphasis on Adult, Part-Time Learners Growing Financial Aid Support for Adult Learners Building the Workforce Pipeline Virtual Schools Dual Enrollment Teacher Education

13 Some General Trends to Watch Blended Degree Programs Hybrid Courses Inter-Institutional Collaborations Great Plains Idea Worldwide Universities Network Cross-Sector Alliances

14 Thank You! Gary E. Miller Associate Vice President for Outreach The Pennsylvania State University

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