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2015 Benefit Programs – Annual Enrollment
2015 Benefit Programs Agenda
Annual Enrollment Benefit Menu 2015 Plan Changes Questions?
2015 Benefit Programs Annual Enrollment
Annual Enrollment begins Wednesday, May 20th and closes at 11:59pm on Friday, May 29th If you do not wish to make changes to current elections, you do not have to do anything To make election changes: Complete the paper enrollment form and scan/fax in the form to Human Resources attention Silvia Arias or Sami Kirkewood at (310)
2015 Benefit Programs Annual Enrollment
Annual Enrollment is when you can: Compare your current elections with the 2015 benefit plan to ensure your benefits continue to meet your needs Add/Delete medical, dental or vision coverage for yourself or your eligible dependents Make changes to your current life insurance levels for you and/or your eligible dependents Voluntary Plans will be available for changes in October We will announce a special enrollment in September 2015. Any changes made during Annual Enrollment will become effective July 1, 2015 New medical ID cards will be issued if you make plan election changes No benefit changes are allowed during the year unless you experience a qualifying event Changes related to qualifying events must be requested within 30 days of the event A qualifying event includes: Marriage/Death of a spouse Birth/adoption/placement for adoption of a child Divorce/legal separation or annulment Significant change in benefits
2015 Benefit Programs Current Benefit Menu
Medical Insurance with Aetna Dental Insurance with Aetna Vision Insurance with Vision Service Plan (VSP) Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) with Aetna Disability Benefits with Voya Financial formerly ING Long Term Disability Basic Life/AD&D and Voluntary Life and AD&D with Voya Financial formerly ING Flexible Spending Accounts with ADP Healthcare Spending Account (FSA) Dependent Care Account
2015 Benefit Programs Benefits and Employee Contributions
NEW Aetna Choice POS II HSA medical plan – LOWER employee contribution cost alternative NEW Voluntary Health Savings Account (HSA) administered by: Wells Fargo Bank NEW Teladoc offered to Aetna members Employee medical, dental, vision contributions for current benefits will be continuing without change for the third consecutive year!
2015 Benefit Programs Annual Enrollment Communication Resources
Annual Enrollment News Benefits at a Glance Booklet Please review all communication materials as this provides most answers to your questions.
2015 Benefit Programs NEW Aetna Choice POS II HSA Medical Benefit
In-Network Out-of-Network Deductible* Single Family $1,300 $2,600** $2,000 $4,000** Out-of-pocket maximum $3,000 $6,000 $12,000 Coinsurance Deductible then 20% Deductible then 40% Office Visit Specialist Preventive No copay Inpatient Hospital Outpatient Hospital Emergency Room Urgent Care Pharmacy Co-pay Mail Order Deductible then: $10 / $30 / $60 $20 / $60 / $120 Not covered Deductible: If you currently participate in the Choice POS II PPO plan and enroll in the POS II HSA, any deductible amount paid in 2015 will be credited towards the HSA deductible. HSA Prescription Drugs: The full cost of the drug is applied to the deductible before any benefits are considered for payment under the pharmacy plan In-network PCP: If your doctor refers you to a specialist, please make certain that specialist is in-network by checking the website. Urgent Care: If you are having a non-emergency, but need to see a doctor for common health issues, urgent care is available for your immediate needs. How do I save for medical expenses under this plan? If you enroll in the Aetna Choice POS II HSA you have the option to also participate in a Health Savings Account (HSA). An HSA works similar to a health care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) in that it allows you to pay for IRS qualified 213(d) health care expenses with pre-tax dollars. There are several advantages to opening an HSA account… *All covered expenses accumulate simultaneously toward the in-network or out-of-network deductible per calendar year. You must pay all the costs up to the deductible amount before this plan begins to pay for covered services you use. ** Once the Family Deductible is met, all family members will be considered as having met their Deductible. There is no Individual Deductible to satisfy within the Family Deductible. Summary of plan changes for presentation purposes. Standard Plan Documents provide formal details and supersede any other informational material
Why invest in an HSA? You own the money in your HSA
2015 Benefit Programs NEW Health Savings Account Why invest in an HSA? You own the money in your HSA You are never required to spend the money Tax savings come from contributions and gains on your balance HSA dollars can be used to pay for qualified expenses for you, your spouse, and tax dependents – even if they are not on your health plan You can save the funds in your HSA throughout retirement – or use anytime before you retire 2015 IRS contribution limits (To be pro-rated for the year beginning 7/1/15). $3,350 for individual coverage ($ per month max) $6,650 for family coverage ($ per month max) $1,000 catch-up for employees age 55 or older
Broad range of expenses your HSA covers
2015 Benefit Program Health Savings Account Resources Broad range of expenses your HSA covers Doctor’s office Lab work Hospitalization Vision (contacts, glasses) Note that over the counter medications are not considered qualified expenses unless you have a prescription. See the full list at This is a sample list. Other qualified expenses, if you are no longer working, Medicare premium, COBRA premium and Long Term Care Premium. Individuals are responsible for determining if expenses are eligible under the Internal Revenue Code. Qualified healthcare expenses Prescriptions Dental work and braces Acupuncturist Chiropractor You can use your HSA dollars to cover: Eye exam Eye surgery (Lasik) Hearing aids If an HSA expenditure is not used for a qualified medical expense, you will be required to pay income tax and 20% penalty on the amount used. Did you know? You can use your HSA to pay for qualified healthcare expenses for your spouse or tax dependents − even if they’re not covered by your health plan.
