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Keith Haring. Who is Keith Haring? Street artist who made work in the 1980s Created artwork with GESTURE FIGURES com/SDs7cUAyn Ok

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Presentation on theme: "Keith Haring. Who is Keith Haring? Street artist who made work in the 1980s Created artwork with GESTURE FIGURES com/SDs7cUAyn Ok"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keith Haring

2 Who is Keith Haring? Street artist who made work in the 1980s Created artwork with GESTURE FIGURES http://viewpure. com/SDs7cUAyn Ok http://viewpure. com/SDs7cUAyn Ok

3 What is GESTURE DRAWING? Drawing the human figure Drawing quickly Study of the human figure


5 ViDeOs! m/9U9TJ866Ox0 m/9U9TJ866Ox0 http://viewpu kG5Ehc

6 Where do you see POSITIVE and NEGATIVE SPACE in this GESTURE artwork?

7 YOUR TURN! 1.Create gesture drawings in your sketchbook 2.Next week you will choose 3 of them to turn into print! 3.You will create 3 prints and at least one must be monochromatic

8 MONOCHROMATIC COLOR A color scheme that uses tints and shades of a single color MONO = One CHROMA = Color

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