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Club Support Framework
“Making Basketball in Scotland World Class” Growing the Club Game Club Support Framework
Principles of Investment
Growing the Club Game Growing the club game is central to basketballscotland’s long term plan to develop the sport. Club’s are the core of the game in Scotland and are where the game will grow in terms of quantity and quality. As the club game sits at the heart of our delivery model, we have been working to increase our ability to support clubs directly. This framework is designed to set out the support available to clubs, how it can be accessed and how support will be prioritised. Clubs looking for support to develop should, in the first instance, contact their Regional Development Officer. Principles of Investment We will invest our resources, our time, our energy and our trust. Our investment will be based on the following principles: 1. We will support people who share our beliefs and values 2. We will support people who have demonstrated they want to work with us 3. We will invest in long term results 4. We support people and organisations who take responsibility for themselves and their development 2
Club Vision Support Available
While we appreciate every club is different, we would expect clubs wishing to develop to be working towards one or more of the following aims, which we would seek to support: Delivering for male and female athletes Extending their player pathway from Youth to Masters Developing strong governance, leadership and a culture of responsibility within the club Developing people - coaches, officials and volunteers Marketing the club and the game appropriately Improving the standard of coaching Developing talented athletes Providing additional training opportunities for athletes, including physical development Developing their own facilities and securing priority access agreements Operating in a sustainable financial model Support Available The following framework outlines the support available to clubs, depending on their stage of development. It also outlines the prerequisites required to be in place to help us provide appropriate support to the clubs at the right time. All the information included in the framework has been put together by our team of professional staff. To get the best possible use from this tool you should contact your local communities team members for advice and guidance on opportunities, resources and support available to help you achieve your club aims. 3
Support Available Professional Staff Success Stories 2014/15
basketballscotland’s professional staff provide assistance to help you achieve your club development aims and objectives. These staff can assist in planning, decision making and implementation of programmes to help develop your club. Success Stories 2014/15 Stirling Knights: "Priority Access" arrangement at facility, Friday 'Knights' league established. Dunfermline Reign: First Fully endorsed PCS basketball Club in Scotland, refurbishment of venue. Fraserburgh Storm: New Committee Created, highest ever registered membership, entry to National Leagues for first time. Resources basketballscotland’s professional staff can share documents with you to assist with the creation of your own club specific policies and plans, including: Templates Documents to enable you to create : Club Constitution, Code of Conduct, Equity Policy, Child Protection Policy, Roles and Responsibilities for Committee members (Job Descriptions) Guidance/Information on: Procedures for AGM and regular club meetings, Club Development Plans, Most up to date Information on Child Protection Financial Planning Assistance: Finance Workshop, Sponsorship Workshops and assistance with cash flow forecasting. Information on current funding available to support club programmes. Link to NGB Policies / Programmes and Events: Information on Coach & Official Development Programmes, Guidance relating to current best practice from around the country and advice on current regulations. Next Steps Familaiarise yourself with the information on the following pages and decide what areas your club would like support with. Then contact your Regional Club Development Manager. Club Development Manager North of Scotland: Will Clarke +44(0) Club Development Manager West : Kirsty McNicol +44 (0) Club Development Manager East, Central & Fife : Jay Runga –
Club Development Framework: Overview
Existing Clubs Club Development Framework: Overview New Clubs Stage 1: Club Start Up Stage 2: Access Stage 3: Capacity Building Stage 4: Sustainability Stage 5: Specialist Stage 6: Professional Club
Club Development Framework: Club Requirements Outline
CLUB START UP Structured Committee Constitution Bank Account Affiliated to Basketball Scotland Club members registered with Basketball Scotland CAPACITY BUILDING Club Development Plan Working with Local Partners Linked to Future Starz Providing Opportunities to both male and female players PERFORMANCE SPECIALIST Priority access to ‘Home’ Venue Performance Programme Advanced Financial Plans Elite Competition PROFESSIONAL CLUB Professional Staff Registered Company or Charity Status Self Financing Stage 5 Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: Stage 4 Stage 6 Stage 5 ACCESS PHASE Access to a venue Access to basic equipment required Appropriately Qualified Coaches Knowledge of National Basketball Calendar / Events / Competitions Financial Process in place SUSTAINABILITY Full Player Pathway Proactive Committee Coach Development Programme Official Development Programme Young Leaders Programme PCS Endorsement PARTICIPATION SPECIALIST Community Outreach Programme Sustainable School Link Programme Advanced Player Recruitment Systems Direct Club Investment
Club Development Framework: Stage 1: Club Start Up
Governance Committee Established with Key Positions filled: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer & Child Protection Officer. Club Constitution outlining aims, values and procedures created. Club affiliates to Basketball Scotland annually. All member (Players, Coaches, Officials & Volunteers) are registered with Basketball Scotland annually. Child Protection Policy in place (if applicable). All coaches PVG checked. Finance Bank Account Set Up. A transparent and logical process for collection of / spending money outlined. Online Support Available Basketball Scotland Website: Sport Scotland ‘Help for Clubs’ Website: Basketball Scotland Communities Team:
Club Development Framework: Stage 2: Access
