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Smoking at Ferris State University By Kristen Kubik, Denise Montero, Brittany Pharo and Mackenzie Tunney.

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Presentation on theme: "Smoking at Ferris State University By Kristen Kubik, Denise Montero, Brittany Pharo and Mackenzie Tunney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smoking at Ferris State University By Kristen Kubik, Denise Montero, Brittany Pharo and Mackenzie Tunney

2 Analysis  25.4% of the 43,318 people living in Mecosta County smoke, whereas in Michigan overall 20.3% of the 9,883,360 smoke, making Mecosta County above the state average (District Health Department #10, 2013).  The Healthy People 2020 goal for smoking is 12%.  The Motivational Interviewing Behavior Model may explain the difference between the Healthy People 2020 goal and the current trends.

3  Ferris State University students that attend classes over a period of four years is the target population. Strengths: Willingness to change On campus support groups Off campus support groups Mecosta Medical Center Michigan Quitline Free Medical Clinic Weaknesses/Barriers: College “party scene” Campus is not smoke free High unemployment High uninsured rate Limited access to healthcare

4 Details for the resources currently available:  Mecosta County Medical Center  1-800-QUIT-NOW The Michigan Tobacco Quitline offers free information and referral to all Michigan residents. You may also qualify for free one-on-one coaching and nicotine replacement therapy to help you quit.  Hope House Free Medical Clinic The Hope House offers free limited medical care to uninsured adults in Mecosta County and the surrounding area. Hope House operates out of the Trinity Fellowship Church on the 1 st and 3 rd Wednesdays of each month from 10:00am-1:00pm. For more information, contact the Hope House at (231) 796- 0807.

5  Healthy People 2020 smoking goal is 12%, Mecosta County is at 25.4% (District Health Department # 10, 2013.  Healthy People 2020 lung cancer related death goal is 45.5, Mecosta County is at 60.3 (District Health Department # 10, 2013).  There are other disciplines that would be involved in addressing smoking cessation.  Community groups are potential resources in addressing smoking cessation.

6 Problem Statement  Ferris State University (FSU) students in Mecosta County, particularly the FSU students who attend classes on campus, are at increased risk of respiratory disorders due to the inhalation of harmful toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke as evidenced by the 25.4% of Mecosta County residents smoke cigarettes (Mecosta, 2013).

7 Problem Statement  Goal: Reduction in the percentage of smokers from 25.4 to 15.4%.

8 Planning/Interventions  WHO: Students 18 years or older  WHAT: cigarette smoking  WHEN: during 4 years at FSU  WHY: 25.4% smokers is Mecosta county, goal is 12%  HOW: interventions throughout the 4 years

9 Planning/Interventions  What is an example of evidence based practice that applies to our problem ?  Evidence shows that by a medical professionals intervening and asking about smoking habits during physical exams and checkups increases smoking cessation significantly (Foote, 1996)

10 Planning/Interventions WHAT ARE SOME BEST PRACTICES FOR PROVIDING COMMUNITY PREVENTION OF CIGARETTE SMOKING?  Making tobacco products less affordable  Restricting tobacco marketing  Banning smoking in public places  Requiring health warnings to be on all tobacco products

11 Planning/Interventions  Local Resources:  new pharmacy opened on campus that can host smoking cessation programs  Free smoker’s quit kit @ 1-800-537-5666  Funds  Physicians, NP, Dentists, Nurses (…medical professionals)  School officials

12 Planning/Interventions Interventions Summary:  Discuss with medical professionals the importance of patient education  Billboards, pamphlets, flyers throughout campus  Free cessation program, offered during the week with possible extra credit points offered  A Student Health Wellness program with possible extra credit  Work towards making smoking illegal on campus

13 Evaluation  Short term outcomes:  Increased attendance of smoking cessation programs  Increased communications between healthcare professionals and patients regarding smoking status/cessation  Increase in pharmacological use of Chantix, Nicorette, other smoking cessation pharmaceutical agents  Decreased ER visits for bronchitis  Long term outcomes:  Decreased numbers of hospitalizations related to COPD due to history of smoking  Decreased rates of smoking in Mecosta County

14 References  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2012). Preventing tobacco use among youth and young adults. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office on Smoking and Health. Retrieved from consumer.pdf  College Tobacco Preference Resource (CTPR). 2014. College tobacco facts. Tobacco Technical Assistance Consortium. Retrieved from  Foote JA, Harris RB, Gilles ME, Ahner H, Roice D, Becksted T, Messinger T, Bunch R, and Bilant K. Physician advice and tobacco use: a survey of 1st-year college students. Journal of American College Health. 45(1996): 129-132.

15 References District Health Department #10. (2013). Health profile chartbook 2013: Mecosta county. Retrieved from Harkness, G. A., & DeMarco, R. F. (2012). Community and public health nursing: Evidence for practice. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health-Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Healthy. (2014). Tobacco use. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Retrieved from: objectives/topic/tobacco-use/objectives Mecosta. (2013). Health profile chart book: Mecosta county, 2013. District Health Department #10. Retrieved from: statistics Muecke, M. (1984). Community health diagnosis in nursing. University of Washington. Public Health Nursing. (1) 23-25. doi: 0737-1209/84

16 References Rollnick, S., & Miller, W. R. (1995). What is motivational interviewing? Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 23, 325-334.

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