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0 Progress on Biomarkers of Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis
William CS CHO William Cho Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong May 22, 2010

1 William Cho

2 William Cho 2

3 among patients with NSCLC.
Dual-specificity phosphatase 6 (DUSP6), monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation associated protein (MMD), signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1), v-erb-b2 avian erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 3 (ERBB3), lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase (LCK). William Cho Conclusions Our five-gene signature is closely associated with relapse-free and overall survival among patients with NSCLC.

4 Kaplan–Meier Estimates of Survival of Patients
William Cho Kaplan–Meier Estimates of Survival of Patients with NSCLC According to the Five-Gene Signatures as Measured by RT-PCR. Overall survival and relapse-free survival are shown for the 101 patients with NSCLC (Panel A and Panel B, respectively) and for the 59 patients with stage I or II disease (Panel C and Panel D, respectively). Overall survival is also shown for the independent cohort of 60 patients (Panel E), for the 42 patients in this cohort who had stage I or II disease (Panel F), and for the 86 patients described in an independent set of published NSCLC microarray data10 (Panel G).

5 70 Gene Prognosis Profile
Supervised analysis van´t Veer et al., Nature 415, p , 2002 70 significant prognosis genes Tumor samples William Cho threshold set with 10% false negatives 91 % sensitivity, 73% specificity 5

6 70 prognosis genes are involved in all aspects of tumor cell biology
proliferation angiogenesis adhesion to extracellular matrix local invasion intravasation, survival, extravasation proliferation angiogenesis adhesion to extracellular matrix William Cho Genes of unknown function (25)

7 Independent validation:
Buyse et al. (2006) JNCI. 98, 307 patients William Cho 7

8 High reproducibility of microarray experiments (99%)
Reproducibility; repeat of the experiment William Cho Glas et al, BMC Genomics 2007. 8

9 No Recurrences in the Good Prognosis Group
MammaPrint: Good Prognosis (N=23) Poor Prognosis (N=144) William Cho Marieke Straver et al., Br Cancer Res and Treat. 2009

10 Clinical Development of Oncotype Dx
Development of a high-throughput, real time, RT-PCR method to quantify gene expression from fixed tumor tissue samples Selection of 250 candidate genes Testing the relationship between the 250 candidate genes and risk of recurrence in a series of 447 pts from three clinical studies Published literature Genomic databases DNA array-based experiments William Cho 16 cancer-related genes + 5 reference genes → Oncotype DX (recurrence score) Paik et al. NEJM

11 How Do We Assess Risk in Breast Cancer Patients?
Oncotype DX® New tools in the Genomic Era… Classic Pathological Criteria Age Tumor Size Lymph Node Status ER/PR HER2 Tumor Grade Adjuvant! Computer-based model William Cho

12 Paik et al. N Engl J Med. 2004;351:2817-26.
Oncotype DX 21-gene recurrence score 16 cancer genes and 5 reference genes make up the Oncotype DX gene panel. The expression of these genes is used to calculate the recurrence score: PROLIFERATION Ki-67 STK15 Survivin Cyclin B1 MYBL2 ESTROGEN ER PR Bcl2 SCUBE2 BAG1 GSTM1 CD68 HER2 GRB7 INVASION Stromelysin 3 Cathepsin L2 William Cho RS = x HER2 Group Score x ER Group Score x Proliferation Group Score x Invasion Group Score x CD68 x GSTM1 x BAG1 REFERENCE Beta-actin GAPDH RPLPO GUS TFRC Paik et al. N Engl J Med. 2004;351:

13 Rate of Distant Recurrence at 10 years
Recurrence Score Low RS < 18 Rec. Rate = 6.8% C.I. = 4.0% - 9.6% Intermediate RS Rec. Rate = 14.3% C.I. = 8.3% % High RS  31 Rec. Rate = 30.5% C.I. = 23.6% % 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 45 50 Recurrence Score Rate of Distant Recurrence at 10 years William Cho Recurrence Rate 95% C.I. Paik S. et al. N Engl J Med 2004;351:

14 Oncotype DXTM Low RS associated with minimal chemotherapy benefit;
High RS associated with large chemotherapy benefit. The Oncotype DX Recurrence Score provides precise, quantitative information for individual patients on prognosis across and statistically independent of information on patient age, tumor size, and tumor grade. William Cho

15 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2006
Andrew Z. Fire Craig C. Mello William Cho Cho WC. MicroRNAs in cancer - from research to therapy. Biochim Biophys Acta - Rev Cancer 2010;1805(2): C. elegans

