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Cost Culture Update 2009 PDI – Army 27 May 2008 Stephen Bagby.

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Presentation on theme: "Cost Culture Update 2009 PDI – Army 27 May 2008 Stephen Bagby."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cost Culture Update 2009 PDI – Army 27 May 2008 Stephen Bagby

2 Army Cost Culture Update
Increased Leadership Commitment Establish Cost Management Process & Provide Guidance Costing In GFEBS Training & Career Development Designed Enterprise Cost Management Framework Cost Culture in Theater of Operations X

3 Senior Leader Commitment
“Redouble efforts of good stewardship of resources” “inculcate cost culture” “shrink and share;” GEN George W. Casey, Jr., HON Pete Geren, SA ALL ARMY GEN David Petraeus CENTCOM COMMANDERS GEN Raymond Odierno COMMANDERS, MNF-I

4 Incorporating ‘Cost’ Into DOTMLPF Strategic Initiatives
Doctrine Organization Training Materiel Leadership Personnel Facilities Business Case Analysis Forum/ Decision Point Independent Chair Thinking Domains Decision Forums Generate Capability Gaps / Requirements QDR/TAA CSA Force Design Update FD PEGS POM / BES Basis of Issue Plan ORDAB Manning AOA Studies SAG/Other All Equipping JCIDS/AROC AROC Training Acquisition Process Milestone Reviews Sustaining ONS/JUONS AR2B Organizing Strategic Initiatives AEB Installation Installation/MILCON MILCON IPT Leadership Ad Hoc D O T M L P F

5 Congressional / OSD Commitment
Acquisition Reform Act New OSD Director of Cost Assessment & Program Evaluation Director of Program Analysis & Evaluation (PA&E) Director of Cost Assessment & Program Evaluation Cost Assessment Program Evaluation Trade-Offs Among Cost, Schedule, & Performance Objectives Authority to Challenge Acquisition / PPBES / Requirements Reports to Congress 10 Days After Budget

6 Army Cost Culture Update
Increased Leadership Commitment Establish Cost Management Process & Provide Guidance Costing In GFEBS Training & Career Development Designed Enterprise Cost Management Framework Cost Culture in Theater of Operations X

7 Cost Management Process
Cost Management - Managing Business Operations Effectively & Efficiently Through the Accurate Measurement & Thorough Understanding of the “Full Cost" of an Organization's Business Processes, Products & Services in Order to Provide the Best Value to Customers. Cost Measurement Cost Management Process Cost Planning Cost Analysis Cost Controlling

8 Cost Management Handbook
Standard Rates Full Cost Depreciation Overhead / Allocation Master Data For Cost Model Labor Tracking Contract Cost Tracking The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Cost & Economics) [DASA-CE] is the Army’s proponent for cost policy. Please refer to the Cost Management Community of Practice for the current version of the Army Cost Management Handbook:

9 Definition of Cost Management Success
ARMY COST MANAGEMENT Integration with Quality/Productivity MATURITY MODEL Improvement Version 10: 4 June 2008 5.0 Knowledge Sharing / Best Practices Enterprise Perspective 4.0 3.0 2.0 Data Quality Leadership Commitment 1.0 0.0 Workforce Competencies Process Integration Accountability / Performance Mgmt Acceptance & Attitude Actual Target The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Cost & Economics) [DASA-CE] Developed the Army Cost Management Maturity Model Jun 2008 to Assess Level of Cost Management Activity across Army Organizations .

10 Army Cost Culture Update
Increased Leadership Commitment Establish Cost Management Process & Provide Guidance Costing In GFEBS Training & Career Development Designed Enterprise Cost Management Framework Cost Culture in Theater of Operations X

11 GFEBS Cost Structure Supports Supports Operational Decision Making & Analysis
Full Cost Organizations Product/Services Customers IMCOM: Director of Logistics TRADOC: Ranger School FORSCOM: 1st Brigade Combat Team SSPs: Provide clothing, Issue OCIE, etc Courses: Mission technique classes, combative training - Ready Unit - Capability Mission Commander - Division / BCT - MOS - FMS Tenants: School Brigade

12 Capture Cost by Organization
IMCOM Installations TRADOC Schools FORSCOM Brigades

13 Capture Cost by Product/Service and Customer
Cost of Installation Services Provided to Tenants BCT Cost by Resources Consumed

14 Integrates Cost Measurement and Analytics
Cost Reporting by Multiple Views (Cost Objects) Graphic Display Exportable to Excel for Analysis

15 Provides Multiple Analytical Cost Views
- Variance Analysis Controlling - Cost Planning - Cost Comparison Benchmarking - Forecasting - Trend Analysis Cash Flow Operational Cost Mgmt

16 Army Cost Culture Update
Increased Leadership Commitment Establish Cost Management Process & Provide Guidance Costing In GFEBS Training & Career Development Designed Enterprise Cost Management Framework Cost Culture in Theater of Operations X

