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My Reading Autobiography Ms. Maynes. Earliest Memory of Reading  My earliest memory of reading is “reading” to my younger brother, Andy. What’s funny.

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Presentation on theme: "My Reading Autobiography Ms. Maynes. Earliest Memory of Reading  My earliest memory of reading is “reading” to my younger brother, Andy. What’s funny."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Reading Autobiography Ms. Maynes

2 Earliest Memory of Reading  My earliest memory of reading is “reading” to my younger brother, Andy. What’s funny was that I couldn’t even read! My mom said I would just make up a story and pretend to read the words. Andy never knew the difference.  I even went into his pre school class at Tower Hill and “read” the class a book!

3 First grade   I was in a Catholic School in first grade and we had a VERY large class. I fell through the cracks and never learned to read.  Instead of my teacher helping me learn, she would have me and a few other non-readers copy out of the dictionary in the back of room while she did reading lessons with kids who could read.  I wanted to know how to read! This experience left me feeling so worthless!

4 I learned to read…  I learned to read the summer before 2 nd grade.  We moved to Rumson and my mom told me I would have to repeat 1 st grade if I couldn’t read.  I worked with my Aunt Carolyn (who was a teacher) and a program called Hooked on Phonics.  I enjoyed the one on one attention and learned to read in one summer!

5 Favorite Series!  I Love Love Loved The Babysitters Club series by Ann M Martin.  I read EVERY book, including the Super Specials, IN ORDER.  I still remember how excited I would get when we would be on our way home from the beach and my mom would stop at the local bookstore for more of my favorite series!

6 The point I realized I loved reading…  I realized I loved reading when I was in Mrs. Rubinstein’s 6 th grade L.A. class and we first read Number the Stars by Lois Lowry.  It was the first book I emotionally connected with and I loved the genre and descriptive details.  I was hooked!

7 My current reading life…  Currently, I do not have as much time to read as I would like. I spend every night reading baby books to Owen and I even do all the different voices.  I really enjoy Southasian (Indian) literature along with biographies/autobiographies of rock stars and interesting people.  I like to think while I read and be challenged and I enjoy reading books that are about a life I would never live.

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