16 Non-coding RNA: the NA formerly known as “junk”
RNA Transcripts Protein-coding mRNA Non-coding RNA Transcripts Regulatory RNA miRNA siRNA piRNA Anti-sense RNA Housekeeping RNAs snoRNAs tRNA rRNA snRNA tmRNA Rnase P RNA vRNAs gRNAs MRP RNA SRP RNAs Telomerase RNA William Cho Transcription/chromatin structure regulators Translational regulators Protein function modulators RNA/Protein localization regulators NC-RNAs compose majority of transcription in complex genomes

17 Unique MicroRNA Profile in Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis
miRNAs are small non-coding RNAs which play key roles in regulating the translation and degradation of mRNAs Genetic and epigenetic alteration may affect miRNA expression, thereby leading to aberrant target gene(s) expression in cancers Yanaihara et al, Cancer Cell, 2006: - miRNA profiles of 104 pairs of primary lung cancers and corresponding non- cancerous lung tissues were analyzed by miRNA microarrays - 43 miRNAs showed statistical differences William Cho

18 Unique MicroRNA Profile in Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis
A univariate Cox proportional hazard regression model with a global permutation test indicated that expression of the miRNAs hsa-mir-155 and hsa-let-7a-2 was related to adenocarcinoma patient outcome Lung adenocarcinoma patients with either high hsa-mir-155 or reduced hsa-let-7a-2 expression had poor survival William Cho Yanaihara N, et al. Unique microRNA molecular profiles in lung cancer diagnosis and prognosis. Cancer Cell 2006, 9:

19 William Cho

20 The role of microRNAs in cancer diagnosis
With the application of in situ RT-PCR, it was shown that the aberrantly expressed miR-221, miR-301 and miR-376a were localized to pancreatic cancer cells but not to stroma or normal acini or ducts. Aberrant miRNA expression offered new clues to pancreatic tumorigenesis and might provide diagnostic biomarkers for pancreatic cancer. Lee EJ, et al. Expression profiling identifies microRNA signature in pancreatic cancer. Int J Cancer 2007, 120: Cho WC. MicroRNAs: potential biomarkers for cancer diagnosis, prognosis and targets for therapy. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2010. Cho WC. MicroRNAs in cancer - from research to therapy. Biochim Biophys Acta - Rev Cancer 2010;1805(2): William Cho

21 The role of microRNAs in cancer prognosis
Expression of let-7 miRNA was frequently reduced in human lung cancers, and that reduced let-7 miRNA expression was significantly associated with shorter postoperative survival. Overexpression of let-7 miRNA in A549 lung adenocarcinoma cell line inhibited lung cancer cell growth in vitro. Takamizawa J, et al. Reduced expression of the let-7 microRNAs in human lung cancers in association with shortened postoperative survival. Cancer Res 2004, 64: William Cho

22 The role of microRNAs in cancer prognosis
The expression pattern of miRNAs in pancreatic cancer were compared with those of normal pancreas and chronic pancreatitis using miRNA microarrays. Differentially expressed miRNAs were identified which could differentiate pancreatic cancer from normal pancreas, chronic pancreatitis, or both. High expression of miR-196a-2 was found to predict poor survival of more than 24 months. Bloomston M, et al. MicroRNA expression patterns to differentiate pancreatic adenocarcinoma from normal pancreas and chronic pancreatitis. JAMA 2007, 297: William Cho

23 microRNAs Tumorigenesis Diagnosis Prognosis miR-9 Neuroblastoma
miR-10b Breast cancer miR-15, miR-15a Leukemia, pituitary adenoma miR-16, miR-16-1 miR-17-5p, miR-17-92 Lung cancer, lymphoma miR-20a Lymphoma, lung cancer miR-21 Breast cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, head & neck cancer, leukemia Pancreatic cancer miR-29, miR-29b Leukemia, cholangiocarcinoma miR-31 Colorectal cancer miR-34a miR-96 miR-98 Head & neck cancer miR-103 miR-107 Leukemia, pancreatic cancer miR-125a, miR-125b Neuroblastoma, breast cancer miR-128 Glioblastoma miR-133b miR-135b miR-143 Colon cancer miR-145 Breast cancer, colorectal cancer miR-146 Thyroid carcinoma William Cho

24 microRNAs Tumorigenesis Diagnosis Prognosis
miR-155, has-miR-155 Breast cancer, leukemia, pancreatic cancer Lung cancer miR-181, imR-181a, imR-181b, imR-181c Leukemia, glioblastoma, thyroid carcinoma miR-183 Colorectal cancer miR-184 Neuroblastoma miR-193 Gastric cancer miR-196a-2 Pancreatic cancer miR-221 Glioblastoma, thyroid carcinoma miR-222 Thyroid carcinoma miR-223 Leukemia miR-301 miR-376 let-7, let-7a, let-7a-1, has-let-7a-2, let-7a-3 Lung cancer, colon cancer William Cho Cho WC. MicroRNAs: potential biomarkers for cancer diagnosis, prognosis and targets for therapy. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2010. Cho WC. OncomiRs: the discovery and progress of microRNAs in cancers. Mol Cancer. 2007;6:60.