17 Training Opportunities
Cost Management 101 4 half days of instructor-led training in advance of GFEBS deployment GFEBS – Cost Management Training These courses are either computer-based or instructor-led training classes to learn how to operate within the GFEBS cost module. Cost Management Process Overview Cost Master Data Maintenance Cost Planning Cost Collection and Allocation Labor and Payroll Process Controlling Close and Cost Reporting and Analysis Cost Management Certificate Course The program of instruction (POI) is designed to teach the fundamentals of cost management with a view to developing a cadre of Army personnel who are professionally knowledgeable, analytically competent, and personally motivated to serve as proactive change agents within their respective Enterprise line and staff organizations. Naval Postgraduate School - 4 Weeks Earns 12 credits toward masters degree. Requires command nomination and completion of prerequisites. Week 1 – Managerial Costing Week 2 – Operations Management Week 3 – Cost Control Week 4 – Organization Development Self Study-Cost Management Community of Practice This site contain the Army Cost Management Handbook and the Cost Management 101 training slides. Cost Management Courses in all Professional Development Programs DASA-CE is working with Army Civilian University and TRADOC to include cost competency skills for all military and civilian personnel. The program is being developed based on a matrix of stackable credentials that build competency over time.

18 Cost Management 101 Day 1: Cost Management Overview
Understanding of why managing costs are important, Army’s overall objectives, the process of Cost Management, how it differs from Budget, and key cost terms Day 2: Cost Object Definition Understanding of an ERP, how to build a Cost Model, and the various cost objects within a Cost Model (e.g. organization, products, job orders, etc.) Day 3: Assignment of Costs Understanding of cost allocations/assignments, how to chose which to utilize when, how to valuate the results of the assignments (Std. vs Actual), and rate creation Day 4: Analysis and Reporting Understanding of the results of the Cost Model and how various types of analysis and decisions are supported Training Designed for Pre-GFEBS Deployment for Resource and Operational Managers. Provides Common Understanding of Definitions, Concepts, Methodologies and Principles.

19 Cost Competency Matrix

20 Cost Competency Matrix

21 Cost Competency Matrix

22 Cost Competency Matrix

23 Cost Competency Matrix

24 Army Cost Culture Update
Increased Leadership Commitment Establish Cost Management Process & Provide Guidance Costing In GFEBS Training & Career Development Designed Enterprise Cost Management Framework Cost Culture in Theater of Operations X

25 Enterprise Governance
4/19/2017 7:10 AM Enterprise Governance Secretary of the Army Chief of Staff of the Army CE – Core Enterprise Army Enterprise Board – Process Teams HQDA (Secretariat + ARSTAF) Human Capital Materiel Services & Infrastructure Combatant Commanders Trained and Ready Forces for the ARFORGEN Readiness Objective: Efficient Delivery of Outputs Improve ARFORGEN: Effective and Efficient delivery of Trained and Ready Forces

26 Enterprise Resource Management
X Light Stryker Heavy Managing Funds to Ensure Strategic Objectives are Effectively Resourced Managing Resources to Effectively and Efficiently Produce Outputs to Achieve Strategic Objectives ARFORGEN Cost Management Construct Human Capital Readiness Materiel Services & Infrastructure Program / Budget Construct This slide illustrates the capability to allocate various costs to a brigade and -- Present a more realistic summary of total cost to add or sustain a brigade. Provides opportunity to better recognize the various cost drivers. The cost data headings relate to various organizations as follows: Training, Individual: essentially TRADOC Training, Unit: essentially FORSCOM, USAREUR, EUSA, USARNG and USAR Base Support: essentially IMCOM Equipment: essentially AMC Personnel: Military- essentially centrally controlled but GFEBS enables aligning to force Civilian- funds dispersed among a number of appropriations, but GFEBS enables aligning to manpower costs to force NOTE: May insert slide(s) with comparisons, e.g., (illustrative only) 1st Heavy Bde at Ft Hood costs $1.35 bil/year and is C-1 Avg Heavy Bde in III Corps cost costs $1.5 bil/yr and is C-1 What is 1st Bde doing to achieve readiness at lesser cost? Core Enterprises OA / MDEP Products/Services Organizations (Cost Centers) Resources (Labor, Equipment, Assets)

27 Army Cost Management Framework
ARFORGEN Available / Deploy HBCT SBCT IBCT Train / Ready Reset Command & Intelligence Operating Forces Train Units Operations & Activities Readiness Depot Maint / Repair of Mil Eqt Ordnance S&T and R&D Systems Acquisition, T&E, Engineering, and Contracting Research Procure Sustain Distribute Dispose Materiel Cost Framework Program Framework Civ Education / Training Civ Personnel Svcs Mil Education / Training Mil Personnel Svcs Prof. Development Educ. Acquire & Train Manage (Pay) & Distribute Develop & Educate Force Development Human Capital Community & Family Svcs Environmental Security & National Resource Svcs Health Svcs Installation / Facility Mgt Facility Installation Command Programs Centrally Managed Programs Services & Infrastructure

