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April 17,18, 19 2012. ELA Exam Overview Three day exam- April 17,18,19 for Grades 3-8 Day 1- Reading Day 2- Listening Day 3 –Reading/ Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "April 17,18, 19 2012. ELA Exam Overview Three day exam- April 17,18,19 for Grades 3-8 Day 1- Reading Day 2- Listening Day 3 –Reading/ Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 17,18, 19 2012

2 ELA Exam Overview Three day exam- April 17,18,19 for Grades 3-8 Day 1- Reading Day 2- Listening Day 3 –Reading/ Writing

3 DAY 1 APRIL 17,2012

4 DAY 1- Multiple Choice Questions Students in Grades 3-8 will 7 read passages and select the correct response from 4 multiple choice answers. Tests at every grade level will contain both literary and informational reading passages. Higher–order thinking skills will be required on some of the questions that accompany the reading passages. These skills include: summarizing, analyzing, inferring, interpreting, predicting and evaluating information.

5 Literary and Informational Passages Genres for reading passages may include: Short stories Folktales Poems Reports Plays Letters Interviews How-to-pieces Excerpts from biographies or autobiographies Essays Articles

6 DAY 1 READING GRADES 3-8 GRADE 3 7 passages (literary and informational) 36 multiple choice questions Time = 70 minutes GRADE 4 7 passages (literary and informational) 37 multiple choice questions Time = 70 minutes GRADES 5,6,7,8 7 passages (literary and informational) 39 multiple choice questions Time = 70 minutes

7 DAY 2 APRIL 18,2012

8 DAY 2 LISTENING SELECTIONS GRADES 3-8 GRADES 3-8- Literary listening selection Teacher will read the listening selection twice to the students aloud. Students will not see the questions prior to hearing the listening selection. In Grades 6-8, students may take notes during the first reading. Students will take notes to answer 5 multiple choice questions;3 short response questions and 1 extended response question.

9 DAY 2 LISTENING GRADES 3-8 5 multiple-choice questions 3 short-response listening questions 1 extended response listening question 2 reading passages (literary & informational) 12-15 multiple choice reading questions Time= 60 minutes (excluding reading listening selection aloud)

10 DAY 2 New This Year GRADES 3-8 After the students complete the listening portion they will then read 2 reading passages (literary and informational) and answer multiple choice questions: Grade 3 - 12 multiple-choice reading questions Grade 4 - 15 multiple-choice reading questions Grades 5-8 - 13 multiple-choice reading questions

11 DAY 3 APRIL 19,2012

12 DAY 3 READING/WRITING GRADES 3-8 The reading/writing section of the tests will be composed of four short-response questions and one extended-response question. Students will write from a variety of prompts and for many different audiences. Student responses will be evaluated on how well the writing addresses the task and demonstrates understanding of the passages.

13 DAY 3 READING/WRITING GRADES 3-8 Grade 3 will read 2 passages (literary not paired) Grade 4 will read 2 paired passages & 1 single passage (informational) Grade 5 will read 2 paired passages & 1 single passage (informational and literary) Grade 6 will read 2 paired passages (informational) Grade 7 will read 2 paired passages & 1 single passage (literary) Grade 8 will read 2 paired passages (informational) Grades 3-8 will answer 4 short-response questions and 1 extended response question based on the passages read. Students in Grades 3-5 will have 45 minutes to complete. Students in Grades 6-8 will have 50 minutes to complete.

14 Question Formats The English Language Arts Test will contain questions with a variety of formats, including multiple-choice short-response (2-credit) extended-response (Grade 3, 3-credit; Grades 4–8, 4-credit) graphic organizers In 2012, there will not be any multiple-choice questions testing writing mechanics. For short- and extended-response questions, students will write answers to open-ended questions. The extended responses are scored for writing as well as for reading comprehension.

15 Scoring For 2012, writing mechanics has been added to the rubric for scoring extended responses. Scores for the extended responses are based on evidence of the following qualities in addition to meaning and development: Organization —the extent to which the response exhibits direction, shape, and coherence Language Use- he extent to which the response exhibits clear and effective use of vocabulary and sentence structure. Writing Mechanics- the extent to which the response exhibits correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. Each short-response and extended-response question on the test is scored according to a rubric. Each short response is scored for meaning and development only. Each extended response is scored for organization, language use, and writing mechanics, in addition to meaning and development

