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Presentation on theme: "MyFloridaMarketPlace"— Presentation transcript:

1 MyFloridaMarketPlace
Florida Department of Management Services MyFloridaMarketPlace Information Session

2 Agenda Agenda Introduction Overview of MyFloridaMarketPlace
General Information Self Reporting Vendor Registration Overview of Tools Next Steps More detailed discussion Invoicing eQuote (Informal Bidding) Sourcing (Formal Bidding) Registration on Ariba Open Discussion – Questions and Answers Registration Assistance Katie: -Welcome everybody and thank you for taking the time to come learn more about the new Statewide E-Procurement initiative. On the agenda today is to give you: An overview of Florida purchasing and how things are done currently And then overview of e-procurement in general and then talk specifically about how Florida plans to use it 2. we will talk about the benefits that it provides to our vendors We will demonstrate a new tool called eQuote which will be used to conduct requests for quotes and then we will talk about what the next steps are in this process, specifically vendor registration and then some specifics for term contract vendors HOW MANY OF YOU ARE TERM CONTRACT vendors? We’ll address what is different for you. and then finally, we want to provide you with the opportunity to ask questions about the service. Our previous sessions have lasted approximately 1 ½ hours, so we hope to be able to wrap up the program by 10:30, and leave the remaining ½ hour for one-on-one questions.

3 What is MyFloridaMarketPlace?
MyFloridaMarketPlace is an eProcurement (electronic procurement) system MyFloridaMarketPlace covers the full life cycle of purchasing (from requisition to payment) MyFloridaMarketPlace connects buyers and vendors through the electronic exchange of catalogs, quotes, bids, purchase orders, invoices, etc. MyFloridaMarketPlace includes all purchases made with the State of Florida MyFloridaMarketPlace includes a variety of tools for bids, quoting and invoicing Katie: Many companies and public sector institutions have begun implementing e-procurement as a way to significantly streamline their purchasing processes. Reference points on slide You can mention the following examples to support the savings and benefits of e-procurement. Data from Ariba Buyers that demonstrate cost and time savings: Processing Costs Reduced - 25% to 80%, Processing Quality Improved - 30% to 60%, Processing Time Decreased - 30% to 60%, On-line eQuotes save a minimum of 10% over traditional means of issuing quotes Florida saw a great opportunity to realize similar savings by streamlining its business processes through an E-Procurement System. Receive Order Source Request Pay Approval

4 What is included in MyFloridaMarketPlace?
Initial Users - Pilots Eligible Users - Other State Agency MyFloridaMarketPlace Users State Term Contract Vendors Minority Businesses Initial Users - Exec Agencies Eligible Users – Univ, City, County General Public Agency/ Dept. Contract Vendors Small Businesses Buyers Vendors                                                                                                                                                  Buyer Tools Vendor Tools Vendor search State term contract items Requisitions/Purchase orders Online workflow approvals Informal solicitation (quotes < $25,000) Sealed bids (ITN, ITB, RFx > $25,000, auctions, reverse auctions) Receipt of Goods P-Card Contract development and administration Reports MarketPlace Self registration notification of formal and informal solicitations Online quoting on informal solicitations (< $25,000) Online submission of sealed bids (> $25,000) Electronic purchase order receipt Electronic submission of invoices Catalog creation and updates for State term contracts “I want to buy” “I want to sell” Business Support and Operations Buyer Help Desk Vendor Help Desk Strategic Sourcing Procurement Assistance Catalog Enablement Training and Education

5 Who are the Buyers? Who are the Buyers? Initial Users - Pilot Agencies
Department of Transportation Department of Management Services State Technology Office Initial Users – Executive Branch Agencies Department of Children & Families Department of Health Department of Corrections Department of Juvenile Justice Department of Environmental Protection Department of Revenue Department of Lottery Agency for Health Care Administration Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles Department of Elder Affairs Department of Education Department of Citrus Department of Law Enforcement Department of Military Affairs Department of Business & Professional Reg. Agency for Workforce Innovation Department of Community Affairs Executive Office of the Governor Department of Veteran’s Affairs Department of State Other Eligible Users Other State Agencies Educational Institutions Other Governments (City, County, etc.) Legislature Judicial

