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Developmental Psychology

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1 Developmental Psychology
H (Fall Term)

2 Introduction Developmental Quiz

3 Definition of Development
The pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues through the human life span

4 Why Study Life-Span Development?
You can gain insight to your own life as a child, adolescent, and young adult. You will learn about life through the adult years—middle age, and old age. You may be a parent or a teacher some day. Life-span development is linked with many different areas of psychology.

5 Assumptions influence practices
Original Sin - children were perceived as being basically bad, born into the world as evil beings. Tabula Rasa - children are like a “blank tablet,” and acquire their characteristics through experience. Innate Goodness - children are inherently good.

6 Where do our assumptions come from?
Tradition Personal experience Experts Research

7 History: Aristotle (384-322 BCE)
Young Men: “Young men have strong passions, and tend to gratify them indiscriminately” Elderly Men: “They are cynical … small-minded, cowardly, and are always anticipating danger …they love life; and all the more when their last day has come …” Men in their prime: “all the valuable qualities that youth and age divide between them are united in the prime of life .. the body is in its prime from thirty to five-and-thirty; the mind about forty-nine”

8 History: English-speaking pioneers
Charles Darwin ( ): “A Biographical Sketch of an Infant” (1877) G.S. Hall ( ): “Adolescence” (1907):”Most savages in most respects are children, or, because of sexual maturity, more properly, adolescents of adult size”

9 Traditional Approach vs. Life-Span Approach
The traditional approach emphasizes extensive change from birth to adolescence, little or no change in adulthood, and decline in late old age. The life-span approach emphasizes developmental change during adulthood as well as childhood.

10 Characteristics of the Life-Span Perspective
Development is lifelong Development is multidimensional Development is multidirectional Development is plastic Development is contextual Development is studied by a number of disciplines Development involves growth, maintenance, and regulation

11 Development is Lifelong
No age period dominates development. Researchers increasingly study the experiences and psychological orientations of adults at different points in their development.

12 Development is Multidimensional
There are biological dimensions. There are cognitive dimensions. There are socioemotional dimensions.

13 Development is Multidirectional
Some dimensions or components of a dimension increase in growth. Some dimensions or components of a dimension decrease in growth.

14 Development is Plastic
Plasticity involves the degree to which characteristics change or remain stable.

15 Development is Contextual
Normative age-graded influences Normative history-graded influences Nonnormative life events

16 Development is Studied by a Number of Disciplines
Psychologists Sociologists Anthropologists Neuroscientists Medical Researchers

17 The Three Goals of Human Development
Maintenance Growth Regulation

18 Biological Processes Involve changes in the individual’s physical nature such as: Height and weight gains The development of the brain Changes in motor skills Cardiovascular decline

19 Cognitive Processes Involve changes in the individual’s thought, intelligence, and language such as: Watching a mobile swing above a crib Creating a two-word sentence Memorizing a poem Imagining being a movie star

20 Socioemotional Processes
Involve changes in the individual’s relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality such as: An infant smiling from her mother’s touch A young boy hitting a playmate A girl’s joy at her senior prom The affection of an elderly couple

21 Periods of Development
The prenatal period Infancy Early childhood Middle and late childhood Adolescence Early adulthood Middle adulthood Late adulthood

22 The Prenatal Period The time from conception to birth From a single cell to an organism complete with a brain and behavioral capabilities Approximately a 9-month period

23 Infancy The developmental period from birth to 18 or 24 months A time of extreme dependency on adults Many psychological activities are just beginning

24 Early Childhood The developmental period extending from the end of infancy to about 5 or 6 years Often called the “preschool years” Children learn to become more self-sufficient Children now develop school readiness skills Children spend many hours playing with peers

25 Middle and Late Childhood
The developmental period extending from about 6 to 11 years of age Approximately corresponds to the elementary school years Fundamental skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic are mastered Child is formally exposed to larger world and its culture

26 Adolescence The developmental period of transition from childhood to early adulthood—entered at years, ending at years Begins with rapid physical changes. Pursuit of independence and identity are prominent Thought is now more logical, abstract, and idealistic

27 Early Adulthood The developmental period beginning in the late teens or early twenties and lasting through the thirties A time of establishing personal and economic independence Also a time of career development Early adults select a mate, start a family, and rear children

28 Middle Adulthood The developmental period beginning around 40 years of age and extending to about 60 A time of expanding personal and social involvement and responsibility Also a time of assisting the next generation in becoming competent Middle adults reach and maintain satisfaction in a career

29 Late Adulthood The developmental period beginning in the sixties or seventies and lasting until death A time of adjustment to decreasing strength and health Also a time of life review, retirement, and new social roles

30 Age Groups in Late Adulthood
The Young Old, or Old Age (65-74 years of age) The Old Old, or Late Old Age (75 years and older) The Oldest Old (85 years and older)

31 Age and Happiness No particular age group says they are happier or more satisfied than any other age group.

32 Conceptions of Age Chronological Age Biological Age Psychological Age Social Age

33 Chronological Age The number of years that have elapsed since a person’s birth

34 Biological Age A person’s age in terms of biological health

35 Psychological Age An individual’s adaptive capacities compared to those of other individuals of the same chronological age

36 Social Age Refers to social roles and expectations related to a person’s age

37 Developmental Issues Nature vs. Nurture Continuity vs. Discontinuity Stability vs. Change Activity vs. passivity Universal vs. particular

38 The Nature-Nurture Issue
Involves the debate about whether development is primarily influenced by nature or nurture

39 Nature An organism’s biological inheritance

40 Nurture An organism’s environmental experiences

41 The Continuity-Discontinuity Issue
This issue focuses on the extent to which development involves gradual, cumulative change or distinct stages.

42 Continuity Development results from a gradual process occurring over several weeks, months, and possibly years.

43 Discontinuity Development occurs through a sequence of stages in which change is qualitatively rather than quantitatively different.

44 The Stability-Change Issue
This issue involves the degree to which we become older renditions of our early experience or whether we develop into someone different from who we were at an earlier point in development. It considers the extent to which early experiences (especially in infancy) or later experiences are the key determinants of a person’s development.

45 Evaluating the Developmental Issues
Most life-span developmentalists recognize that extreme positions are unwise. The key to development is the interaction of nature and nurture rather than either factor alone. There still exists strong debate regarding how strongly development is influenced by each of the factors.

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