2015 Benefit Programs NEW Health Savings Account
2015 Benefit Programs NEW Health Savings Account
Health Savings Account (HSA): Once enrolled in the Aetna Choice POS II HSA, you may open a Health Savings Account with Wells Fargo Bank. HSA contributions will be via payroll deduction (26 pay periods): The funds available for your qualified medical expenses will accumulate per pay period. How to open a HSA with Wells Fargo Bank: Complete the Benefits Enrollment (see below) and authorization forms provided by HR to open the HSA Visa savings account. A Welcome kit will be sent to the home address of each employee enrolled in the Aetna Choice II HSA. Follow the steps in the kit to activate your account. The kit will also include the HSA Visa card. After you activate the account contact if you would like an additional card for your spouse. If the card is lost or stolen, please contact customer service to obtain a new card. Funds must be in the health savings account to access. If funds are not available in your account the expense will not process. TAP will pay standard monthly Health Savings Account fee for active employees. If you currently have Health Care FSA with ADP you cannot open a Health Savings Account until January 1, 2016 but you must enroll in Aetna Choice POS II HSA now during annual enrollment. C MEDICAL PLAN OPTION WF HSA Account (per pay period) □ AETNA POS II (PPO) □ AETNA SELECT (EPO) AETNA POS II (HSA) Please deduct the following amount per payroll: $ Employee Max: $128.84 Family Max: $255.76 If you already have a Wells Fargo checking or savings account, the HSA would be another account visible when you sign on, so there is no additional usernames or passwords to remember. You can change the HSA contribution at any time during the year.
As a new accountholder you will receive
2015 Benefit Program Health Savings Account Resources As a new accountholder you will receive 1. Welcome kit and debit card Soon after enrolling 2. Welcome s Two within first 60 days Once you enroll you’ll receive: A mailed welcome kit with tips to get started with your account. You’ll also receive in separate mailings your HSA debit card, followed a couple days later by your PIN. Be sure to activate your card and use these to sign for online account access at Wells Fargo online. Two welcome s within the first 60 days. These include tips for how to get the most out of your account and have links to our informational HSA videos and more. The web link is located in the Benefit Guide. Quarterly newsletters with more insight to get the most our of your HSA. Be sure to provide your address during your employer’s enrollment process, if given the chance. You can also add your once you are signed up for online banking. 3. Quarterly newsletter Ongoing
Multiple convenient ways to transact and pay
2015 Benefit Programs Health Savings Account Resources Multiple convenient ways to transact and pay Wells Fargo Visa® HSA debit card Use Bill Pay to pay providers directly Pay with Apple PayTM (iPhone 6 users) Transact using our mobile app Transfer to bank accounts using Wells Fargo Online® Cash reimbursement at over 12,000 ATMs nationwide Over 6,200 Wells Fargo banking stores nationwide HBS-029
2015 Benefit Programs Employee Contribution
TAP will absorb the 2015 renewal costs and keep employee contributions the same as the last three years. TAP will also continue to pay 100% of the cost of coverage for the Basic Life/AD&D, LTD and EAP plan. Employee Bi-Weekly Contributions Employee Only Employee & Spouse Employee & Children Employee & Family NEW Aetna Choice HSA $5.00 $15.00 $10.00 $25.00 Aetna Select $35.47 $171.24 $122.01 $245.36 Aetna Choice PPO $68.26 $227.86 $173.58 $319.09 Aetna DHMO $6.41 $11.82 $10.43 $16.92 Aetna DPPO $12.29 $24.57 $20.63 $32.92 VSP Vision $4.90 $9.81 $10.50 $16.77 VSP Protec Safety Glasses $2.27 N/A Per pay period Contributions above vary based on location.