6 What do vendors say about eProcurement?
Here are a few quotes about eProcurement benefits realized by eProcurement vendors participating in other electronic markets “We see significant benefits in being early adopters of eBusiness and believe it will give us a competitive advantage. We believe the greatest benefit comes from complete integration of orders into our back office system thereby reducing manual intervention.” Alan Powell, Arco “We have achieved a 20% savings on our order management costs.” French Thornton Supplier Survey, Jan 21, 2002 “We started off with manual order entry, but we now conduct 80% of our business electronically. We’re not only reaping impressive time and cost-savings benefits, but also improving our customer relations.” Nick Hermann, CIO at Organic Farm Foods “We are in a low margin field and don’t want to increase headcount. We see automation as a way of growing without the heads.” Quotes from other vendors sessions?

7 Why MyFloridaMarketPlace?
MyFloridaMarketPlace will help to streamline the processes for doing business with the State. What’s Different? Electronic purchase orders One face to the state Electronic quotes Vendor registration Ability for vendors to maintain company information online What’s the Same? Your relationship with agencies Use of contracts Subject to State purchasing rules Katie: Many companies and public sector institutions have begun implementing e-procurement as a way to significantly streamline their purchasing processes. Reference points on slide You can mention the following examples to support the savings and benefits of e-procurement. Data from Ariba Buyers that demonstrate cost and time savings: Processing Costs Reduced - 25% to 80%, Processing Quality Improved - 30% to 60%, Processing Time Decreased - 30% to 60%, On-line eQuotes save a minimum of 10% over traditional means of issuing quotes Florida saw a great opportunity to realize similar savings by streamlining its business processes through an E-Procurement System.

8 Vendor Benefits Vendor Benefits
Moving to advanced business technology benefits all vendors. The MyFloridaMarketPlace system provides: Opportunity to generate additional business and increase sales Potential for selling a broader range of goods and services through increased visibility of products and/or services (vendor searches, catalog searches) Potential for finding additional customers through increased visibility across agencies (access to additional state agencies and local FL governments) Opportunity to streamline operations and decrease operating expenses Potential for increased order accuracy and order processing speed through receipt of electronic purchase orders Potential for decreased labor costs per order through use of electronic invoicing Potential for decreased shipping and handling costs that result from shipping wrong goods or wrong quantity of goods due to order errors Opportunity to shorten order-to-cash cycle and improve cash flow Potential to shorten invoice processing time through vendor automation of invoicing and State automation of matching Potential to shorten the payment approval process through electronic approvals

9 Vendor Benefits Vendor Benefits Access to Untapped Buyers
All vendors, including MBE(Minority Business Enterprise) and CMBE(Certified Minority Business Enterprise) vendors, should receive benefits from using advanced business technology. Access to Untapped Buyers State of the Art Tools Available Customer Support Enhanced Economic Development Opportunities for Small Business Reduced Administrative Burdens and Manual Processes Saying to yourself – See the process now – looks simple – why should I want to use this system Three key reasons why you, as a business person, will want to use the system: 1. Simplicity – step by step guide and assistance – point and click functionality Access – this tool will open new doors to buyers you aren’t reaching now – Market places Efficiency – reduces paper work, cuts time – shortens the cycle between PO and payment Single point of registration – Vendors register once and information is then available to all State buyers using the system. The system uses state of the art tools (electronic quoting) to provide a consistent and more efficient way of doing business with the State. MyFloridaMarketPlace enhances economic development opportunities for small business by leveling the playing field and increasing access to participating buyers Using MyFloridaMarketPlace reduces administrative burdens and manual processes– purchase orders can be “flipped” to become invoices without manual intervention Service and support is available through online training, communications, a vendor help desk and contract specialists for State Term Contract Vendors

10 Is there a fee? No cost to register for MyFloridaMarketPlace
There is a 1% fee on all State purchases. This creates the opportunity for your business to: Gain access to new markets Have state of the art procurement tools Vendors must be registered in MyFloridaMarketPlace in order to respond to solicitations or enter into new agreements These guidelines are established as part of rule language that helps to clarify Florida Statute 287-  a link to this rule language will be included in the "I Accept Language" The fee is not new. The state currently uses fees with State Term Contracts, SNAPS agreements.

