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Preaching at International Restaurants Fellowships Darius Thomson, GICF.

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Presentation on theme: "Preaching at International Restaurants Fellowships Darius Thomson, GICF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preaching at International Restaurants Fellowships Darius Thomson, GICF

2 What’s your favourite cuisine? A. Chinese B. French C. Peruvian D. Scottish E. All of the Above

3 Sermon types and content Cuisine is a characteristic style of cooking practices and traditions, often associated with a specific culture or region.... A cuisine is primarily influenced by the ingredients that are available locally or through trade. Religious food laws, such as Islamic dietary laws and Jewish dietary laws, can also exercise a strong influence on cuisine. (Sounds like preaching!)

4 TYPES OF SERMON 1.Expository Sermon - Bible exposition; often a whole paragraph, chapter, or book. Takes subject, main divisions & subdivisions from the text; an exposition of the given passage & that only. Advantages Apostles’ mode of preaching. Protects the preacher from being accused of preaching to individuals Promotes solid exegesis and solid Biblical foundation because the message is within the given passage. 2.Topical Sermon – topic or topic within a text. 3.Bible Story Sermon telling Bible stories and from Bible story, the preacher creates his sermon. Condensed from AdvantagesDangers Wide subject choice Can help the preacher to be more creative Good for preachers who do not preach frequently, but not too helpful for regular preachers since it is more difficult to think of more topics rather than allow the word of God speak to us. Content is at the mercy of the preacher instead of what the Scripture is saying. Often too general in scope. Preacher can abuse exegetical rules in order to fit it in his sermon Can be too secular in form. (motivational speaking vs. preaching) Preacher can be presenting his own personal views and prejudices rather than what was the Bible really says.

5 What’s your favourite course? A. Starter B. Main course C. Dessert D. All of the Above

6 Sermon organisation A. Starter – mouthwatering motivation & connection B. Main course – discussion of main content C. Dessert - feel good or application & extension D. All of the Above

7 Who’s your favourite chef? A. Mr. McDonald B. School dinner lady C. Mum or Wife D. Other

8 Sermon Delivery Preaching styles – what words would you like to be used of your sermons? Dry, teaching Fiery, charismatic Solid, Biblical Genuine, relevant Preachy, holier-than-thou Humorous, entertaining Appropriate, direct Inclusive, diverse

9 What’s your (& diners’) favourite ingredient? (Tear jerking) stories Poems or song lyrics Personal testimony Object lesson Questions Theological debate Word studies, Use of Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, etc Motivational messages, social gospel, prosperity ‘gospel’, Ear Tickling, Expository preaching and Topical preaching Humour All of the Above

10 Staple Ingredients 1.Biblical Foundation 2.Give them Jesus 3.(Daily item for connection)

11 Eating In or To Go?Application&Extension

12 You’re the Chef!

13 Application – You’re the Chef Walk worthy 1.Guard your testimony – Walk worthy 2.Guard your heart & your reward Prov. 4:23 2 John 1:8 Watch yourselves, that you do not lose what we have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward. NASB Eat your daily manna 3. Guard your spiritual tummy. Eat your daily manna John 6: 49 Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness, and are dead. … 51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: Deuteronomy 8:3 Yes, he humbled you by letting you go hungry and then feeding you with manna, a food previously unknown to you and your ancestors. He did it to teach you that people need more than bread for their life; real life comes by feeding on every word of the LORD. –NLT Give them Jesus 4.Guard your cooking - Give them Jesus … desire the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow thereby: I Pet 2:2


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