28 Readiness Core Enterprise
ARFORGEN Requirements / Risks RIGHT FORCE . . . RIGHT READINESS . . . RIGHT COST . . . RIGHT TIME . . . . . . TODAY, AND IN THE FUTURE OUTPUT = READINESS COST Process Owner Cost Benefit Analysis Provides Products / Services Sample Types of Analysis Include: Organizational Performance Analysis of Alternatives Variance Analysis Business Case Analysis Cost / Risk Assessments

29 Readiness Core Enterprise Cascading Through Processes
ARFORGEN Requirements / Risks OUTPUT = READINESS COST Organization Level 1 Process Owner Cost Benefit Analysis Organization Level 2 OUTPUT = READINESS COST IBCTs Ready Process Owner Cost Benefit Analysis Organization Level 1 OUTPUT = READINESS COST IBCT Ready Process Owner Cost Benefit Analysis

30 Army Cost Culture Update
Increased Leadership Commitment Establish Cost Management Process & Provide Guidance Costing In GFEBS Training & Career Development Designed Enterprise Cost Management Framework Cost Culture in Theater of Operations X

31 USARCENT G8 Theater FM Strategy
MISSION: USARCENT G8 Proactively Shapes Financial Environment While Simultaneously Providing Uninterrupted Support to the USCENTCOM AOR TASK Lines of Effort Objectives Ends OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES THEATER STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Shape, Build, and Promote Desired FM Effects Trained & Ready FM Community to Conduct Full Spectrum Operations US Title 10 Support to CJOA, AFORs & Joint Enabled Logistics Deploy 20 FM automated systems in use in CONUS & e-Commerce Integrate cost management, analysis, & planning into decision making process Measure & articulate full cost of ARCENT’s business processes Determine relationship among readiness, capacity, cost & requirements Implement new FM doctrine throughout Theater (1) Single RM entry into CENTCOM AOR (2) Leverage Theater-wide FSO capabilities (3) Unburden JTF Staffs (4) Achieve FM unity of effort Deploy / Maintain FM Battle CMD Sys Establish a Cost Culture in CENTCOM AOR Determine Cost of Readiness & Effects Develop & Revise FM Doctrine

32 Costers: Who We Are Costers are chartered by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Cost and Economics (DASA-CE) and ARCENT – C8 to provide cost analysis support and promote Cost Culture Projects since October 2008 Science Project - Modeling Requirements, Readiness, Capacity and Cost (R2C2) Cost of ARCENT and Cost of War Re-Balancing an Army at War Afghanistan Buildup FY Budget Submission Contractors in Theater Afghanistan TPE and Forward Repair Activity ARCENT Retrograde of OIF Drawdown CARB Cost Validation Deployed OIF & OEF Direct Staff Support 4/19/2017 7:10 AM

33 Relating Requirements, Readiness, Capacity & Cost
Start Point - Current Step Adjust Capacity Step 2 - Decrease Requirement Description Initial conditions in theater had readiness at 100% and excess capacity Description The industrial capacity is reduced with little to no effect on readiness. This achieves balanced capacity with a cost avoidance. Description Decreased requirement and a shift of readiness from 100% to 90% provides additional capacity that can be reduced for a cost avoidance. Fixed - Operational Readiness Fixed - Operational Requirement Fixed - Industrial Capacity including excess Fixed - Operational Readiness Fixed - Operational Requirement Adjust - Industrial Capacity to be optimized Fixed - Operational Readiness Adjust - Operational Requirement Fixed - Industrial Capacity optimized

34 Cost Analysis Resources
GFEBS General Fund Enterprise Business System Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools (ACEIT) Operating & Support Management Information System (OSMIS) FORCES (CONOPS) Cost Models Army Military-Civilian Cost System (AMCOS) Automated Cost Data Base (ACDB) Joint Integrated Analysis Tool (JIAT) Capabilities Knowledge Base (CKB) FM&C Website AKO Cost Management COP We have many tools to help with cost analysis Examples of some of these tools are: ACEIT: provides a family of applications that help us analyze, develop, report and share cost estimates; ACEIT also provides a framework to automate key analysis tasks and simplify/standardize the estimating process OSMIS: provides Operation and Support cost data such as system parts cost per mile or parts cost per flying hour, POL, and OPTEMPO information FORCES: provides current and supportable force cost estimates of Active and Reserve Component Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE) units and produces cost estimates for planning a Contingency Force or Training Operations AMCOS: provides military and civilian pay grade costs ACDB: provides development and procurement cost and technical data for various types of systems such as vehicles, aircraft, missiles and C4ISR systems JIAT: provides an architecture that allows models in the functional areas of cost estimating, engineering design, requirements, capability, and performance analysis to be linked together CKB: provides development, procurement, and operations and support cost and capability data for various systems that will help analysts produce early or capability-based cost estimates

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