11 How the fee will be collected Self Reporting
How will the Fee be collected? How the fee will be collected Self Reporting Self Reporting is keeping track of the invoices you send to the state and then monthly, sending a check to the state for 1% of the total. Currently, State Term Contract vendors self report fees from their State Term Contract Self reporting will be done on a monthly basis beginning July 1 Forms and instructions for completing the self-reporting process are available on-line on the MyFloridaMarketPlace website We will be moving to a Billing and Collection method for all business conducted through the MyFloridaMarketPlace system and eventually to an automatic deduction method with the implementation of a new accounting system.

12 To find this form: Go to Click on MyFloridaMarketPlace under Hot Topics Under Vendor section go to Transaction Fee Reporting Download the form

13 Myths and Misperceptions about eProcurement
Perception/Concern Approach to Resolve Concern “My business is not technologically advanced, so I can’t participate in eProcurement” Help Desk to assist vendors in using new technology Basic internet connectivity needed “I need to purchase a computer to do business with the State” Other options available to access equipment (Public Library, Small Business Development Centers, One Stop Center, etc.) “The 1% fee is unfair to small businesses” No registration fee, only pay if they get orders from the State Flat rate applied to all equally “I’ve heard that the registration process is too complicated” Registration screens walk the vendor through step by step processes Help Desk Assistance is available “I will have limited contact with Purchasing Agents” Current contacts not eliminated MyFloridaMarketPlace is streamlining the manual processes associated with Procurement Myths and misconceptions about MBEs and eProcurement Talk about each one

14 Vendor Registration Vendor Registration Vendor Registration Katie

15 Vendor Registration Vendor Registration Registration – What You Need
Company name Tax ID type and number – Social Security Number (SSN) or Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) Tax filing information – Including the business name on your 1099 tax form (where applicable) Location information: A business name for each company location (if different from the company name) A complete address for each location (including details for sending purchase orders, payments, and bills to each location A contact person for each of your locations Commodity codes that describe the services your company provides Your CMBE (Certified Minority Business Enterprises) information State-issued sequence number and PIN—available from DMS by faxing a request on company letterhead to


17 Vendor Registration Vendor Registration

18 Vendor Registration Vendor Registration

19 Vendor Registration Vendor Registration

20 Vendor Registration Vendor Registration

21 Vendor Registration

22 Vendor Registration Vendor Registration

23 Vendor Registration Vendor Registration

24 MyFloridaMarketPlace Tools
Invoicing: Enables vendors to receive electronic purchase orders from State Agencies using MyFloridaMarketPlace Enables vendors to “flip” a purchase order into an invoice Requires registration on Ariba eQuote: For contracts under $25K. Enables vendors to receive and respond to State Agencies’ informal bids. Sourcing (Solicitations): For contracts over $25K. Enables vendors to receive and respond to State Agencies’ formal bids

25 Invoicing (The PO flip)

26 Invoicing Invoicing Purchase Order Flip - Vendor can select purchase order upon receipt and use the line items from the purchase order to create an invoice and submit electronically Supports electronic invoice reconciliation within Ariba Buyer (purchase order, receipt, and invoice are needed for payment process) Required for State Term Contract vendors Internet connectivity required

27 eQuote (Informal Bidding)

28 eQuote eQuote Used for requests for informal quotes
Replaces more manual quoting processes (phone, fax, paper catalogs) Vendors are invited to respond by buyers By Name By Commodity Responses (quotes) are submitted electronically Optional for all vendors Internet connectivity required Katie

29 (Formal Solicitations)
Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing (Formal Solicitations) Attachment Limit - ? What can be sent online

30 Sourcing Sourcing The process by which the buyer decides who to buy from, at what price, in what quantities, and under which terms Used for formal bids only. Formal Bids are over $25,000 Supports several types of “RFX’s” - RFI (request for information), RFQ (request for quote), and RFP (request for proposal) Internet connectivity required Sourcing is the process by which a buyer decides who to buy goods and services from. This process includes deciding on acceptable prices, quantities, and terms, and is used for purchases greater than $25K. The State of Florida has adopted “Ariba Enterprise Sourcing 4.0” to electronically source its goods and services. Sourcing 4.0 supports several sourcing activities including RFIs, RFQs and RFPs. Use of the system is free. However, to access the system, a username and password is required. All users are granted a user name and password at the time of registration. To use Sourcing 4.0, the minimum system requirements are Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator 6.0 or higher and JavaScript enabled. To enable JavaScript go to your web browser. In Netscape, choose Edit > Preferences, select Advanced, and make sure you’ve checked Enable JavaScript for Navigator. In Internet Explorer, choose Tools > Internet Options, the Advanced tab, and under the heading Java, make sure you’ve checked Use Java.

