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Presented by: Ken Spero Capturing and Deploying Experience Through Simulation ASTD PHL eLearning SIG.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Ken Spero Capturing and Deploying Experience Through Simulation ASTD PHL eLearning SIG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Ken Spero Capturing and Deploying Experience Through Simulation ASTD PHL eLearning SIG

2 Setting the Stage Learning Continuum Learning Continuum Revised Instructional Design Narrative – Experience Design

3 Today’s Session Outline In this session we will address the following issues relating to Experience and Simulations: 1. Why use Simulation 2. Experience Design 3. Play a Sim 4. Applications for Sim 5. QA

4 Why use Simulation? Experiencing Best Practices Enables Critical Thinking

5 5

6 Why use Simulations? Experience is the best teacher Sims provide experience (emotional engagement with environment) Sims expand the evocable experience base, they become part of your experience portfolio / “gut”. Sims consequate Mindlessness and encourage Mindfulness Sims provides an opportunity for participants to learn from failure, to Fail Forward Sims enable time acceleration to feel consequences Sim leverages the power of storytelling (context)

7 Why use Simulations? (Cont’d) Focus on Retention 1. Emotional Engagement 2. Capturing Attention – memory, interest, awareness 3. Context (Gist) 4. Avoid overteaching – brains need a break 5. Pattern matching 6. Repetition 7. Setting 8. Sensory integration Our objective is not an excellent training product, but rather…an excellent performer John Medina – Brain Rules

8 Thalheimer Article: Using… Appropriate Scenarios to Support… Remembering Retrieval Practice goes beyond Retention Scenarios Support Long Term Remembering Decision Making Scenarios Provide Memory Retrieval Practice Scenarios Enable Context-Triggered Remembering Scenarios Enable Language-Triggered Remembering Culturally Relevant Scenarios Boost Performance Using Linguistically, Culturally, and Situationally Appropriate Scenarios to Support Real-World Remembering Will Thalheimer - A Work-Learning Research Document - 2009

9 Experience Design – The Key Objective Engagement Retention Retrieval Engagement  Retention  Retrieval

10 Why use Simulations? (Cont’d) Sims provide Experiences to populate our experience-portfolio Sims promote Critical Thinking and improved Decision Making Computer Based Sims use the power of Storytelling to promote and maintain active engagement and retention

11 Experience Portfolio Problem Experience Portfolio (Gut) Options Potential Consequence(s) Strategy Action Results Critical Thinking

12 Experience and Judgment Good judgment is the result of experience. Experience is the result of bad judgment. Chad Checketts Simulation Evangelist

13 When Sim

14 Play a Sim – Leadership Challenge Reinforcement Simulation Self –paced and Classroom Debrief Leadership Scorecard – Vision – Knowledge – Inspiration

15 Play a Sim – Leadership Challenge Play Simulation (20-25 Minutes) Small Team Debrief – Review your Feedback and Scorecard (5 minutes) Large Group Debrief with everyone (5 minutes)

16 Experience Design: Creating Experience Narrative flow – Power of Story Telling Consequences – Make it Memorable Scorecard feedback – Make it realistic / measurable Narrative feedback – Repetition / memorable Small Group debriefings and opportunities to share / expand the experience / consequences Large Group debriefings to establish additional connections with larger initiative and/or subject matter

17 Why use Simulations (Cont’d)?

18 The Anchor Story Establish a back story that can be re-used to accelerate… – Engagement – Communication – Retrieval Practice May include (these evolve over time): – Company – Employees (hierarchy and relevant staff) – Products – Customers – Competitors GRAPHICS – targeting context and emotional engagement Should not be your organization, but something that ‘looks like’ so that the Cues you embed can be ‘sticky’ The Anchor Story should be used as broadly as possible in different modalities, where relevant, to continue to establish context and depth One may already exist within your portfolio of solutions, you can build upon what exists



21 Organizational Experience – Deployment (Cont’d) What are the Tools of the Trade: 1. Face to Face Workshops 2. Virtual Workshops 3. eLearning 4. JIT – Performance Support Tools 5. Coaching 6. Mentoring 7. Leader driven interactions 8. Mobile 9. Social Networking 10. Storytelling 11. Knowledge Management/Best Practices 12. Other?

22 When Sim Simulations are most impactful when: – Critical Thinking is imperative – Decisions depend on situations – Contextual experience is necessary – Decisions / Implementation must be consistent across / within groups – When blended with other content, simulations can; Reinforce learning Prepare learners to effectively deal with obstacles to execution Create an expanded learning environment where learners are free to engage with / learn from others (not instructor only)

23 When Not Sim Sims are not best for instruction of content Sims are not efficient for presenting content that can be executed by following a fixed process or recipe

24 Why use Simulations? IT IS ALL ABOUT EXPERIENCE! Experience Design encompasses: Participant Experience (playing) Leadership Experience (developing/authoring) Organizational Experience (blending)

25 Using Simulation in the Blend How can we efficiently Blend? 1. Critical Thinking a. Audience Characteristics b. Learning Objective Characteristics

26 Using Simulation in the Blend Audience Characteristics : widely dispersed  highly concentrated high turnover  stable population variable exp. levels  homogeneous exp. level variable ed. levels  homogeneous ed. Level little discretionary time  much discretionary time just in time need  developmental need unmotivated to learn  highly motivated to learn

27 Using Simulation in the Blend Learning Objective Characteristics: stable content  evolving content mandatory content  discretionary content fact based  skills based minimal amt. of content  much content discrete ideas  synthesis of ideas conceptually simple  conceptually difficult personally focused  interpersonal focused individual competencies  team competencies explicit  implicit values neutral  values laden seen the content before  new content

28 Experience Design: Authoring Simulations (Introducing the Assignment) 1. Establish the Narrative (something that can be re-used – Anchor Story) a) Clearly define a problem / Target Learning Objective b) Articulate the desired experience and outcome c) Timeline and flow d) Create Measurable Scorecard: Goals and Boundaries e) Establish Context: Environment / Storyline / Cast f) Start with ‘Golden Path’

29 Experience Design: Authoring Simulations (Cont’d) 2. Articulate and Prioritize Key Learning Objectives 3. Write a Scene from narrative that reflects each of the selected Learning Objectives 4. Articulate Alternatives/Choices/Feedback 5. Lay out scenes in the flow of the narrative 6. Determine Memorable and Realistic Consequences 7. Add intros and outros 8. Score Choices – Link to Objectives in a Measurable way

30 Experience Design – The Key Objective Engagement Retention Retrieval Engagement  Retention  Retrieval

31 Contact: Ken Spero (215) 565-5598 For More Information

32 Designing Simulations EXPERIENCE DESIGN – What is it? 1. Dealing with a situations from beginning (context) to end (consequences) 2. Capturing a narrative that enables participants to demonstrate the desired learning objectives 3. The narrative leverages the power of storytelling 4. Creating opportunities to demonstrate failure as an option

33 Experience Design: The Illusion of Complexity Limited set of choices No need to cover every eventuality Populate the Experience Portfolio Experience other consequences by playing again

34 Experience Design: Memorable Experience Create or build upon a Story Identify consequences important to the Storyline Leverage suspense Leverage humor Leverage reality


36 Scorecard

37 Step 2: Establish Storyline







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