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ACEweb INI Settings An ACEware Presentation. On the agenda today… Where do you find the INI Settings? INI Settings by Category But there is no INI setting!

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Presentation on theme: "ACEweb INI Settings An ACEware Presentation. On the agenda today… Where do you find the INI Settings? INI Settings by Category But there is no INI setting!"— Presentation transcript:

1 ACEweb INI Settings An ACEware Presentation

2 On the agenda today… Where do you find the INI Settings? INI Settings by Category But there is no INI setting! Questions?

3 Where do you find the INI settings? Access INI Editor from the ACEweb Administration page (where yourdomain is your web domain). yourdomain/wconnect/admin/awadmin.asp Note: this page may have been secured by your IT staff. If it is, when you try to open the ACEweb Administration page, you must first enter the network account with rights to view the page. (this network account is set up by your own IT staff, not your ACEware technician)

4 Where do you find the INI settings? When the ACEweb Administration page opens, click the Edit ACEWEB.INI Settings link:

5 Where do you find the INI settings? You must now log in using your Student Manager account: ACEweb level 2 is required to view INI Settings. ACEweb level 4 is required to edit INI Settings. Access levels are set on your Student Manager User record, from the Tools > Password Maintenance screen.

6 Viewing/Editing INI Settings After you log in, the ACEweb INI Entries page opens. You will see a list of all INI setting and their current values. Click the appropriate INI Key link to edit that INI setting.

7 Viewing/Editing INI Settings Edit the setting Click to save change

8 Viewing/Editing INI Settings You are returned to the ACEweb INI Entries page.

9 Viewing/Editing INI Settings Customers Running Multiple COM Servers: you will see an additional link at the top of the ACEweb.ini Entries page called Reload COM Servers. If you see the link, you must reload the COM servers after making any changes to populate the change across all your COM servers. Note: reloading the COM servers may also require the password for a specific network account.

10 System settings

11 Connecting ACEwebURLACEwebURL - Base address for ACEweb, pointing to the wconnect folder, where the wc.dll resides. DataPathDataPath - Location of Student Manager data files. HTMLPagePathHTMLPagePath - Path to ACEweb templates on the server. MailServerMailServer - Name of SMTP Mail server. ArchivePathArchivePath - Location of Student Manager Archive data files (if any). WebRegURLWebRegURL - URL of the ACEweb starting page. WebRegHomeWebRegHome - Display name of the ACEweb starting page

12 Organization Information OrgNameOrgName - Organization name to be displayed in web page messages and emails. HelpEmailHelpEmail - Email address of staff member the user can contact for further information, or when needing help. HelpPhoneHelpPhone - Phone number of staff member the user can contact for further information, or when needing help. HelpPersonHelpPerson - Name associated with the Help Email and Help Phone. OrgHoursOrgHours - Hours of operation displayed on the Contact Us web page.

13 Email AdminSendErrorEmailAdminSendErrorEmail - Determines if email notifications are sent when there is an ACEweb error. AdminEmailAdminEmail - Email address of person to receive error messages. NotifyOfficeNotifyOffice - Determines whether a staff member is sent notifications of user action, e.g. new user notices, registration confirmations, catalog/information requests, etc. OfficeEmailOfficeEmail - Email address of person(s) to receive notifications. SenderEmailSenderEmail - Return email address used for emails sent by ACEweb. SenderNameSenderName - Sender name used in return email address of emails sent by ACEweb.

14 Course settings

15 Course Settings AllowWaitListAllowWaitList - Activates the waiting list option for all courses. CloseCountdownCloseCountdown - Maximum value for which the exact number of openings will be displayed on the Course Status page. CourseOrderCourseOrder - Order in which courses are sorted in course listings. FullMsgFullMsg - Message to identify closed courses in the course listings. ScheduleFieldsScheduleFields – Determines fields/headers will be shown when regularly scheduled courses are listed in the course listing displays. AsyncFieldsAsyncFields - Determines fields/headers shown in the course listing table for online/membership/donation type courses.

16 Course Settings OnlineTitleOnlineTitle - Title showing above course listing table for online/ membership/donation type courses. ShowInstructorShowInstructor - Determines if link to instructor information is displayed. InstructorFieldsInstructorFields - Determines fields and column headings for the table shown on the Instructor information page. ShowLocationShowLocation – Determines if link to location information is displayed. CheckAltFeesCheckAltFees - Determines whether the Fee Breakdown link is displayed on the Course Status page. VerboseFullMsgVerboseFullMsg – Course Closed Message on Course Status. WorkshopFieldsWorkshopFields - Determines fields/headers shown on Workshop Listing page.