31 For More Information For More Information
Learn more about MyFloridaMarketPlace at , look under ‘Hot Topics’ and click on the MyFloridaMarketPlace/ePro link Download Training Materials (coming soon) specific questions to: 866-FLA-EPRO Make sure we are not in your SPAM filter. Please put an exception in your filters for Katie

32 Upcoming Participation Opportunities
Upcoming Vendor Participation Opportunities Vendor Forums (Term Contract) February 2003 – ongoing Vendor Information Sessions April 2003 – ongoing Vendor Registration March 2003 – ongoing Online Training Summer 2003 Next step and how you can be involved Other ways – work with the Board and OSD to stay current We’ll be working with them through the rest of development and then through operations Sending out newsletters and information, web-site will be available, marketing effort will be underway soon.

33 Invoicing Invoicing

34 Invoicing Invoicing Purchase Order Flip - Vendor can select purchase order upon receipt and use the line items from the purchase order to create an invoice and submit electronically Supports electronic invoice reconciliation within Ariba Buyer (purchase order, receipt, and invoice are needed for payment process) Required for State Term Contract vendors

35 Invoicing Invoicing Login to Ariba Network
Login - Enter your username and password Katie

36 Invoicing Invoicing Go to Inbox
Review – Review important information to all vendors. Inbox – Click on the Inbox link to review new messages Katie

37 Invoicing Invoicing Review Purchase Orders
Review – Look at the orders you have sent MyFloridaMarketPlace buyers Inbox – Select an Order you would like the invoice for by clicking on the Order # Katie

38 Invoicing Invoicing Review Order Detail
Review – Confirm information on the PO is correct. Generate Invoice – Click the Generate Invoice link to turn this PO into an Invoice Katie

39 Invoicing Invoicing Pick Invoice Type
Select – Click the Standard Invoice Link Katie

40 Invoicing Invoicing Katie

41 Invoicing

42 Invoicing

43 Invoicing

44 eQuote eQuote

45 eQuote eQuote Used for requests for informal quotes
Replaces more manual quoting processes (phone, fax, paper catalogs) Vendors are invited to respond by buyers By Name By Commodity Responses (quotes) are submitted electronically Optional for all vendors Katie

46 Enter your secure username and password
eQuote eQuote Login Enter your secure username and password

47 eQuote eQuote “My Inbox”
Accepted “My Inbox” By clicking on the underlined title, you can easily check your eQuotes in “My Inbox” to see detailed quote information.

48 eQuote eQuote Responding to eQuotes
The “Create eQuote Response” page allows you to start creating your response to the buyer. Here you list your response information such as your quoted price, offer expiration date, shipping method, etc.

49 eQuote eQuote Responding to eQuotes
Page 23 Responding to eQuotes The “Create eQuote Response” page allows you to click on tabs, where you can either discard your quotation changes, decline the quotation, save the quotation or continue with creating and submitting your quote.

50 North South & East West Supply Company
eQuote eQuote Responding to eQuotes The “Review and Submit” page provides you an overview of the eQuote information you will submit. North South & East West Supply Company

51 eQuote eQuote Responding to eQuotes
Use the “Edit” tab to make any final changes. Once you are ready to submit your eQuote, click the “Respond” button.

52 Sourcing Sourcing Katie

53 Sourcing Sourcing The process by which the buyer decides who to buy from, at what price, in what quantities, and under which terms A formal bid response tool for vendors Used for formal bids only. Formal Bids are over $25,000 Supports several types of “RFX’s” - RFI (request for information), RFQ (request for quote), and RFP (request for proposal)

54 Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Process PREVIEW BIDDING SELECTION/ AWARD

55 Sourcing Sourcing Preview Bidding Selection/ Award
Accessing the System An notification will be sent, notifying you that a bid has been placed. There will be a link that will direct you to the Sourcing tool.

