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Università degli studi di Pavia Corso di Laurea Specialistica Interfacoltà in Editoria e Comunicazione Multimediale IL CAUSE RELATED MARKETING E LA CAMPAGNA.

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Presentation on theme: "Università degli studi di Pavia Corso di Laurea Specialistica Interfacoltà in Editoria e Comunicazione Multimediale IL CAUSE RELATED MARKETING E LA CAMPAGNA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Università degli studi di Pavia Corso di Laurea Specialistica Interfacoltà in Editoria e Comunicazione Multimediale IL CAUSE RELATED MARKETING E LA CAMPAGNA DONT TOUCH MY SISTER Relatore: Prof. Stefano Colloca Correlatore: Prof. Giampaolo Azzoni Tesi di Laurea di: Chiara Nanni

2 Cause Related Marketing is about using marketing money, techiques and strategies to support worthwhile causes whilst at the same time building the business The company The no-profit organization Cause Related Marketing A win win system: All the parties profit by this partnership

3 The no profit organization The no profit organization Increasing of the returns Improvement of the corporate image with the stakeholdes Better reputation and value of the brand The Company The Company Improvement of the corporate image and the visibility of social cause Reciving a financial support to achive istitutional aims Fidelity the number of the consumers and of the volunteers The consumer The consumer Acquisition of a product, characterized by social and ethic values To satisfy the need of auto-relationship

4 Traditional or transation Traditional or transation The company supplies at the economic resourses or at the goods to realize a project Joint Promotion Joint Promotion The brand is a way to broadcast the message or the aim of the no profit company Licensing Licensing The no-profit organization gives its logo in exchange for an economic earnings Joint Fund raising: Joint Fund raising: The company works as an intermediary for the fund- raising in favours of their clients The types of Cause Related Marketing

5 The Code of Behaviour Sodalitas and Ferpi 29 October 2004 Principles Integrity Transparency Sincerity Mutual respect Partnership Mutual benefit Provide guide-lines to realize development of effective and clear campaigns of CRM Who Purpose Phases Planning and Preparation Executive Conclusive

6 The phases to realize a campaign 1. Planning and Preparation Motivations and purposes Definition of the budget Context analysis Choise of no profit partner The formal Agreement 2. Executive Operative Plan The strategy of the comunication: effectiveness and trasparency

7 3. Control or execution Monitoring, measuring and evaluating the programme The conseguence on the company reputation and on the sales The perception of the company image and the rate of popularity by the use of qualitative and quantitative verifications Media covering The level of the stakeholder satisfaction The valutation of the impact on the social point of view

8 The campaign Dont Touch my Sister

9 Jamilia: a microcredit project for women The partnership Change the brand mage Internationalization strategy Interesting and sensitivity to social causes Fight to defend Human Rights of the women in the world No Human Rights

10 Breils Woman The strenght: the female image Independent Free about her choises Rule-breaking and sensual IndependenceEmancipation

11 Making aware Making aware to defend life and the dignity of the women in the world Human Rights and Economic Independence for the women in the world Action Action to defend women through economic support of the microcredit project at Kabul

12 Dont touch my sister Microcredit project Courses of Literacy, arithmetic, civic-mindedness, Human Rights and Soundness Vocational education: hairdresser, manufacturing, cooking and dressmakers

13 1 September 20048 March 2005 The strategy Publicity campaign: newspapers, monthlies and weeklies Material realized ad hoc for the point of sale A radio and tv commercial

14 The picture postcard The picture postcard Part of proceeds of the products sales to Pangea Donation: 200,000 euro The project explanation Purchasers data Amnesty International

15 The publicity Campaign The publicity Campaign Dont touch my Breil Dont touch my Sister

16 The publicity material into the point of sales The publicity material into the point of sales The folder

17 The wiondow- cartel The counter- cartel

18 Thanks to Breils support, Pangea realized 3 Woman Center in Kabul and the microcredit preject was succesful Improved the visibility of the social cause Brand Breil improved its the corporate image and the brand value The product sales increased Breil demonstrated its sensitivity to social cause Breil Breil Pangea Pangea Amnesty International Amnesty International Also improved the visibility of the campaign Violence against women Dont touch my Sister: una campagna di successo

19 Il Cause Related Marketing Instrument for modern company that decides to achieve marketing strategies in pursuit of its social aim The company benefit will be better the more intense is the relationship between the brand value,that tries to express, and the social values of the no-profit company has got The Company The no profit organization The Society

20 Thank you for your attention

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