16 How is the ELA (DAY 1) different from last year? DAY 1- 2011 DAY 1- 2012 GRADES 3 & 5 6-7 passages (literary and informational) 35 multiple choice questions Time = 60 minutes GRADE 4 7-8 passages (literary and informational) 43 multiple choice questions Time = 70 minutes GRADES 6,7,8 7-8 passages (literary and informational) 41 multiple choice questions Time = 80 minutes GRADE 3 7 passages (literary and informational) 36 multiple choice questions Time = 70 minutes GRADE 4 7 passages (literary and informational) 37 multiple choice questions Time = 70 minutes GRADES 5,6,7,8 7 passages (literary and informational) 39 multiple choice questions Time = 70 minutes

17 How is the ELA (DAY 2) different from last year? DAY 2-2011 DAY 2-2012 5 multiple-choice questions 3-5 multiple-choice (writing mechanics) questions 3 short-response listening questions Time= 30 minutes 5 multiple-choice questions 3 short-response listening questions 1 extended response listening question 2 reading passages (literary & informational) 12-15 multiple choice reading questions Time= 60 minutes

18 How is the ELA (DAY 3) different from last year? DAY 3-2011 DAY3-2012 Grade 3 will read 2 passages (not paired) Grades 4-8 will read 2 paired passages (literary and informational). Grades 3-8 will answer 4 short- response questions and 1 extended response question based on the passages read. Students in Grades 3-8 will have 60 minutes. Grade 3 will read 2 passages (literary not paired) Grade 4 will read 2 paired passages & 1 single passage (informational) Grade 5 will read 2 paired passages & 1 single passage (informational and literary) Grade 6 will read 2 paired passages (informational) Grade 7 will read 2 paired passages & 1 single passage (literary) Grade 8 will read 2 paired passages (informational) Grades 3-8 will answer 4 short-response questions and 1 extended response question based on the passages read. Students in Grades 3-5 will have 45 minutes to complete. Students in Grades 6-8 will have 50 minutes to complete.

19 April 25,26,27 2012

20 Math Exam Overview Three day exam- April 25, 26, 27 for Grades 3-8 Day 1- Multiple-choice questions only. Day 2- Multiple-choice questions only. Day 3 - Short and Extended response questions.

21 DAY 1 APRIL 25,2012

22 Math – DAY 1- Multiple Choice Grade 3- 29 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 4- 31 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 5 - 30 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 6 - 30 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 7 - 31 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 8 - 31 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes

23 DAY 2 APRIL 26,2012

24 Math – DAY 2 -Multiple Choice (Same amount of questions and timing as Day 1) Grade 3- 29 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 4- 31 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 5 - 30 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 6 - 30 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 7 - 31 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 8 - 31 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes

25 DAY 3 APRIL 27,2012

26 Math – DAY 3 -Multiple Choice Grade 3- 4 short response & 3 extended response questions - 50 minutes Grade 4- 5 short response & 4 extended response questions- 60 minutes Grade 5 - 4 short response & 4 extended response questions- 60 minutes Grade 6 - 5 short response & 4 extended response questions- 60 minutes Grade 7 - 5 short response & 4 extended response questions- 60 minutes Grade 8 - 5 short response & 4 extended response questions - 60 minutes

27 How is Math (DAY 1) different from last year? DAY 1-2011 DAY 1-2012 Grade 3- 40 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 4- 45 multiple choice questions- 70 minutes Grade 5 - 41 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 6 - 40 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 7 - 45 multiple choice questions- 70 minutes Grade 8 - 42 multiple choice questions- 65 minutes Grade 3- 29 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 4- 31 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 5 - 30 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 6 - 30 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 7 - 31 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 8 - 31 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes

28 How is Math (DAY 2) different from last year? DAY 2-2011 DAY 2-2012 Math Exam was 2 days last year Last year Day 2, consisted of short response and extended response questions. Additional multiple choice questions are new. Grade 3- 29 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 4- 31 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 5 - 30 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 6 - 30 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 7 - 31 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes Grade 8 - 31 multiple choice questions- 60 minutes

29 How is Math (DAY 3) different from last year? DAY 3-2011 DAY 3-2012 Grade 3 – 4 short responses & 2 extended responses-40 min Grade 4 – 8 short responses & 4 extended responses-70 min Grade 5 – 4 short responses & 4 extended responses-50 min Grade 6 – 6 short responses & 4 extended responses-60 min Grade 7 – 4 short responses & 4 extended responses-55 min Grade 8 – 8 short responses & 4 extended responses-70 min Grade 3- 4 short responses & 3 extended responses- 50 min Grade 4- 5 short responses & 4 extended responses -60 min Grade 5 - 4 short responses & 4 extended responses -60 min Grade 6 - 5 short responses & 4 extended responses- 60 min Grade 7 - 5 short responses & 4 extended responses- 60 min Grade 8 - 5 short responses & 4 extended responses -60 min

30 For Additional Testing Information: New York State Education Department:

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