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ROLL Home Automation: draft-ietf-roll-home-routing-reqs Jakob Buron July 2008 ver. 1.0.

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Presentation on theme: "ROLL Home Automation: draft-ietf-roll-home-routing-reqs Jakob Buron July 2008 ver. 1.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROLL Home Automation: draft-ietf-roll-home-routing-reqs Jakob Buron July 2008 ver. 1.0

2 2 Home Automation A world of buzzwords... –Home Control or –The Connected Home or –Intelligent Home or –Smart House or –... Cost sensitive and resilient to changing environment

3 3 Example: Moving nodes 1.Remote control moved to kitchen 2.Media center out of direct reach 3.Remote control must find available ”routers” 4.Deliver routed command

4 4 Devices in the home Lamp module Switch module Movement sensor Smoke alarm Remote control Battery- powered Mains- powered

5 5 draft-ietf-roll-home-routing-reqs Fairly stable draft This presentation will focus on changes from rev. 00

6 6 Energy Conservation Use Cases Stopping power-hungry appliances in response to dynamic power pricing Air-conditioning, climate control, washing machines... Starting power-hungry appliances when power supply is abundant/cheap During night, with wind-generated power etc.

7 7 Groupcast Transmit simultaneously to several recipients without prior group setup Needed to avoid ”popcorn-effect” when turning all lights on/off Avoid state/subscription in the slave nodes (severely constrained devices)

8 8 Special Routing Cases Joining nodes –Unique addresses distributed from central controller –Routing join request to controller must be possible without a unique address Battery-powered nodes –Routing via mains-powered preferred, routing via battery-powered viable as backup or no alternative choice Constraint-based routing –Naming consensus on ML

9 9 Mobility Support Cause of node failing to respond? –node failed? –poor radio conditions? –node moved? In Home Automation, a moved node is most likely (remote control scenario) –Should be reflected in routing protocol –E.g. controller or slave initiated re-discovery –Sleeping nodes not considered unresponsive

10 10 Manageability Zero-configuration –A node can obtain an address and join the network without human intervention –Human-initiated, everything else automatic Misbehaving nodes –isolate to protect network –No-global-impact requirement has been dropped

11 11 Traffic Pattern A rough guess: Short frames, payload < 5 bytes plus retransmissions ACKs of few bytes Wall switches, remote controls and environment sensors specified

12 12 Security Considerations Cost and energy efficiency vs. confidentiality, integrity and authentication Basic network: Avoid unintentional inclusion in neighbor network only – no encryption If needed: Encrypted payload for sensitive applications

13 13 Open Issues More use cases? Explicit summary of routing reqs from use cases? Elaborate on traffic pattern? Better routing-related security considerations? Periodic scanning?

14 14 Open Issues More use cases? Explicit summary of routing reqs from use cases? Elaborate on traffic pattern? Better routing-related security considerations? Periodic scanning? Thank you for listening! Any questions or comments?

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