17 Personal Data settings

18 Personal Data Settings IDPrefixIDPrefix - Prefix for computer generated Student Manager ID numbers. UserIDSourceUserIDSource - Determines logon credentials. MultiEmailResponseMultiEmailResponse – For customers using ID as logon credential. Used when users request their ID. If the email address entered is associated with more than one name record, the system will respond with the entered message instead of sending out the multiple IDs. PubPasswordPubPassword - Temporary password users enter first time they log into ACEweb account (only used for Names already in Student Manager). IntCodeColsIntCodeCols - Specifies number of columns in the Interest Codes table on the Personal Data Page. RequiredFieldsRequiredFields – Determines required fields on the Personal Data page.

19 Enrollment Card

20 Enrollment Card Settings ECDCECDC - determines if Supplemental Data Capture page data is included on the Enrollment Card, or on a separate page. WksCodeMatchWksCodeMatch – workshops in the same time slots if the specified number of characters of the codes match this value.

21 Registration settings

22 Registration Settings FailOptionFailOption - Determines how ACEweb handles registrations when the payment fails to validate (e.g. credit card is rejected). PrintRegWarnPrintRegWarn - Determines whether the course’s Registration Warning Message is displayed on the Registration Confirmation page. ProxyRegProxyReg - Enable the Proxy Registration Feature. RegStatusFieldsRegStatusFields - Determines fields and column headings on the Upcoming and Current/Active listings in the Registration History. TranscriptFieldsTranscriptFields - Determines what fields are shown, and what text appears in the column headings, on the Completed Courses listing in the Registration History.

23 Registration Settings RegStatusExcludeRegStatusExclude - Set criteria for excluding courses from the display of Upcoming, Current/Active, and/or Completed courses in the Registration History. RollWorkshopCEUSRollWorkshopCEUS - Determines if Workshop Hours and CEUs will be added to the Registration Hours and CEUs when an individual enrolls in a course with workshops. ShowContactsShowContacts - allows you to send different “Who to contact with questions” names on the email confirmation based on the Course Coordinator.

24 Payment settings

25 Payment Settings BillFirmBillFirm - Determines if Invoices will be directed to the firm specified in the Names Firm field. ChargeMsgChargeMsg – Message on Registration Confirmation page once charge is accepted. DefaultPayTypeDefaultPayType - Used with some custom pay services that don't return the credit card type. InvoiceMsgInvoiceMsg – Messages displayed when selecting the billing option (also depends on the BillFirm setting).

26 Payment Settings PayOptionPayOption - Set the default pay option for users (i.e. Credit Card Only, Invoice Only, User has the option of credit card or invoice). PCCEmailPCCEmail - Specify the recipient to be notified whenever a credit card transaction fails or times out. (generally not used for redirect services) PCCTimeoutPCCTimeout - Number of seconds ACEweb will wait for a response from payment service. VoidPendingPmtsVoidPendingPmts - When using a Payment Redirect service, determines how ACEweb records pending registration/payment records.

27 Instructor settings

28 Instructor Settings OnlyActiveInstructOnlyActiveInstruct - Determines if inactive instructors will be able to access rosters online. HideInstTypesHideInstTypes - Comma delimited list of Instructor types (as set on course Instructor tab) for which information will NOT be displayed. RosterFieldsRosterFields - Determines fields and column headings for instructor's Course Roster.

29 Final Notes Some ACEweb preferences cannot be set in the INI settings. For example, what fields show on the individual course information page are set on the XCourseStatus.htm template. Some INI settings can be overridden by settings on the individual course record. For example, if you set AllowWaitlist to OFF, you can override that on an individual course by checking the Allow Waitlisting on ACEweb box on the course’s ACEweb Info tab. Some ACEweb generated messages are not set in the INI. They must be edited via the Custom Text Options feature, accessed from the ACEweb Administration page. If you don’t find an INI setting that controls the item you want to customize, contact your ACEware technician. They are happy to help you!

30 Questions? 800-925-2493

31 Don’t forget our 2013 conference It’s our 25 th anniversary!

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