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US Navy and USMC Officer Rank Structure & Uniforms

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Presentation on theme: "US Navy and USMC Officer Rank Structure & Uniforms"— Presentation transcript:

1 US Navy and USMC Officer Rank Structure & Uniforms

2 Learning Objectives Know the Navy and Marine Corps officer ranks / paygrade structure and insignias Know the difference between line and staff officers Know the primary Navy URL Officer designations Become familiar with the various uniforms of the US Navy and USMC


4 OFFICER RANK INSIGNIA Ensign / 2ndLt LTJG / 1stLt LT / Capt LCDR / Maj
CDR / LtCol CAPT / Col Flag / General Rank

5 Navy Officer Ranks US Navy Officer Ranks


7 USN Officer Communities
Line Community (URL & RL) Naval Aviator Naval Flight Officer Surface Submarine Special Warfare Special Operations PAO Aerospace Maintenance Staff Medical Dental Nurse Chaplain JAG Supply

8 Differences Between Line & Staff Officers
Unrestricted Line (URL) Officers are eligible for command-at-sea (ship, squadron, SEAL team, etc.) Aviators/Flight Officers Surface Warfare Officers Submarine Warfare Officers Special Warfare and Special Operations Officers

9 Differences Between Line & Staff Officers
Restricted Line (RL) officers are those in seagoing specialties who are eligible for command of shore installations within their specialty. Some examples include: Public Affairs Officers Aerospace Maintenance Duty Officers

10 Differences Between Line & Staff Officers
Staff Corps Officers are those in shore-based support fields who are eligible for command of shore installations within their specialty. Some examples include: Medical Corps and Medical Service Corps Officers Supply Officers Chaplains and JAG Officers

11 Navy and Marine Corps Uniforms

12 Uniforms The Navy Uniform distinguishes the officer as a professional; a member of a military service over 238 years old

13 Navy Officer’s Uniforms
Summer White Service Dress Blue (SDB) Service Dress White (Chokers) Dinner Dress Blue/White Full Dress White Service Khaki

14 Navy Officer’s Uniforms
Winter Blues Coveralls Navy Working Uniform (NWU) Combination Cover, Garrison Cap, Ball Cap Jackets and Overcoats Flight Suits PTU (Physical Training Uniform)

15 Enlisted Uniforms Service Dress Blue (Cracker Jack’s)
Service Dress White (Jumper) Winter Blue/Working Blue Summer White Navy Working Uniform (NWU) Organizational Uniforms White Hat, Berets, Garrison Cap, Ball Caps Jackets and Coats

16 Marine Corps Uniforms Blue Dress Blue White Dress Service Uniform
C, A, A, B, C Blue White Dress Service Uniform C, A Utility Uniform Woodland Desert

17 Travel in Uniform SDB’s are always appropriate
For travel between regions, wear either the uniform of the day for destination or point of departure for actual travel. NEVER TRAVEL IN UNIFORM TO A FOREIGN COUNTRY!!!!

18 Grooming Standards Neat, clean, well groomed
Above ears and around neck shall be tapered Hair on back of neck should not touch collar Maximum length of hair is 4 inches Hair coloring must look natural and complement the individual.

19 Grooming Standards Mustaches: Will be kept neatly and closely trimmed; must not extend below the corners of the mouth Sideburns: Must not extend below the midpoint of the ear

20 Grooming Standards Wigs/Hairpieces
Both may be worn while in uniform only for cosmetic reasons to cover natural baldness or physical disfigurement. They will not interfere with the proper performance of duty or present a safety or FOD hazard.

21 Grooming Standards While in uniform, only one ring per hand is authorized, plus a wedding ring Necklaces will not show above the shirt line Earrings Post style, brushed spheres; Officers and chiefs wear gold, enlisted (E1-E6) wear silver

22 Grooming Standards Women’s Hair
Clean, neatly shaped, and arranged in an attractive feminine and professional style Faddish and exaggerated styles are prohibited When in uniform, hair on back of head may touch, but not fall below, the lower edge of the collar

23 Grooming Standards Conspicuous rubber bands, combs, and pins are not authorized A maximum of two barrettes, similar to hair color, may be used to pin hair

24 Grooming Standards Makeup
Shall be applied in good taste so that colors blend with natural skin tone and enhance natural features Lipstick colors shall be conservative and complement the individual Long, false eyelashes shall not be worn when in uniform.

25 Review All USN/USMC paygrades/ranks/insignia. What is an NEC/MOS?

26 Name the Rank, Describe the Insignia
1. What is a Marine Corps E-7? 2. What is an Navy E-7? 3. What is a Navy E-4? 4. What is a Marine Corps E-3? 5. What is a Navy O-3? 6. What is a Marine Corps O-3? 7. What is a Marine Corps O-6? 8. What is a Navy O-6?

27 Questions ?

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