56 Sourcing Sourcing Preview Bidding Selection/ Award
Provides any rules imposed by the buyer Lists each line item available for bidding Provides background info on the RFX Reviewing Bid Information Verify that you meet the requirements using “RFX Info” and “Rules” tabs Determine which items you want to bid on Determine how you will respond to any questions or terms posed

57 Sourcing Sourcing Placing Bids - 2 Options Direct Method (Online Form)
Preview Bidding Placing Bids - 2 Options Direct Method (Online Form) OR Excel Method (Excel Spreadsheet) Selection/ Award

58 Sourcing Sourcing Preview Bidding Selection/ Award
*Some fields may vary based on agency requirements Direct Method *Enter RFX Info - Enter your responses to the questions presented (e.g. term of sales, shipping method, etc.)

59 Sourcing Sourcing Preview Bidding Selection/ Award Direct Method
Enter Values – For each line item, enter your pricing and quantity (if required)

60 Sourcing Sourcing Direct Method
Review Summary – Review information entered for accuracy. Make any desired changes, and click “Submit” when finish. Preview Bidding Selection/ Award

61 Sourcing Sourcing Excel Method Helpful for large or complex bids
Preview Bidding Excel Method Helpful for large or complex bids Achieves the same end-result as the Direct Method Selection/ Award

62 Click to Open RFX in Excel
Sourcing Sourcing Excel Method Click the “Open RFX in Excel” button Excel Spreadsheet opens Preview Bidding Selection/ Award Click to Open RFX in Excel

63 Sourcing Sourcing Excel Method
Review Instructions – Review instructions provided on Cover Sheet Preview Bidding Selection/ Award

64 Sourcing Sourcing Excel Method Preview
Enter your bid or response information – Enter information in the highlighted cell(s) Preview Bidding Selection/ Award Enter Response Here

65 Sourcing Sourcing Excel Method
Save File – In the Excel window, select “File” then “Save As” Import Response – Click “Import Response” button Preview Bidding Selection/ Award If you are not at a bidding process page, start bidding process by clicking either: “Prepare Bid” “Prepare Response” “Revise Bid” “Revise Response” Click to Import Response

66 Sourcing Sourcing Excel Method
Import Response (continued) – a) Click “Browse” button to select file name; b) Click “Load Response” button to download file; c) Click “Next” button to proceed Preview Bidding Selection/ Award “Browse” Button “Load Response” Button

67 Sourcing Sourcing Excel Method Preview
Review Status Messages – Fix any warnings or errors that appear Submit or Save Bid – Click “Submit” button to transmit bid immediately or click “Save” button to save bid for later submission Preview Bidding Click “Submit” or “Save” button Selection/ Award

68 Sourcing Sourcing Preview Either Method - Points to Remember
Reviewing your bid – Click the “My Bids” tab. Click the bid id number to see details of the bid. Revising your bid – Click the “Revise Bid” button. Ensure that sufficient time is available to revise the bid. Bid Clock – Time remaining until bidding closes is displayed prominently on the top of the main RFX page Bidding Selection/ Award

69 Sourcing Sourcing Preview When the bidding event reaches closing time, or when the inactivity period is met, the RFX moves to “Pending Selection” status Buyer reviews the bids and makes awards to one or more vendors When awards have been decided for all items, the RFX moves from the “Pending Selection” status to “Closed” status Winning vendors are notified via Bidding Selection/ Award

70 Registering on the Ariba Network
Registering for Ariba Registering on the Ariba Network

71 Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration Ariba
Web-based marketplace offering vendors access to high-volume buyers Ariba enables vendors to: Receive purchase orders on-line and view them in your on-line “inbox” Electronically track the status of purchase orders Generate electronic invoices via the “P.O. Flip” Register on-line Configure their account Registration on Ariba is REQUIRED to “flip” a P.O. into an Invoice

72 Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration
Registering for Ariba is a 3 step process Basic Registration Need a D-U-N-S number Configuration Log in and set up how you want to receive Orders Become a Trading Partner MyFloridaMarketPlace will scan for those that have Registered for MyFloridaMarketPlace and Ariba and will make you a trading partner.

