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 Reading, analyzing, understanding poetry  Poetry terms  Poets past and present  Writing poetry – theme based, style based, free form.

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2  Reading, analyzing, understanding poetry  Poetry terms  Poets past and present  Writing poetry – theme based, style based, free form

3  What is poetry?  How to read a poem  Who writes the poems – past and present  Talking about poems  Analyzing poems  Writing poems

4  Music as poetry  Sound devices and poetry  Greeting card poetry  Webquests  Library activities  Group Work  Poetry Contests – Arts Fest, web publication, student publication

5  Writing Utensil  Little if any homework – Look for grading policy first week  Class portfolio – We will keep a collection of poetry in the classroom. Students will choose best poems from each marking period as benchmark collection. Students will bring home portfolio at conclusion of class.

6  Poetry in Six Dimensions  Gonna Make me a Rainbow

7  Must use agenda to go anywhere  Bring writing utensil daily  Must have internet policy signed to participate in internet activities  Progress Book will be updated on a weekly basis  Students should stay on task  No gum  Respect the classroom  Must be on time for class  Make up missed work promptly

8  You may borrow a writing utensil from the filing cabinet. Please return. Once it is empty it won’t be refilled.  Feel free to sharpen pencil or throw things away but choose appropriate time. Don’t walk in front of anyone who is talking.  Sign out to use restroom.

9  Many students work published in school literary magazine  Can join literary magazine staff Mixed Media School Literary Magazine

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