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Farzan Fallah Srinivas Devadas Laboratory for Computer Science MIT Farzan Fallah Srinivas Devadas Laboratory for Computer Science MIT Functional Vector.

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Presentation on theme: "Farzan Fallah Srinivas Devadas Laboratory for Computer Science MIT Farzan Fallah Srinivas Devadas Laboratory for Computer Science MIT Functional Vector."— Presentation transcript:

1 Farzan Fallah Srinivas Devadas Laboratory for Computer Science MIT Farzan Fallah Srinivas Devadas Laboratory for Computer Science MIT Functional Vector Generation for HDL Models Using Linear Programming and 3-Satisfiability Kurt Keutzer Department of EECS UC Berkeley Kurt Keutzer Department of EECS UC Berkeley

2 Outline zIntroduction zFunctional test vector generation strategy zNew hybrid SAT method zResults zOngoing work

3 Design Verification Introduction if (C) A = 1; else A = 2; $display(“%d”, A);

4 Design Verification zHow do we solve the design verification problem? ¬ Formal verification  Who specifies correctness property? ­ Simulation  How do you get the test vectors? Introduction

5 Coverage Directed Simulation ¬ Choose a coverage metric, e.g., line/branch/path coverage. ­ Automatically generate vectors that achieve targeted coverage under chosen metric. Introduction

6 Functional Vector Generation Strategy zWe view HDL descriptions as interconnections of combinational modules which include Boolean and word-level operators. X Y + f G > Z W c d x2x2 x0x0 0 1

7 Functional Vector Generation Strategy zBoolean operators: AND, OR, and INVERTER gates. zWord-level operators: Comparison: Addition/Subtraction: Increment/Decrement: Scalar multiplication: Left/Right shift:

8 Functional Vector Generation Strategy zAny other operator must be converted into a collection of the previous operators. Example can be modeled as,

9 Functional Vector Generation Strategy z can be modeled as, and 4 constraints over Y and individual bits of X for each p i, where p i is a partial product. Z = 2 n-1 p n-1 + 2 n-2 p n-2 + … + p 0

10 Functional Vector Generation Strategy zWe choose path coverage metric. zA path is a set of alternating modules and signals. m1m1 m2m2 S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 P={S 1, m 1, S 2, m 2, S 3 }

11 Functional Vector Generation Strategy zSensitizing a sub-path through a module means the value of the input to the path should affect the value at the output. A 0 0 z zSensitizing a path means sensitizing each module.

12 Functional Vector Generation Strategy zSensitization of a sub-path through a module will require values at some of the module inputs. zValue of side-inputs for logic gates, Side-inputs AND 1 OR 0

13 Functional Vector Generation Strategy zValue of side-input for word-level operators (assuming unsigned numbers), A B C A B > C A k C

14 Functional Vector Generation Strategy b a c > Y X ä ä S elect a path. ä ä Write sensitization requirement on intermediate signals. b = 1 Constraints: ä ä Write module input-output relationship for every module in the circuit. c = a AND b b = X > Y ä ä Find a solution that satisfies the set of constraints.

15 Functional Vector Generation Strategy zHow do we find a solution to the constraints? ¬ Use Boolean clauses to model all modules and solve resulting 3-SAT problem. ­ Use Boolean clauses and linear constraints to model modules and solve the problem using 3-SAT solver and integer program solver. zBoth methods use Branch and Bound technique.

16 3-SAT Approach zUse Boolean clauses to model input-output relationship of each gate. X Y Z Y X

17 3-SAT Approach zSolve the resulting 3-SAT problem to find a satisfying assignment for all input variables. z3-SAT approach is not efficient because word- level operators have to be modeled using Boolean operators.

18 New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach 1 0 b e a h X Y + f g > Z W c d x2x2 x0x0 0 1 ä ä We want to exercise a path in the circuit. ä ä Use linear word-level operators (Linear arithmetic constraints, LACs) to model data-path. G 1 0 b e a h f g c d x2x2 x0x0 0 1

19 1 0 b e a h f g c d x2x2 x0x0 0 1 ä ä Choose values for side-inputs. New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach

20 ä ä Control part is modeled using Boolean operations. ?? ä ä Choose values for side-inputs. ä ä Gates are modeled using Boolean clauses. New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach 1 0 b e a h f g c d x2x2 x0x0 0 1

