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Table of Contents 3Projectile Motion 10Frame of Reference: Projectile Motion 12Circular Motion 18Frame of Reference: Circular Motion 22Planetary Motion:

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Presentation on theme: "Table of Contents 3Projectile Motion 10Frame of Reference: Projectile Motion 12Circular Motion 18Frame of Reference: Circular Motion 22Planetary Motion:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Table of Contents 3Projectile Motion 10Frame of Reference: Projectile Motion 12Circular Motion 18Frame of Reference: Circular Motion 22Planetary Motion: Copernicus Model 23Planetary Motion: Retrograde Motion 24Planetary Motion: Phases of Moon 25Planetary Motion: Tilt of the Earth 26Planetary Motion: Moon of Jupiter 27Planetary Motion: Foucault Pendulum 28Planetary Motion: Cavendish Experiment

2 Cinema Classics Side B

3 B 11 Projectile Motion Ball is projected horizontally, another dropped straight down Later, horizontally lines drawn Old PSSC – large white balls

4 B 12 Projectile Motion Ball shot horizontally from crossbow as a target ball is dropped horizontally. Both originally aligned horizontal. Old PSSC – large white balls

5 B 13 Projectile Motion Ball shot at an upward angle from crossbow as a target ball is dropped horizontally. Old PSSC – large white balls

6 B 14 Projectile Motion Ping pong balls glued to plexiglas sheet at equal time intervals Old PSSC – Professor Hume

7 B 15a Projectile Motion Air table is tilted so pucks respond to “diluted gravity”. One shot horizontal, one dropped. Frame 3573

8 B 15b Projectile Motion Determine range of angle vs angle of shot. Frame 3914

9 B 15c Projectile Motion Shot-putter Frame 4385

10 B 16 Frame of Reference Flare dropped from airplane shown from a stationary position on the ground from side and head on and from within the airplane.

11 B 17 Frame of Reference Flare fired from snowmobile upward w/uniform horiz. motion upward w/ no horizontal motion upward w/uniform horiz. Motion upward w/slow down and stop upward w/increase in speed

12 B 21 Circular Motion Vectors of displacement, velocity and acceleration of an object moving in a circle. Old PSSC film

13 B 22 Circular Motion A dry ice puck is being held in a circle with a rubber band

14 B 23 Circular Motion A man is performing the hammer throw

15 B 25 Circular Motion Loop-the-loop park ride wide angle view view of accelerometer from front of car

16 B 26 Circular Motion Cork accelerometer accelerated along straight line by a person along a circular path on hood of car

17 B 27 Circular Motion Focuses on relationship between period, force, mass, radius uses dry ice puck model airplane on string

18 B 24 Frame of Reference Balls on merry-go-round from: fixed camera above ride camera on the ride

19 B 28 Frame of Reference Balls on merry-go-round from: fixed camera above ride camera on the ride

20 B 28 Frame of Reference Carnival ride – rotor – with floor dropping out from stationary reference from rotating frame reference

21 B 29 Frame of Reference Dry ice puck moving on turntable from rotating frame from fixed frame above

22 B 41 Planetary Motion Copernican model of solar system is shown Models of Sun and planets held by a person Large scale model of the solar system set up along highway

23 B 42 Planetary Motion Retrograde motion of with Earth, Sun and Mars Works both from geocentric and heliocentric frame of reference.

24 B 43 Planetary Motion Phases of the Moon Artist’s rendering of Earth, moon and sun. Still images showing relative positions of Earth and moon at each of four major lunar phases.

25 B 44 Planetary Motion Tilt of the Earth The angle of tilt of the earth’s axis Tilted Earth with respect to its plane of revolution around Sun.

26 B 45 Planetary Motion A moon of Jupiter Io shown in its orbit around Jupiter.

27 B 46 Planetary Motion Foucault Pendulum Full-scale pendulum swings for 30 minutes dropping sand. Mock-up pendulum using a laboratory turntable. Dr Hume

28 B 47 Planetary Motion Cavendish Experiment Large model shown



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