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TransportTransport Mode of transport DivisionDivision Land transport - Rail Air transport - Aviation Land transport - Road Land transport - Ship Pipeline.

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2 TransportTransport Mode of transport DivisionDivision Land transport - Rail Air transport - Aviation Land transport - Road Land transport - Ship Pipeline transport Space transport Cable transport

3 Incur Incur - způsobit, přivodit, zapříčinit Conveyance Conveyance - dopravní prostředek, přeprava Bulk cargo Bulk cargo – objemný náklad Perishable Perishable – rychle se kazící, netrvanlivé zboží Crude oil Crude oil – surová ropa

4 TransportTransport General The movement of people, animals and goods from one location to another A key component of economic growth and globalization Air, rail, road, water, cable, pipeline and space Infrastructure, vehicles and operations Modes of transport Elements

5 TransportTransport Passenger transport Public Public - operators provide scheduled servicesPrivate Air, water and soil pollution Large amounts of land Noise and vibration Waste production… Negative effects

6 Mode of transport Different ways to perform transport Each mode of transport: has fundamentally different technological solution some require a separate environment has its own infrastructure, vehicles and operations often has unique regulations has its own advantage and disadvantage

7 Mode of transport Suitable choice depends on: cost capability route speed Intermodal/multimodal transport using more then one mode

8 DivisionDivision Mode of transport Aviation Land transport RailRoad Ship Other modes Pipelines Cable transport Space transport

9 DivisionDivision Mode of transport Human-poweredAnimal-powered Sometimes regarded as their own mode Normally also fall into the other categories

10 Air transport - Aviation Quick transport of people and limited amounts of cargo over longer distances The basic elements of the system: aircraft aircraft (airplane, helicopter, satellites) air route air route (airport, air traffic services, airspace) Is characterized by relative high safety Experience the fastest growth Incur high costs & energy use Greater dependence on weather Causes air & noise pollution

11 Land transport - Rail Conveyance of passengers and goods by way of wheeled vehicles running on rail track A train consist of : arailway carriage a railway carriage (one or more connected vehicles) a locomotive a locomotive (steam, diesel or electric) Transportation of heavy & bulk cargo Suitability for medium & long-distance High reliability of supply Lower energy consumption than road transport More environmentally friendly than road & air transport Reduced room for manoeuvre

12 Land transport - Road The set of activities that ensure passengers and goods transportation by way of wheeled vehicles usually on roads or paved roads Users of road:carbustruckmotorcycletrolleybicyclepedestrians Lowest transit time (especially for short distances) Dense network of road infrastructure The main source of noise & air pollution in cities Flexibility - vehicle may be sent at any time to meet the transport task

13 Land transport - Ship Movement by means of a watercraft carrying people (passengers) or goods (cargo) A watercraft include (basic division): abarge a barge a boat a ship a sailboat Highly effective method of transporting large quantities of non- perishable goods Less costly than air transport for transcontinental shipping Less speed Lower energy consumption than road transport More environmentally friendly than road & air transport

14 Pipeline transport The transportation of goods through a pipe Most commonly, liquids and gases are sent As for gases and liquids, any chemically stable substance can be sent through a pipeline The most valuable are those transporting crude oil and refined oil product including fuels:oil natural gas biofuels High reliability & safety of deliveries High input costs of implementing management

15 Cable transport Mode where vehicles are pulled cables instead of an internal power supply It is most commonly used in a steep climb Typical solutions: cable car elevatorescalator ski lift Transportation of loads in inaccessible terrain High initial investment

16 Space transport Transport out of Earth's atmosphere into outer space by means of a spacecraft While large amounts of research have gone into technology, it is rarely used, except: putting satellites into orbit conducting scientific experiments conducting scientific experiments However, man has landed on the moon Probes have been sent to all the planets of the Solar System

17 Unique modes…



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