73 Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration
Ariba Supplier Network (ASN) – Basic Registration Requirements for Basic Registration: User Name and Password (You Create) Basic company information D-U-N-S Number (Data Universal Numbering System) Nine digit number issued by Dun & Bradstreet. Used by many state and local governments for tracking purposes Requesting a D-U-N-S Number is free Call and let them know you are doing business with the state of Florida

74 Go to and click on the “Register” link
Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration Go to and click on the “Register” link Register for Ariba at

75 Step 1: Basic Registration
Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration Step 1: Basic Registration

76 Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration

77 Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration

78 Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration

79 Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration

80 Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration

81 Registering for Ariba

82 Registering for Ariba

83 Registering for Ariba

84 Registering for Ariba

85 Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration To configure your account:
Log into Ariba with you username and password Click the Configuration link Step 2: Configuration

86 Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration

87 Select your Ordering Method
Ariba Registration Registering for Ariba Select your Ordering Method cXML Fax EDI 850 EDIFact Online Inbox Then click the OK button

88 Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration
Select your Ordering Method when there are attachments: cXML Online Inbox Click the OK button

89 Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration
Decide if you will accept change orders Select your Ordering Method for Change/Cancel Orders Click the OK button

90 Registering for Ariba Ariba Registration
Decide if you will accept Non-Catalog Orders Click the OK button

91 Become a State of Florida Trading Partner
Ariba Registration Registering for Ariba Become a State of Florida Trading Partner Step 3: Trading Partner 1) Call the Vendor Help Desk 1-866-FLA-ePro 2) Tell them that you would like to be a Trading Partner with the State of Florida - They will create the relationship in Ariba Admin - They will add your Ariba number to your registration so that your orders will now be routed through the Ariba Network

92 Registering on the Vendor Bid System
Registering for VBS Registering on the Vendor Bid System

93 Registering for VBS Registering In VBS Vendor Bid System (VBS)
State system that notifies vendors about formal bids via (bids over $25,000). Must register to receive notifications. Registration is free. Registration requires a Vendor Identification Number and Sequence Number. Your Vendor Identification Number is your Federal Tax ID Number or Social Security Number. Your sequence number is assigned to you.

94 Log onto and click the “Business” link
Registering for VBS Registering In VBS Log onto and click the “Business” link

95 Registering for VBS Registering In VBS
Doing Business With The State Next, click the “Doing Business With The State” Link

96 Registering for VBS Registering In VBS
Vendor Bid System (VBS) Under “Everything for Vendors and Customers select “Vendor Bid System (VBS)”

97 Electronic Notification
Registering for VBS Registering In VBS Register to receive notifications by clicking the “Electronic Notification” link. Electronic Notification

98 Registering for VBS Registering In VBS
View Vendor Notification Under “Add Notification”, Select “F” or “S” and enter both your Vendor Identification Number and Sequence Number. Add Notification

99 Registering for VBS Registering In VBS
View Vendor Notification Search for vendor to add If you do not know your Vendor Identification Number and Sequence Number, click the “Search for vendor to add” link.

100 Registering for VBS Registering In VBS
Enter your company’s name and applicable state, then click the “Execute Search” button

101 Registering for VBS Registering In VBS
After entering the search criteria and clicking the “Execute Search” button, the Vendor Identification Number and Sequence Number are provided Smith and Sons Tallahassee 123 Main Street 101

102 Registering for VBS Registering In VBS
After obtaining the Vendor Identification Number and Sequence Number, return to the main VBS screen. Under “Add Notification”, enter these numbers and click the “Use This Vendor” button Add Notification After obtaining the Vendor Identification Number and Sequence Number, return to the main VBS screen. Under “Add Notification”, enter these numbers and click the “Use This Vendor” button. (1) 101 (2)

103 Registering for VBS Registering In VBS
101 Smith and Sons To complete the process, enter your . . . Name Phone Number Address Click the “Save Vendor Info” button 123 Main Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 To complete the VBS registration process, enter your Name Phone Number Address Then click the “Save Vendor Info” button.

104 Registering for VBS Registering In VBS
If you have completed everything correctly, you will receive the following message If you have completed everything correctly, you will receive the following message.

105 Summary Summary Register for MyFloridaMarketPlace
URL: Includes eQuote and Sourcing(Formal Solicitations) registration Register for Ariba (optional for Non-STC vendors) URL: Includes Invoicing registration Register for the Vendor Bid System (optional for all vendors) Includes notification of Formal Bids for agencies not using MFMP

106 Please write questions on the back of your evaluation sheet
Questions and Answers Questions and Answers Please write questions on the back of your evaluation sheet

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