Governance Appropriately qualified coaches in place to deliver sessions (Basketball Scotland Getting Started Coaching Award, UKCC Level 1, 2 or 3 Qualifications) All committee members have Job descriptions to guide them in their club role. Child Protection Officer fully trained. Knowledge of National Basketball calendar of Events/ Competitions etc. Recognise contributions to the club through awards or awards nominations. Participation in partners accreditation schemes – Community Sports Hub / Local Authority/ Local Sports Council/ basketball Scotland Finance Financially Sustainable Budget in place which matches the aims and objectives in the Club Development Plan. Financial records recording Income /Expenditure available. Provision & Place Access to regular facility use/hire. Access to basic equipment (Basketballs, Training Bibs etc) Age appropriate equipment (Height Adjustable Baskets, Age range specific balls, playing kit) Entry to Basketball Scotland supported competition. Online Support Available Basketball Scotland Calendar: Basketball Scotland Coaching Courses: Basketball Scotland Communities Team:
Club Development Framework: Stage 3: Capacity Building
Governance Club Development Plan Created and evidence that it is working in practice. Work with Partners (Local Authority, Active Schools, Regional Development Groups etc) Meet coach deployment regulations for desired competitions (e.g. UKCC Level 2 Coaches for National League) All head coaches are Child Protection and First Aid trained Begin the Positive Coaching Scotland Endorsement Process. (Club Leader Workshop, Identify Values & Culture) Provide or participate in a Young Leaders programme. Finance Have a detailed Cash Flow forecast for year/ season and budget accordingly. Access additional funding opportunities (Sponsorship, Sports Match, Awards 4 All) Provision & Place Offer basketball opportunities to both male and female players, coaches, officials and volunteers. Demonstrate evidence of a progressive player pathway. Link to regional and national player development programmes (regional Squads, Future Starz Programme. Social Media Presence for information and publication of club (Club twitter, Facebook, website etc) Online Support Available Basketball Scotland Regional Club Development Managers: Basketball Scotland PCS Programme Information: Basketball Scotland Future Starz Programme Information:
Club Development Framework: Stage 4: Sustainability
Governance Proactive Club Committee who endeavour to improve all aspects of the club Detailed Club Development Plan including Player, Coach and Officials development strands working in practice with review and revision periods in place. Participate in basketball Scotland Club Coach Lead Programme. Detailed Volunteer recruitment and retention policies. Meet coach deployment regulations for desired competitions (e.g. UKCC Level 2 Coaches for National League) Achieve Positive Coaching Scotland Endorsement. (Club Leader Workshop, Coaches Workshop and Parent Workshop Complete) Finance Cash Flow forecast for year/ season. Have a 3 year skeleton Finance Plan in place. Show desire to access additional funding opportunities (Sponsorship, Sports Match, Awards 4 All) Provision & Place Full player pathway (U10-Senior) for both male and female players, coaches, officials and volunteers. Competition or development opportunities for players at all stages on the pathway. Contributing to regional and national player development programmes (Players selected, coaches involved etc). Online Support Available Basketball Scotland Regional Club Development Managers: Basketball Scotland PCS Programme Information: Basketball Scotland Calendar: Basketball Scotland Coaching Courses:
Club Development Framework: Stage 5: Participation Specialization Club
Governance Detailed Club Development Plan focused on increasing both opportunities to participate and registered basketball players within your community. Promote and instil the Positive Coaching Scotland Values to all club members. Finance Have detailed financial accounts which break down costs of all programmes. Invest in sustainable programmes which develop players, coaches, club and volunteer members for the benefit of the local community. Access additional funding opportunities (Sponsorship, Sports Match, Awards 4 All) and use these to provide basketball opportunities across the whole community regardless of age, gender or ability. Provision & Place Full pathway for both male and female players (U10-Seniors), coaches, officials and volunteers. Competition or development opportunities for players at all stages on the pathway. Contributing to regional and national player development programmes (Players selected, coaches involved etc). Have an established school link programme and demonstrate the success of this in terms of player recruitment. Provide Intra Club Competition opportunity such as a Superleague. Online Support Available Basketball Scotland Regional Club Development Managers: Basketball Scotland PCS Programme Information: Basketball Scotland Calendar: Basketball Scotland Coaching Courses:
Club Development Framework: Stage 5: Performance Specialization Club
Governance Detailed 3 year Club Development Plan focused on achieving playing excellence.. Specialised Coach development plan focusing on performance level coaching. Partnership working with basketball Scotland, Institute of Sport, University Performance Centres to support talented athletes. Finance Have detailed financial accounts which break down costs of all programmes. Access high level funding to support performance programmes (Direct Club Investment) Invest in sustainable programmes which develop players , coaches & officials in a way which prepares them for elite level competition. Access additional funding opportunities (Sponsorship, Sports Match, Awards 4 All) and use these to provide high level competition opportunities for your club members. Provision & Place Home venue meets all National Guidelines in relation to court markings, size etc Secure additional hours on court for high performance athletes ( 1 on 1 sessions, shooting sessions etc) Have regular access to performance training sessions and specialist equipment for all players, coaches and officials. Advanced player training opportunities designed to maximise playing potential (SPARQ, SAQ , S&C etc) Have coaches who lead on National Performance programmes (Future Starz etc) Teams competing at National or International level events on a regular basis. Online Support Available Basketball Scotland Regional Club Development Managers: Basketball Scotland Calendar: Basketball Scotland Coaching Courses:
Club Development Framework: Stage 6: Professional Club
Governance Detailed 5 year Club Development Plan. Registered as an official company/charity and fulfilling all legal aspects of such registration. Employ professional staff in club related capacities. Finance Operate on a 'Not for Loss' basis Be fully self financing with reserve funding in the bank. Have a financially sound business plan to sustain club activity. Provision & Place Either own/lease your own facility or have a long term partnership agreement with a host venue. Manage said facility in a profitable manor. Provide professional service at all levels of your basketball provision. Online Support Available Basketball Scotland Regional Club Development Managers:
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