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Chlamydia. Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease caused by bacterium, chlamydia trachmatis, which can damage a womens reproductive organs.

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Presentation on theme: "Chlamydia. Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease caused by bacterium, chlamydia trachmatis, which can damage a womens reproductive organs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chlamydia

2 Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease caused by bacterium, chlamydia trachmatis, which can damage a womens reproductive organs even though symptoms of chlamydia an usually mild or absent, serious complications.

3 Female symptoms Discharge from vagina, bleeding after sexual relations or between menstral periods, lower abdominal pain and burning pain durning urination

4 Male symptoms Discharge from penis, pain burning during unrination, infamation or infection of duct in the testicles, tenderness or pain in the testicles

5 How long it takes for symptoms to appear Chlamydia symptoms usually appears between 1 and 3 weeks after exposure but may not emerge until much later

6 Treatments for disease It consists course of antibiotics tablets, which correctly, can be more than 95 percent effective if a patient is allergic to an antibiotic, or if it is a possibility they maybe pregnant it is important that the doctor is informed as this may affect which antibiotics are prescribed

7 When disease is cured After effective treatmen the germ is gone but patients should abstain from oral anal and vaginal sex

8 seriousness Chlamydia can cause serious damage to your body

9 Prevention The surest way to prevent it is to abstain from sexual activities Or when having sex be sure to use a condom

10 Danai strozier

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