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Semantic Web Research: Visual Modelling of OWL-S Services Computer Science Annual Workshop September 2004 Charlie Abela, James Scicluna Department of Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Semantic Web Research: Visual Modelling of OWL-S Services Computer Science Annual Workshop September 2004 Charlie Abela, James Scicluna Department of Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semantic Web Research: Visual Modelling of OWL-S Services Computer Science Annual Workshop September 2004 Charlie Abela, James Scicluna Department of Computer Science and AI University of Malta

2 Semantic Web Service Tools SW Services Tools2 Charlie Abela Outline Motivation Semantic Web Web Services Web Service Composition Languages Visual Modeling of OWL-S Services The OWL-S Editor Future: GeSCoF

3 Semantic Web Service Tools SW Services Tools3 Charlie Abela Motivation Research on Semantic Web is building on existing areas  Machine Learning  Knowledge Management  Natural language Processing  Web and Agent technology The Challenge: create compelling services and functionality to make this a reality

4 Semantic Web Service Tools SW Services Tools4 Charlie Abela Short/Long Term Objectives Research and Create a suite of Semantic Web related tools.  Expose the benefits from using this technology Tools related to:  Web services and Agents: discovery, composition and execution  Knowledge management: extracting, searching and browsing  Reasoning: DL reasoning

5 Semantic Web Service Tools SW Services Tools5 Charlie Abela Semantic Web Make web resources more accessible to automated processes  Extend existing rendering markup with semantic markup Metadata annotations that describe content/function of web accessible resources  Use Ontologies to provide vocabulary for annotations “Formal specification” which is accessible to machines  A prerequisite is a standard web ontology language Such as RDF and OWL

6 Semantic Web Service Tools SW Services Tools6 Charlie Abela Web Services Architecture and Core Technologies Data Format  XML & XML Schema Protocols:  SOAP, HTTP Description:  WSDL, WSMO & OWL-S Discovery:  UDDI, WSMO & OWL-S Composition:  BPEL, WSMO, OWL-S

7 Semantic Web Service Tools SW Services Tools7 Charlie Abela Web Service Composition Languages OWL-S  Based on Web Ontology Language (OWL) WSMO  Web Services Modeling Ontology (Deri) BPEL  Business Process and Execution Language (IBM & Microsoft) WSCI & WSCL  Web Service Choreography Interface (HP)  Web Service Conversation Language (SUN)

8 Semantic Web Service Tools SW Services Tools8 Charlie Abela Visual Modelling of OWL-S Service A tool for creating a semantic description for a Web Service Abstracts away the underlying complex constructs of OWL-S Enables visual composition of a service using standard UML Activity Diagrams Allows to validate and visualize the generated ontologies

9 Semantic Web Service Tools SW Services Tools9 Charlie Abela Proposed Solution (1) A framework for manipulating OWL-S descriptions Creation involves OwlsWiz carrying out a mapping from WSDL to OWL-S Visual Composition involves the use of UML Activity Diagrams during the wizard process

10 Semantic Web Service Tools SW Services Tools10 Charlie Abela Proposed Solution (2) Logical expression representation is simplified to use a subset of DRS and SWRL Dataflow constructs are generated using a tag binding mechanism Validation of created descriptions Graph Viewer for a directed graph representation of the RDF triples

11 Semantic Web Service Tools SW Services Tools11 Charlie Abela Future: Generic Service COmposition Framework Extend the idea behind the OWL- S editor to handle different composition languages Core set of components:  WSC language  Visual representation  Planning  GUI Components can be extended or adapted to handle  Different WSC languages  Different Planners  Adaptable GUI

12 Semantic Web Service Tools SW Services Tools12 Charlie Abela References  DAML Services. (November 2003), OWL-S, [Online], Available from:  Drew McDermott. (13 October 2003), Surface Syntax for OWL-S-PAI, [Online], Available from: s/1.0/surface.pdf s/1.0/surface.pdf  Drew McDermott. (12 January 2004), DRS: A Set of Conventions for Representing Logical Languages in RDF, [O nline], Available from:  Evren Sirin, James Hendler, Bijan Parsia. (April 2003), ‘Semi-Automatic composition of Web Services using Semantic Descriptions’, Web Services: Modeling, Architecture and Infrastructure workshop (ICEIS ’03). Angers, France  Holger Krubnauch. (25 May 2004), Protégé OWL Plugin, [Online], Available from:  HIS, Health Information Service Ontologies, [Online], Available from:  Ian Harrocks, Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Harold Boley, Said Tabet, Benjamin Grosof, Mike Dean. (19 November 2003), SWRL: A Semantic Web Rule Language combining OWL and RuleML, [Online], Available from:  IBM. (2002), Business Process Execution Language for Web Services, [Online], Available from: http://www-  Massimo Paolucci, Naveen Srinivasan, Katia Sycara, Takuya Nishimura. (June 2003), ‘Towards a Semantic Choreography of Web Services: From WSDL to DAML-S’, Proceedings of First International Conference on Web Services (ICWS ’03). Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 22-26  OWL-S Editor, [Online], Available from:  Unified Modeling Language. (2003), UML 2.0, [Online], Available from:

13 Semantic Web Service Tools SW Services Tools13 Charlie Abela Demo

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