Determining how much to contribute
2015 Benefit Program Health Savings Account Resources Determining how much to contribute Consider these options Do you think your costs could be roughly the same this year? If so, target that amount. Think about how much you spent last year Set aside funds for those expenses – tax free1 – or pay yourself back once you build up the balance. Any medical, dental or vision costs coming up? Save enough to cover your health plan’s deductible or out of pocket maximum. Prepare your safety net Here are a few tips to think about if you can’t decide how much to contribute to your HSA. For example, if I’m spending $1,000 per year in healthcare expenses, my contribution will be $38.46 per pay period. Determining how much to contribute depends on how much you will use the account. Here are four common ways accountholders use their HSA If you expect your costs to be similar to those you had last year, plan to set aside at least that amount. If you have expenses coming up, like a planned surgery or dental procedure, be sure to fund your account and pay from your HSA. If you don’t have the funds in your HSA at the time of service, it’s ok. You can pay out of pocket and then pay yourself back with funds from your HSA as you build up the balance. Safety net – you may not have many expenses today, but down the road something unexpected might happen. Build a balance in your HSA to cover your annual deductible, and then if something unforeseen happens, you will have the funds to pay your share of expenses. Max out your contributions if you can…healthcare costs are the number one concern in retirement.2 Save for retirement Tax references are at the federal level. State taxes may vary. Please consult a tax advisor. Wells Fargo/Gallup Investor and Retirement Optimism Index: Factors Influencing When Non-Retirees Are Financially Able to Retire, Feb 2012. 15
2015 Benefit Programs Examples
Charges Aetna Select EPO James – Single Aetna Choice POS II HSA Robert - Single Bi-weekly EE contribution $35.47 $5.00 In-network Deductible $0 $1,300 Office Visits (3) ($30 each) $90 ($100 each) $300 Rx (3) (Brand) ($50 each) $150 Deductible Satisfied $450.00 Annual Premium $922.22 $130.00 Total Expense $1,102.22 $580.00 These examples illustrate two single employees in the Aetna Select and HSA. Their medical expenses are low, perhaps they’re healthier employees. Robert’s savings = $522.22 NOTE: This is an example. Actual charges will be different from the example above.
2015 Benefit Programs Life Examples
Charges Aetna Choice POS II PPO James - Family Aetna Choice POS II HSA Robert - Family Bi-weekly EE contribution $319.09 $25.00 In-network Deductible $1,000 $2,600 Office Visits (6) ($30 Each) $180 ($150 each) $900 Rx (6) (Brand) ($30 each) $180 ($50 each) $300 Deductible Satisfied $0 $1,200 Annual Premium $8,296.34 $650.00 Total Expense $8,656.34 $1,850.00 This example illustrates two Families one on the POS PPO and the other on the HSA. Each family incurs certain expenses under each plan, overall Robert saves more on the HSA due to the difference in contributions. Robert’s savings = $6,806.34 NOTE: This is an example. Actual charges will be different from the example above.
2015 Benefit Programs NEW Tele Doc Benefit
Teladoc gives Aetna members access to US board-certified doctors who can resolve many of your medical issues by phone and smartphone application 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Video consults are available from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a week. Members pay the PCP copay, the doctor will recommend treatment and a prescription may be provided at a local pharmacy if necessary. Visit or Call Teladoc ( ). When can you Teladoc? What can I use it for? When you need care now Cold and flu symptoms If you’re considering the ER or urgent care center for a nonemergency issue Bronchitis Respiratory infection On vacation, on a business trip, or away from home Sinus problems Allergies For short-term prescription refills Ear infection and much more In the event you just can’t get out of bed or drive your car, Teladoc is a great resource available for Aetna members. Summary of plan changes for presentation purposes. Standard Plan Documents provide formal details and supersede any other informational material
2015 Benefit Programs Aetna Resources
Aetna Navigator® Find a doctor Compare costs for office visits, tests and procedures Save on health-related products and services Store and share their personal health history Get instant access to claims and Explanation of Benefits statements Research prescription drugs Find forms and order ID cards Visit or Call Teladoc ( ) Aetna Resources For Living Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and Worklife Services Social Development Stress Management Anxiety Depression Legal and Financial Matters Worklife Balance Relationship and Marriage Child and Elder Care or visit Username: TAP Password: EAP Aetna Mobile app for iPhone and Android This mobile app works with the iPhone®, iPod touch® and iPad®. Text Apps to to download Search for a doctor in-network View your claims & benefits Speak with doctor via Teladoc iTriage link to look up symptoms
Thank You! Questions? As a reminder, if you do not have any changes, you do not need to do anything. If you would like to make benefit changes effective 7/1, please complete the paper enrollment form by Friday, May 29th. Thank you!
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