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The Effects of Melatonin Supplementation on the formation of Short Term Memory in Wild Type and mutant Drosophila melanogaster.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effects of Melatonin Supplementation on the formation of Short Term Memory in Wild Type and mutant Drosophila melanogaster."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effects of Melatonin Supplementation on the formation of Short Term Memory in Wild Type and mutant Drosophila melanogaster

2 Need About 85% of people will go through a period in their life where they suffer from short term memory loss.

3 Knowledge Base Drosophila are capable of forming short term memory Melatonin is a commonly used antioxidant and insomnia treatment urrent/images/c73-31-4.gif

4 Literature Review Presente (et al.) found that testing short term memory 30 minutes after training was sufficient Deethardt found that olfactory trained and testing were sufficient for examining short term memory

5 Literature Review Cont’d Bonilla (2002) found that melatonin would have its effects on flies when they were supplemented with 1milligram per 10milliliter concentration Prast (1998) tested melatonin in rates using and olfactory social memory test

6 Budget ItemQuantityVenderPrice Dunce Drosophila Amnesiac Drosophila Canton-S Drosophila Stock number 1 Melatonin Vial Plugs Vials 1 Vial 250mg 12 plugs 12 vials Olfactory Apparatus-- Bloomington Fly Stock Aldrich (pg 1159) Carolina Biological -- $21.00 $4.15 $7.25 --

7 Do Ability Drosophila accessible Olfactory apparatus is already in the lab Melatonin is accessible Process for training and testing memory is already known

8 Purpose Therefore the purpose of this experiment is to study the effects of melatonin on short term memory formation in wild type and mutant Drosophila melanogaster

9 Hypothesis H(o)- The null hypothesis states that there will be no difference in memory formation between the supplemented and non supplemented groups of drosophila. H(a)- The alternate hypothesis states that the drosophila supplemented with melatonin will show and increase in formation of STM

10 The Effects of Melatonin Supplementation on Short Term Memory formation in Wild Type and Mutant Drosophila melanogaster Wild Type Control Wild Type Supplemented Dunce Control Dunce Supplemented Amnesiac Control Amnesiac Supplemented Drosophila Supplemented with a 1 milligram per 10 milliliter concentration in their food medium. Flies will be testing using olfactory testing where they will choose between a familiar scent that they were shocked with 1 day earlier, as well as a new scent that they haven’t experienced. The data will be analyzed using performance index and statistical analysis by ANOVA

11 Bibliography Argyiou, Anastasia. “Melatonin facilitates Short-term memory”. European Journal of Pharmacology. 1988. Bonilla, E. “Drosophila melanogaster by long term supplementation with melatonin”. 2002 Diegelmann, Soeran. “Denetic dissociation of memory strength in the heat-box spatial learning paradigm in drosophila” University of Missouri-Columbia. January 17,2006 Deethardt, Mark R. “The Effects of Olfactory Stimulation on Short-Term Memory”. Department of Phychology. Gong, Z. “Operant Visual Learning and Memory in Drosophila Mutants”. 1998. Presente et al. “Notch and Long Term Memory”. National Academy of Science. 2000. Quinn, William. “Genetic and Molecular Studies of learning and Memory”. Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. Quinn, William G. “The Drosophila memory mutant Amnesiac” Nature Magazine. January 18, 1989. Rohrbough, Jeffery. “Integrin-Mediated Regulation of Placticity”. Department of Biology. Septermber 15, 2000 Stopfer, Mark. “Short Term Memory in Olfactory Network Dynamics”. 1999 Tully, T. “Memory through Meatmorphisis in Normal and Mutant Drosophila” Department of Biology. January 1994. Zars, T. M Fischer, R Shulz, and M Heisenberg. “Localization of Short Term Memory in Drosophila” Science Magazine. April 28, 2000

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