25 Beyond the genome William Cho Same genome Different proteome 25

26 Functional genomics Genomics Proteomics
Characterizing proteins and DNA at the molecular level is the key to understanding their function Functional genomics DNA mRNA t-RNA Ribosome (....) Protein CHO PO4 Post Translational Modifications X Active Protein Genomics William Cho Proteomics 26

27 Proteomics: leading biological science in the 21st century
Proteomics represents the effort to establish the identities, quantities, structures, biochemical and cellular functions of all proteins in an organism, organ, or organelle and how these properties vary in space, time, or physiological state. William Cho Cho WC. Proteomics – Leading biological science in the 21st century. Science J, 2004; 56(5):14-17. Cho WC, Cheng CH. Oncoproteomics: current trends and future perspectives. Expert Rev Proteomics 2007;4(3): 27

28 Traditional vs High-throughput approach
William Cho 28

29 The emergence of proteomics and its application
Cho WC, Cheng CH. Oncoproteomics: current trends and future perspectives. Expert Rev Proteomics 2007;4(3): William Cho ESI: Electrospray ionization MALDI: Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization SELDI: Surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization TOF: Time of flight 29

30 Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization (SELDI)
Chemical Surfaces – Protein Expression Profiling: Hydrophobic H50 – C9 chains H4 – C16 chains Cationic WCX2 - Carboxylate IMAC Chelates metals (Cu, Ni, Zn, Ga, Mn, …) Normal Phase NP20 – SiO2 Anionic SAX2 – 4O Ammonium PS-10 or PS-20 Protein conjugation Antibody - Antigen Receptor - Ligand DNA - Protein Biological Surfaces – Protein Interaction Assays: William Cho Cho WC. Proteinchip. In: Encyclopedia of Cancer: 2nd Edition Springer. 30

31 HTP automation Biomek 2000 (Beckman) Programmed protocols for highly reproducible sample processing William Cho Proteinchip System PCS4000 Aquarius (Tecan) 31

32 Sample fractionation, chip binding and data acquisition in SELDI-TOF MS
Cho WC, et al. Clin Cancer Res 2004;10:43-52. Cho WC. Chin J Biotech 2006;22(6): Cho WC, et al. J Cell Biochem 2006;99(1): Cho WC, et al. Dis Markers 2006;22(3): Cho WC, et al. J Ethnopharmacol 2006;108(2):272-9. Cho WC, et al. Clin Chem 2007;53(2): William Cho 32

33 Biomarker discovery Markers can be easily found by comparing protein maps. SELDI is faster and more reproducible than 2D PAGE. Has been being used to discover protein biomarkers of diseases such as ovarian cancer, breast cancer, prostate and bladder cancers. (Normal) (Cancer) William Cho Cho WC. Contribution of oncoproteomics to cancer biomarker discovery. Mol Cancer 2007;6:25. 33

34 Proteins as biomarkers
The protein composition may be associated with disease processes in the organism and thus have potential utility as diagnostic markers. Proteins are closer to the actual disease process, in most cases, than parent genes Proteins are ultimate regulators of cellular function Most cancer markers are proteins The vast majority of drug targets are proteins William Cho Cho WC. Cancer biomarkers (an overview). In Hayat MA (ed): Methods of cancer diagnosis, therapy and prognosis. Volume 7. New York, NY: Springer, 5 Jan 2010. 34

35 Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC)
Normal nasopharynx 7th most prevalent cancer in Hong Kong. Problems in clinical management of NPC:- 1. Diagnosis at late stage (at stage 3/4) 2. Frequent relapse (>50% for CR patients) Nasopharynx with tumor William Cho Tumor on the right eustachian cushion Cho WC. Most common cancers in Asia-Pacific region: nasopharyngeal carcinoma. In: Cancer report of Asian-Pacific region 35

36 Proteinchip application: nasopharyngeal carcinoma biomarkers discovery
Serum samples from 149 NPC patients (undifferentiated carcinoma of the nasopharyngeal type or poorly differentiated squamous cell type) 35 normal individuals William Cho 36

37 William Cho

38 William Cho 38

39 Mass data collection for protein identification
1021 1386 1524 854 600 1600 sample tryptic digestion 2-D gel purification mass spectrometry (peptide mapping information) William Cho identification database Protein search 39

40 Identification of marker by MS/MS
34/37 ions matched with Serum Amyloid A William Cho 40

41 Longitudinal follow up of biomarker, 11,695 Da in 3 relapsed NPC patients & 11 remission patients
William Cho Cho WC, et al. Clin Cancer Res 2004, 10(1):43-52 41

