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Pr.Ass.Dr. Huynh Thi Lan Huong

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1 Pr.Ass.Dr. Huynh Thi Lan Huong
Water Resources Management in Vietnam in the Context of Climate Change - Status and Challenges Pr.Ass.Dr. Huynh Thi Lan Huong Deputy Director, Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate change

2 Main contents Impact of climate change on water resources
The status quo of water resources management Problems of institutional water resources management in the context of climate change Conclusions and recommendations

3 Nội dung chính Impact of climate change on water resources
The status quo of water resources management Problems of institutional water resources management in the context of climate change Conclusions and recommendations

4 Tỉ lệ % dòng chảy các lưu vực sông
7 RIVER BASINS Thai Binh F= km2 W=9,7 km3/ 9,7 km3 Hong F= km2 W=127 km3/ 78,6 km3 Ca F= km2 W=23,1 km3/ 18,6 km3 Thu Bồn F=10.350km2 W=20,4 km3/20,4 km3 Ba F=13.900m2 W=9,9 km3/9,9 km3 Dong Nai F=44.100m2 W=36,3km3/33,3 km3 Tỉ lệ % dòng chảy các lưu vực sông Me Kong F=79.500km2 W=500 km3

5 Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources
Flood Hydropower Flow Drought Agriculture Environment Salinity intrusion Groundwater Water Quality Water use

6 Changes in Annual Flows
Yên Bái – sông Thao Mứ c biến đổi dòn g chả y năm (%) Tạ Bú – sông Đà Mức biến đổi dòng chảy năm (%) Trị An – sông Đồng Nai Mức biến đổi dòng chảy năm (%) Xu thế biến đổi của dòng chảy năm của các sông là trái ngược nhau giữa hai phần phía bắc (Bắc Bộ và phần phía bắc của Bắc Trung Bộ - Thanh Hóa và Nghệ An) và phần phía nam (phần phía nam của Bắc Trung Bộ, Nam Trung Bộ, Tây Nguyên và Nam Bộ). - Dòng chảy năm trên các sông ở Bắc Bộ, phần phía bắc của Bắc Trung Bộ có xu thế tăng phổ biến dưới 2% vào thời kỳ và lên đến (2-5)% vào thời kỳ ; không có sự chênh lệch nhiều giữa hai kịch bản A2 và B2. - Trái lại, dòng chảy năm của các sông ở phần phía nam từ Hà Tĩnh trở vào lại có xu thế giảm. Với kịch bản B2, mức giảm của dòng chảy năm thường dưới 4,0 % vào thời kỳ và dưới 7,0 % vào thời kỳ Sources: Tran Thục, Tran Thanh Xuan, Hoang Minh Tuyen, 2011

7 Flooding In the Red River system:
Despite reservoirs having regulation and cut flood, big flooding combine with sea level rise, at the end of the 21st century, the highest flood levels on the Red River in Hanoi will exceed the alarm 3 (11.5 m) is 0.5 m if there is a flood situations like floods in 1996. Đối với các lưu vực sông Thu Bồn, sông Ba, Đồng Nai và ĐBSCL, sự gia tăng dòng chảy lũ cùng với nước biển dâng sẽ làm cho tình hình ngập lụt càng thêm nghiêm trọng ở vùng đồng bằng hạ lưu. Mô phỏng trận lũ lịch sử xẩy ra trên lưu vực dưới tác động của BĐKH kết hợp với nước biển dâng cho thấy, thời gian ngập kéo dài, độ sâu ngập lụt, diện tích ngập tăng lên rõ rệt Sources: Tran Thục, Tran Thanh Xuan, Hoang Minh Tuyen, 2011

8 Salinity intrusion B2 Scenario
SLR 15 cm B2 Scenario SLR 25 cm B2 Scenario SLR 30 cm At the end of the 21st century, penetration depth corresponding to 1 ‰ salt concentration can rise above 20 km on the rivers: Dong Nai River, Tien and Hau River; approximately 10 km upon Thai Binh River. Sources: Tran Thục, Tran Thanh Xuan, Hoang Minh Tuyen, 2011

9 Water Demand Thời kỳ Thời kỳ Climate change will make the temperature and potential evaporation increases, reducing rainfall in the dry season above all river basin, irrigation water demand tends to increase in all basins Sources: Tran Thục, Tran Thanh Xuan, Hoang Minh Tuyen, 2011

10 Main Contents Impact of climate change on water resources
The status quo of water resources management Problems of institutional water resources management in the context of climate change Conclusions and recommendations

11 Institution and Law National Strategy on Water Resources 2020: Protection, effective extraction, sustainable development of water resources is based on national integrated management; improve the efficiency of cooperation, ensuring harmony of interests among countries sharing the water resources with Vietnam Establishment of the National Council on Water Resources: advising the Government of important decisions on water resources 1998 2000 2006 2012 Law on Water Resources No. 17: - Clearly defined responsibilities of the state agency is the MONRE - Additional regulations on the rational exploitation of water resources, water-saving, efficiency ensure sustainable extraction of water resources in the context of climate change and sea level rise Law on Water Resources No. 08: - MARD perform the functions of state management of water resources - Focus on the protection of water quality, especially surface water, no specific provisions for the protection of water quantity, prevention and degradation, depletion of water resources - Lack of regulations on extraction, using synthetic water, multi-purpose water resources

