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TRACK RASCALS Future Olympians?. TRACK RASCALS Who are they? BC Athletics members 6 to 8 years old Non-competitive.

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Presentation on theme: "TRACK RASCALS Future Olympians?. TRACK RASCALS Who are they? BC Athletics members 6 to 8 years old Non-competitive."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRACK RASCALS Future Olympians?

2 TRACK RASCALS Who are they? BC Athletics members 6 to 8 years old Non-competitive

3 TRACK RASCALS Why have them? Introduce young athletes to track and field Potential club athletes in future years Opportunity for young athletes who don’t like team sports Most other sports have programs at this age

4 TRACK RASCALS Peninsula Track’s program Started four years ago 22 members in 2004 Presented twice a week for 45 minutes Ran 4 to 5 weeks in April Run by Dan Daniels with the aid of Tom Dingle

5 TRACK RASCALS Emphasis of Peninsula Track’s program Non-competitive Continuous activity Fun for the athletes Emphasis on Track and Field activities Used Run,Jump,Throw ideas where useful

6 TRACK RASCALS What do we do? 10 minute warmup session Skipping, bounding, hopping Two bounding, duckwalking, running on all fours All on a 10 m path out and back

7 TRACK RASCALS What do we do? Running Sessions To 15m mark To 15m mark and back Shuttle relay (hand touch at 15m) Baton relay over 80m with 4 exchanges

8 TRACK RASCALS What do we do? Hurdling Sessions 12in hurdles One hurdle at first Then two hurdles Then three and more

9 TRACK RASCALS What do we do? Emphasis in running and hurdling sessions Correct start - toe behind the line Running in lanes Running in right direction after receiving baton Running over the hurdles

10 TRACK RASCALS What do we do? Throwing Session Turbo javelins (rocket ships) Correct pointing and aiming Emphasis on waiting in lines Staying behind line until told to pick up

11 TRACK RASCALS What do we do? Jumping Session Standing Long Jump Emphasize arm swing and lifting knees

12 TRACK RASCALS What do we do? Jumping Session “High Jump” – last two sessions Stand and jump backwards onto mat Jumping onto mat any way (for fun)

13 TRACK RASCALS What do we do? End of Each Session Chat by and with the coach Optional run once around the track

14 TRACK RASCALS What do we do? End of Final Session Parents invited Presentation of certificates Presentation of Track Rascals T-shirt Juice and cookies

15 TRACK RASCALS What do we do? Summary Non-competitive No runs timed, no jumps measured, etc. Continuous activity Important to maintain control (be firm) Make sure activities are FUN!

16 TRACK RASCALS Comments Important to make them feel part of the club Our sessions held the same time as regular practices Certificate and T-shirts important Put pictures up on club website All members are in Club Email address list Track Rascals invited to Club awards BBQ

17 TRACK RASCALS Further Comments Have one person responsible for program Try to get two on regular basis Make use of the parents moving hurdles, filling blanks in relays and so on

18 TRACK RASCALS Getting the word out Jazzy Poster Circulate to elementary schools Post in local recreation centers Try to get local paper to do article Set up page on club web site

19 TRACK RASCALS Benefits to us Increase in club membership Three 8 year olds from 2003 joined in 2004 Did very well at the entry JD level Four 8 year olds from 2004 now in club Older siblings have joined club All siblings can come at the same time

20 TRACK RASCALS Suggestions to other clubs One person to organize and run program Tailor program to your club Make use of Run, Jump, Throw manual It may take a year or two to get going Keep it non-competitive and FUN! Keep it separate from regular JD program

21 TRACK RASCALS How many clubs are running a program? 5 clubs have at least 15 six to eight year olds 6 other clubs have at least one Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, PEI and New Brunswick have some form of the RJT program IAAF is developing a similar program

22 TRACK RASCALS Other activities involving our Track Rascals Dan Daniels ran a Run, Jump, Throw program at a local school About 12 elementary school kids participated Our Track Rascals were part of the Run, Jump, Throw demonstration at the 2004 Canadian Championships Our Track Rascals were an honor guard at the Breakfast of Champions at which Canada’s 2004 Olympic Track and Field team was announced

23 TRACK RASCALS Future Olympians? YES!!

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