21 ä ä Gates are modeled using Boolean clauses. Correlation: x 0 is first bit of X x 2 is third bit of X g is equal to G ä ä There is correlation between Boolean variables and integer variables. New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach

22 ä ä Essential variable: If there is a single variable in TRUE (complemented) form in a clause it must be set to 1(0). Simplifying SAT ä ä c must be set to 0. Correlation: x 0 is first bit of X x 2 is third bit of X g is equal to G New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach

23 Correlation: x 0 -X, x 2 -X, g-G Simplifying SAT ä ä New essential variables might be created. Current assignment: c=0, e=1 New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach

24 Simplifying SAT ä ä Unate variable: If a variable only appears in true (complemented) form it can be set to 1(0). Correlation: x 0 -X, x 2 -X, g-G Current assignment: c=0, e=1 ä ä We can set b to 1., b=1 ä ä Note that there was no integer variable correlated to b. ä ä Use unate variable rule recursively. New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach

25 ä ä Use polynomial time sufficiency check for SAT infeasibility. Correlation: x 0 -X, x 2 -X, g-G ä ä If SAT is infeasible, there is no solution for the constraints, otherwise we continue search for the solution. Linear infeasibility ä ä If linear relaxation of LACs is infeasible, there is no solution to the constraints. This can be checked in polynomial time. New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach Current assignment: c=0, e=1, b=1, f=0

26 Branching ä ä Select a Boolean variable heuristically and set it to 1(0), if it fails to find a feasible solution, set it to 0(1). Correlation: x 0 -X, x 2 -X, g-G ä ä Choose an input variable which appears in clauses most (x 2 ). ä ä Set x 2 to 1. New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach Current assignment: c=0, e=1, b=1, f=0

27 Current assignment: c=0, e=1, b=1, f=0, x 2 =1 ä ä Set d to 1. Correlation: x 0 -X, x 2 -X, g-G New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach Simplifying SAT

28 Current assignment: c=0, e=1, b=1, f=0, x 2 =1, d=1 Branching ä ä Set h to 1. Correlation: x 0 -X, x 2 -X, g-G ä ä There is a correlation between x 2 and X, use new integer variables and modify LACs. New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach, h=1

29 Branching ä ä Find a solution to LACs using Integer Programming. Correlation: x 0 -X, x 2 -X, g-G New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach Current assignment: c=0, e=1, b=1, f=0, x 2 =1, d=1, h=1

30 Branching ä ä Free Boolean variables correlated to integer variables, are set to the appropriate values. Solution Boolean Variables: c=0, e=1, b=1, f=0, x 2 =1, d=1, h=1, x 0 =X, g=X Integer Variables: X 7-3 =0, X 1-0 =0, Y=0, W=4, Z=0, G=1 New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach

31 Branching ä ä Free Boolean variables correlated to integer variables, are set to the appropriate values. Solution Boolean Variables: c=0, e=1, b=1, f=0, x 2 =1, d=1, h=1, x 0 =0, g=X Integer Variables: X 7-3 =0, X 1-0 =0, Y=0, W=4, Z=0, G=1 New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach

32 Branching ä ä Free Boolean variables correlated to integer variables, are set to the appropriate values. Solution Boolean Variables: c=0, e=1, b=1, f=0, x 2 =1, d=1, h=1, x 0 =0, g=1 Integer Variables: X 7-3 =0, X 1-0 =0, Y=0, W=4, Z=0, G=1 New Hybrid Satisfiability Approach

33 Example HSAT3-SAT #Clauses/ #LACs #Clauses Exp. Time/ Sat. Time pport schsm ctla ctlbc mult16 17/18 141/24 1/24 1/60 0/104 <1 s 16 s 685 1341 1355 841 1.2/4.7 s 3.1/261 s 4.9/142 s >1000 s Results <1 s 8466 >1000 s

34 Ongoing Work zImprovement on satisfiability checking using seamless integration of linear programming and satisfiability. zCurrently we use conventional time frame expansion strategy for sequential HDL models.  We are exploring more efficient algorithms. zWe are working on generating functional vectors for a variety of code coverage metrics.

35 Future system overview Ongoing Work Simulation driver (vectors) Simulation monitor (yes/no) Simulation engine Simulation model (HDL) OCCOM Coverage Analysis LP-3SAT Vector Generation Is it enough? Yes No Stop Diagnosis of Unverified Portions OCCOM talk

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