12 Institution and Law The main articles related to climate change in Law on Water Resources No. 17 Article Contents Article 12: Baseline survey of water resources Assessment, warning, forecasting the impact of climate change on water resources, abnormal changes in the quantity and quality of water resources and the damage caused by water Article 14: Water Resource Strategy Strategic planning of water resources must be based on the results of the baseline survey, forecasting water resources, predict the impact of climate change on water resources Article 17: Based on water resources planning The status quo of natural, economic - social and specific conditions of each watershed, regional, practical potential of water resources and to predict the impact of climate change on water resources. Article 53: Reservoir and extraction, using reservoir Reservoir capacity available to perform each task of the reservoir in normal weather conditions and extreme weather conditions, taking into account factors of climate change

13 Institution and Law The main articles related to climate change in Law on Water Resources No. 17 Article Contents Article 60: Prevention, cope with drought, flood, inundation The process of reservoir operation, operating procedures multi-reservoir to maintain a minimum flow, prevention of floods, droughts, water shortages in downstream and arranged capacity to ensure the implementation of the reservoir missions, including the capacity for flood prevention, water safety in normal weather conditions and extreme weather conditions, changes in water quality, taking into account factors of Climate Change.

14 Sắp xếp thể chế Government Advisory Water resources management MONRE
National Committee on Water Resources MONRE (DWRM) State management on WR; River basin management Cooperation Ministries and other Agencies River Basin Organization Propose the regulation and distribution of water resources, monitoring of fishing activities, use and protection of water resources, prevention and remedial damage caused by water on one or several basins inter-provincial river; People’s Committee of Province (Departments) Cooperation People’s Committee of districts and communes

15 Sắp xếp thể chế The water resources management in Vietnam are explained preliminary as follows: Government level Vietnam has 4 national administrative levels: + Government + Province and city + District + Commune Advising the Government on the water resources management (water resources law), the National Council on Water Resources. Council office located in the MONRE. Ministry level: According to the decision of the Prime Minister, there are Ministries related to water resources including:

16 Sắp xếp thể chế + Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
+ Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment + Ministry of Planning and Investment + Ministry of Industry and Trade + Ministry of Science and Technology + Ministry of Construction + Ministry of Transport + Ministry of Finance Provincial level Department's belong to People’s Committee River Basin level Organizations Basin have been identified in the Law on Water Resources called River Basin Planning Management Board.

17 Impact of climate change on water resources
The status quo of water resources management Problems of institutional water resources management in the context of climate change Conclusions and recommendations

18 Phân tích các vấn đề về thể chế
Before Present Focusing on the development and extraction of natural resources The management is dispersal in the ministries The management has given the MONRE is responsible for implementing the policy, strategic management of national water resources The impact of climate change

19 Analysis of institutional issues
Don't have documents guiding the implementation of Law on Water Resources Still overlap in the tasks related to the water resources management between the Ministries Human resource management in the state apparatus in the local (provincial and district) is a weak point in the organization system and water resources management Ví dụ về sự chồng chéo giữa các Bộ: Bộ TN&MT có trách nhiệm quản lý tài nguyên nước nhưng vấn đề nước sạch cho nông thôn lại thuộc phạm vi quản lý của Bộ NN&PTNT, nước sạch cho đô thị lại thuộc thẩm quyền quản lý của Bộ Xây dựng; Nguồn nhân lực ở địa phương: Số cán bộ kỹ thuật có kiến thức và kinh nghiệm về ngành nước ở địa phương thiếu và yếu. Hiện nay, ở nhiều địa phương trong cả nước không có cán bộ chuyên ngành quản lý tài nguyên nước mà chủ yếu là các kỹ sư chuyên ngành thuỷ lợi kiêm công tác này. Đây chính là một trong những bất cập trong việc tham mưu về công tác quản lý tài nguyên nước trên địa bàn cho chính quyền tỉnh, thành phố

20 Need to strengthen institutional capacity
Need to build early bylaws; All countries use of water resources on a river basin need to build scenarios using and protecting water resources in the context of sustainable development, climate change adaptation; Need to enhance communication and exchange of information between multilateral and bilateral organizations with different river basins; Solving the water changes such as floods and drought, salinity intrusion, ... due to the impact of climate change; Develop training programs to improve the workforce of water sector at all levels. In addition, there should be a long term strategy to raise awareness for the water resources protection of stakeholders, from local governments, investors and communities; Strengthening institutional capacity, especially as staff management, monitoring, policy makers in the country; Develop an appropriate management system, ensuring equitable use on water rights..

21 Impact of climate change on water resources
The status quo of water resources management Problems of institutional water resources management in the context of climate change Conclusions and recommendations

22 Conclusions and recommendations
Institutional strengthening and capacity building managers of water resources sector at all levels is targeted towards a very important of water use in the context of climate change and water resources inherently unstable. In recent years, institutional management of water resources Vietnam has been enhanced and improved. Law on Water Resources 2012 came into being as an important framework for water resources management. The bylaws guide the implementation of the Law is currently under construction.

23 Conclusions and recommendations
The management has given the MONRE is responsible for implementing the policies, management strategies, national water resources. However, it is still necessary to revise the existing problems in the organization and water resources management to reduce the overlap Immediate and future, integrated water resources management more difficult, especially in the context of climate change and sea level rise, the MONRE need to coordinate with other ministries and agencies to make strategies, action plans and appropriate roadmap to promote the water resources management


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