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POVERTY MEASUREMENT IN AZERBAIJAN Yashar PASHA. 2 Demographical situation Territory – 86,6 square km; Number of population – 9356500; Number of households.

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Presentation on theme: "POVERTY MEASUREMENT IN AZERBAIJAN Yashar PASHA. 2 Demographical situation Territory – 86,6 square km; Number of population – 9356500; Number of households."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 Demographical situation Territory – 86,6 square km; Number of population – 9356500; Number of households – 1895941 Average size of households – 4,7 Population density – 96; (per 1 km 2 ) urban population – 54 per cent; rural population – 46 per cent; men – 49 per cent; women – 51 per cent; Population by age group: 0-14 years – 26 per cent; 15-64 years – 67 per cent; 65 years and older – 7 per cent;

3 3 Sampling Procedure for HBS Used territorially-random sampling For sample uses three-stage probability sampling with preliminary stratification. The population census data were gathered using the following administrative units: the population census districts, supervisor site and enumerator unit. The census districts are used as the primary sampling units (PSUs), with the population census supervisor areas as the secondary sampling units (SSUs), and with households as the ultimate sampling units

4 4 Sampling Procedure for HBS Data from the 2009 population census had been entered and stored by following structure: code of districts and census district, supervisor site, enumerator unit, surname, name head of households, number of person, full address and mail index

5 5 Sampling Procedure for HBS The secondary sampling units were formed using maps of the population census territories, the population census data on number of households living within each of these territories. Within each primary sampling unit in rural areas selected at the first stage, one secondary sampling unit per interviewer was selected, using systematic probability proportional to size sampling. In order to spread out to a greater extent the sample within each primary sampling unit of urban areas, two secondary sampling units per interviewer were selected using systematic probability proportional to size sampling.

6 6 By types of households By education, sex, age, employment, social status of a household.s head By decile and quintil groups of population By level of income and expenses of families with/without children Received Results are Grouped:

7 7 Structure of average per capita incomes Total income 100 Employment incomes 31.231.2 Self-employment incomes 22.6 Agricultural incomes 15.7 Rent incomes 1.5 Natural social transfers 0.4 Hardship allowances 10.1 Pensions 1.1 Property incomes 1.11.1 Other types of incomes 16.316.3

8 8 Assessment of the total of monetary incomes by quintil groups of population I quintil 12.4 % II quintil 16.0 % III quintil 18.6 % IV quintil 21.6 % V quintil 31.4 % The disparity between 10% of the most and the least wealthy groups of population is 3.3 times

9 9 Ration of Refugee and IDP childrens 8.3 % of refugees. children aged between 12 months and 6 years are considered as underfed. In this category children of 5 years have the highest percentage of children with insufficient weight, boys. 10.7 %, girls. 7.5 %

10 10 Poverty Level, 2012 Absolute poverty – 137 $ (consumers expenditure median) is based in the size of a minimum consumption basket that includes 2400 kcal per day specific gravity of foodstuff in a minimum consumption basket is equal to 59 % Relative poverty – 78 $ (60 % of consumers expenditure median per capita) defines poverty level in the poorest groups of population

11 11 Poverty line The Law on living wage (minimum consumption budget) was adopted by Cabinet of the Ministers in 2005 according to which per capita basket of goods per year is calculated by normative-statistical method as well as by able-bodied population, pensioners, and children under 15 years old.

12 12

13 Материальная депривация Госкомстат в 2014 году изучал методологию по вопросам материальной депривации населения, в том числе используемую методологию Евростата. В феврале 2015 года проведен пилотный опрос на сети домохозяйств, принимающих участие в обследовании бюджетов домашних хозяйств. В настоящее время обрабатывается результаты данного обследования.

14 Application of new technology in household survey Statstatcom of the Republic of Azerbaijan implemented survey on deprivation by the application of modern information technology. By the purpose of preparation of operative and more complete statistical data in online regime were used tablet-type computers. The advantage of this experience of technological innovation is not using the paper during the collection of data. Statistical data had been loaded into the tablet type computers, inserted into tables and saved through touch screen and transferred directly to the special address of the Committee’s server network through the special software package in any web space. Comprehensiveness of inquiry had been checked by means of logical control software compiled to minimize errors probability during the survey. Statistical data entered to the server is afterward transformed into database files and accepted for processing. 14

15 15 Thanks!

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