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Marta Filičková Barbora Popovičová Veronika Zvijaková VIEWPOINTS ON USING THE EPOSTL IN ELT DEPARTMENTS.

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Presentation on theme: "Marta Filičková Barbora Popovičová Veronika Zvijaková VIEWPOINTS ON USING THE EPOSTL IN ELT DEPARTMENTS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marta Filičková Barbora Popovičová Veronika Zvijaková VIEWPOINTS ON USING THE EPOSTL IN ELT DEPARTMENTS

2  Research question: What are EFL teachers' and students' viewpoints on using the EPOSTL?  Sample: teachers and students from ELT departments at University of Prešov  1 teacher from Faculty of Education  1 teacher from Faculty of Arts  3 graduated students from Faculty of Arts  Method: semi-structured interview with both open and closed questions questionnaire with both open and closed questions

3 Institute of British and American studies Students of study programmes focusing on future teachers (pre-service teachers): use the EPOSTL during their teaching practice two weeks in each term two months during their studies acquainted with the EPOSTL before their first teaching encounter evaluate their real teaching – authentic situation FACULTY OF ARTS

4 1. How regularly did you/your students use the EPOSTL? 2. Which section(s) did you/your students not use? 3. Which categories of the self-assessment section did you focus on most? 4. a)(Finish the sentence) In general, I find the use of the EPOSTL... b) Please provide reasons to your response to previous item 5 a)(Finish the sentence) In general, my students find the use of the EPOSTL... b) Please provide reasons to your response to previous item 6. Did the EPOSTL help you identify any specific areas you want to work on more? Can you provide some examples? 7. Did the EPOSTL help your students identify any specific areas you want to work on more? Can you provide some examples? 8. When do you think is the optimal time for introducing the EPOSTL to pre-service (student) teachers? 9. The stated purpose of the EPOSTL is to serve as a tool for reflection and self-evaluation. Did you find it did so effectively? 10. a)Would you recommend the EPOSTL to other pre-service teachers? b)Please provide reasons to your response to previous item INTERVIEW QUESTIONS

5  very practical tool for becoming aware of the complexity of the teaching skills  generator of thinking about the teacher´s job  beneficial for the teacher - shows the areas to focus on in the course  beneficial for students - tool for self evaluation - they need to think more thoroughly - they realize the depth of their work - widen their horizons - it gives structure for their feedback - they can see the detailed reflection how they perform in the class VIEWPOINT ON USING THE EPOSTL ACCORDING TO „TEACHER 1“

6  all the sections within the self-assessment  dossier in different forms (evidence lesson plans, self-evaluation of each lesson, case studies, feedback and evaluation of teaching)  focus on - the sections where they did not find much success (learner autonomy, independent learning) - the sections where they see their realization SECTIONS OF THE EPOSTL PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS USE

7  well structured  plasticity  contains complexity of teaching job  generates thinking  great tool for self-evaluation  great tool for reflection REASONS FOR USING THE EPOSTL BY PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS

8 1.How long have you been teaching EFL? 2.Do you teach any methodology courses? 3.Have you ever heard of the EPOSTL? 4.Have you ever used the EPOSTL during your EFL teaching ? FACULTY OF EDUCATION „TEACHER 2“ VIEWPOINTS

9 5.Do you use portfolios in your EFL teaching? 6.Do you provide your students with feedback? In what form? 7.Do you use self-assessment in your EFL teaching? 8.How do you develop your students´ self-assessment? 9.Do you consider self-assessment crucial part of your EFL teaching? Why? 10.Do you consider self-assessment useful for your students? Why? 11.According to you, how can self-assessment facilitate learning? 12.Did your teacher develop your self-assessment skills? How? FACULTY OF EDUCATION „TEACHER 2“ VIEWPOINTS

10  Teacher´s self-assessment  Reflections after every contact lesson  Impression form the lesson, goals and plans  Students´ self-assessment  Based on CEFR- guidelines to assess their progress  Portfolio  Personal dictionary with items new for them  For the recognition of weak areas  Feedback for students „Even though it is harder, because you as a subject should appear in the position of the objective observer of the situation so you have to detach from yourself, this is difficult.“ FACULTY OF EDUCATION „TEACHER 2“ VIEWPOINTS

11 STUDENTS´ VIEWPOINTS ON USING EPOSTL AdvantagesDisadvantagesProgressContinuation

12 a new viewpoint on teaching a tool for thoughts, experience, ideas, plans reflection creates a space for thinking, self-reflexion, contemplating checking improvement, progress, mistakes focus on AIM, PURPOSE encourages to do your best Advantages time-consuming Feeling of being lost within the questions Disadvantages

13 importance of objective evaluation and self-reflection ability to share the experience importance of lesson plans – structure your time constant thinking of aim considering the learning process of students plan vs. spontaneity realisation of own strengths and weaknesses – consequences Progress the habit of self-evaluation not written form – contemplating, discussing well-awareness of the role of English teacher plans for future progress and skills development Continuation

14 Teacher 1Teacher 2Student 1Student 2Student 3 questionnaire XXX interview XX use EPOSTL X-XXX how long (years) 8-0.5 find EPOSTL useful XXXXX self- evaluation in future XXXXX

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