42 Serum biomarkers with changes before and after chemotherapy in relapsed NPC patients
EP: Biomarker: 7,659 Da GC: Biomarker: 7,765 Da William Cho EP, Etoposide and Cisplatinum; GC, Gemcitabine and Cisplatinum. Cho WC et al. ProteinChip array profiling for identification of disease- and chemotherapy-associated biomarkers of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Clin Chem. 2007;53(2): 42

43 Basic statistics of ovarian cancer
Prevalence 40/100,000 (1 in 2500) 23,000 new cases diagnosed annually 14,000 deaths annually Overall 5 year survival 20-30% 75% of cases are diagnosed in late stage (stage III/IV) 90% cure rate in stage I/IIa Therefore, detection in earlier stages critical in improving overall survival William Cho 43

44 Study design for biomarker discovery
Site 1 (100) Benign (50) Control (30) Benign (90) Control (49) Stage III/IV (2) Stage I/II (35) Benign (26) Control 63 Stage III/IV (103) Stage I/II (20) Ca (41) Other Ca 2 (20) Control (41) Other Ca 1 (20) Other Ca 3 (20) Independent Validation Cross Comparison Candidate Markers Site 2 (176) Site 3 (164) Site 4 (63) Site 5 (142) Multivariate Models Protein ID Independent Validation by Immunoassay Results: Descriptive statistics Two-group t-tests Performance ROC curve analysis Model Derivation Discovery 1 Discovery 2 William Cho 44

45 Summary of performance
Markers for Stage I/II ovarian cancer discovered using ProteinChip system 503 samples from 5 institutions Rigorous cross-validation and independent validation study design Fixed specificity (97%) 3 marker panel (Apolipoprotein A1, inter alpha trypsin inhibitor IV and Transthyretin) : 74% sensitivity CA125: 65% sensitivity Fixed sensitivity (83%) 3 marker panel: 94% specificity CA125: 54% specificity William Cho 45

46 Pioneers in multimarker research
Peak A Criteria Peak B Criteria Peak C Criteria Cancer Normal ID the biomarkers, Link to biology of disease Sensitivity “True Positives” Specificity “True Negatives” Single Marker 65% 35% Biomarker Pattern >90% William Cho 46

47 FDA Cleared the OVA1 Test on Sep 11, 2009
Translating biomarker discovery from lab to clinic Based on a prospective double-blind clinical trial involved 516 patients from 27 institutions 269 patients were evaluated by pre-surgical information alone 247 patients were evaluated by pre-surgical information with OVA1 results OVA1 identified additional patients with potential malignancies Help to guide surgical decisions William Cho

48 OVA1 First FDA-cleared protein-based in vitro diagnostic multivariate index assay First FDA-cleared prognostic test for ovarian cancer in the pre- and post-surgical setting Test 5 proteins in blood sample β2-microglobulin, transferrin, apolipoprotein A1, transthyretin identified by SELDI CA125 Indicate the likelihood of benign or malignant William Cho

49 Scientific American William Cho
Cho WC. Proteomic approaches to cancer target identification. Drug Discov Today: Ther Strategies 2007;4(4): 49

50 Targets of Cancer Therapy
1 P 2 5 4 Plasma Membrane 3 6 7 Microtubule Dynamics 1. Growth factors 2. Growth factor receptors 3. Adaptor proteins 4. Docking proteins/binding proteins 5. Guanine nucleotide exchange factors 6. Phosphatases and phospholipases 7. Signaling kinases 8. Ribosomes 9. Transcription factors 10. Histones 11. DNA 12. Microtubules PDK1,2 7 Growth Factor Signaling 12 RNA Translation 7 8 Nuclear Membrane 9 11 10 Gene Transcription DNA Replication and Repair Cell Growth Motility Survival Proliferation Angiogenesis 50

51 In colon cancer KRAS mutation determines response to EGFR therapy
Mutant KRAS +EGFR -EGFR Wild type KRAS Amado et al. J Clin Oncol; 26: William Cho 51 51

52 In colon cancer KRAS mutation determines response to EGFR therapy
PIK3CA mut: 13% Mutant KRAS +EGFR -EGFR Wild type KRAS Amado et al. J Clin Oncol; 26: BRAF mut: 10% William Cho 52 52

53 William Cho

54 Conventional cancer treatment:
Personalized cancer treatment: Rx Treatment: Pathway targeted therapy Rx Dx William Cho Diagnosis Stage, Grade, IHC Treatment Chemotherapy

55 A 159-gene signature of activated PI3K pathway in colon cancer
William Cho 55

56 Pathway & network analysis
William Cho Cho WC. Proteomics technologies and challenges. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics 2007;5(2):77-85. 56

57 William Cho Cho WC (ed): An omics perspective on cancer research. New York, NY: Springer 2010 57

58 E-mail:
Thank You William Cho

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