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ARTI’s Village Development Plan in the context of Millennium Development Goals A Proposal Concept for CSR Initiatives of Corporate Houses by Dr. Priyadarshini.

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Presentation on theme: "ARTI’s Village Development Plan in the context of Millennium Development Goals A Proposal Concept for CSR Initiatives of Corporate Houses by Dr. Priyadarshini."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARTI’s Village Development Plan in the context of Millennium Development Goals A Proposal Concept for CSR Initiatives of Corporate Houses by Dr. Priyadarshini Karve Appropriate Rural Technology Institute (ARTI)

2 Objective To take up development activities in a village focused on addressing the eight MDGs, and primarily using technologies developed by ARTI, in a time bound manner. Establish linkages with other agencies to address the MDGs not directly addressed by ARTI’s solutions. Ensuring sustainability of the development process, through active involvement of local people and government and non-government agencies. The model if successful, can be replicated elsewhere.

3 Millennium Development Goals MDGs are goals set by the United Nations in a roadmap for equitable and sustainable development in the developing world. Quantified targets for dramatically reducing extreme poverty in its many dimensions by 2015 – income poverty, hunger, disease, exclusion, lack of infrastructure and shelter – while promoting gender equality, education, health, and environmental sustainability. ARTI’s Technologies help in achieving all the eight MDGs.

4 MDGs and ARTI’s Technologies MDG 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger –The specific issues Identify BPL and low income families Provide with opportunities for income enhancement Ensure food, water, energy, shelter security –ARTI’s solutions Production and sale of seedlings of seasonal crops Production and sale of novel potted plants Vegetable production for self consumption and sale Production of bamboo structures (modular CKD kits) Use of treated bamboo/wood for improving quality of dwellings Rainwater harvesting using low cost water storage tanks Improved cookstoves to reduce biomass fuel consumption and indoor air pollution –Marketing support is essential through external agencies

5 MDGs and ARTI’s Technologies MDG 2: Achieve universal primary education –Not directly linked with ARTI’s technological solutions –Hands on training in ARTI’s technologies can impart useful life skills to school drop out teenagers –Installation of ARTI biogas or community stove in the school can help in reducing the fuel sourcing problems associated with the mid- day meal scheme

6 MDGs and ARTI’s Technologies MDG 3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women –Specific Issues Increasing women’s role in family level decision making Putting a value on household work Creating structures that allow women to earn incomes Focus on improving women’s quality of life Awareness raising and social conditioning about gender equality –ARTI’s solutions Training programmes for SHGs in ARTI technologies - novel opportunities of income generation Improved cookstoves, biogas, water storage tank near the house – specifically addressing quality of life and health issues of women –SHG and microfinance are important drivers for this MDG

7 MDGs and ARTI’s Technologies MDG 4: Reduce Child Mortality –Not directly linked with ARTI’s technological solutions –Use of improved cooking devices in the house reduces indoor air pollution, which is one of the factors affecting children’s health –ARTI’s income generating technologies increase family income, leading to improved quality of life and access to better health care facilities

8 MDGs and ARTI’s Technologies MDG 5: Improve Maternal Health –Not directly linked with ARTI’s technological solutions –Use of improved cooking devices in the house reduces indoor air pollution, which is one of the factors that has been linked with increased probability of still births and premature births –ARTI’s income generating technologies increase family income, and contribute to women’s empowerment leading to improved quality of life and access to better health care facilities for women

9 MDGs and ARTI’s Technologies MDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases –Not directly linked with ARTI’s technological solutions –Increased incomes help improve quality of life through better nutrition and access to better health care, indirectly helping in being better prepared to deal with diseases

10 MDGs and ARTI’s Technologies MDG 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability –Key issues Sustainable and pollution free use of locally available resources –ARTI’s solutions All of ARTI’s technologies are appropriate, i.e., based on local resources and environment friendly ARTI agricultural technologies can be used in increasing the productivity of available agricultural land, both in terms of yield as well as income ARTI’s energy technologies can be used for using available biomass resource to fulfill maximum possible energy needs in the village, with grid electricity and externally sourced fossil fuels as supplementary supplies –Mobilisation and motivation of the community is important and needs sustained support

11 MDGs and ARTI’s Technologies MDG 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development –ARTI has a vast experience of working with a wide range of partners – from grass root level organisations to globally operating charities –The village development plan will involve a collaborative effort between a corporate house (funder and infrastructure supporter), ARTI (technology solution provider), village based NGOs and SHGs (local implementers and support service providers), village panchayat (local support and linkage with government schemes), Department of Science and Technology (funding for specific research addressing unique needs of the village).

12 Contact Information E-mail: Appropriate Rural Technology Institute (ARTI) 2nd Floor, Maninee Apartments, S.No.13, Dhayarigaon, Pune 411 041. Ph: 020 24390348 Samuchit Enviro-Tech Pvt Ltd Flat No.6, Ekta Park Co-op Soc, Behind Nirmitee Showroom, Law College Road, Pune 411 004. Ph: 020 25460138 Our Website: Sahyadri Technical Services and Industrial Co-op Soc Ltd Ganeshnagar, Phaltan-Baramati Road, Phaltan 415 523, Dist. Satara. Ph: 02166 225200

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