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INTELLIGENT BLINKER Texas Instruments Analog Design Contest 2013 Pietro Buccella Camillo Stefanucci Denis Sallin Naser Khosro Pour Theodoros Kyriakidis.

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Presentation on theme: "INTELLIGENT BLINKER Texas Instruments Analog Design Contest 2013 Pietro Buccella Camillo Stefanucci Denis Sallin Naser Khosro Pour Theodoros Kyriakidis."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTELLIGENT BLINKER Texas Instruments Analog Design Contest 2013 Pietro Buccella Camillo Stefanucci Denis Sallin Naser Khosro Pour Theodoros Kyriakidis Advising Professor: Maher Kayal University: École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne Date: 05-11-2013

2 TURNING: SIGNALIZATION? CAR BIKE Turn-on directional indicators Use hand signalization Hand signals are unnoticed in the dark!! For bicycle safety, visibility is key!! IDEA Right turn Left turn DARK WEARABLE BRACELET IT BLINKS ACCORDING TO THE CYCLIST ARM-MOTION

3 BLOCK DIAGRAM POWER MANAGEMENT: Outdoor Application -> Solar Energy -> Low Power MOTION DETECTION: Detect cyclist arm movement -> Factored Quaternion Algorithm DEBUG INTERFACE : Sensors Calibration, Algorithm Debug Dynamic Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) USB Linear Li-Ion Battery Charger SOLAR CELL OUTPUT POWER

4 BLOCK DIAGRAM POWER MANAGEMENT: Outdoor Application -> Solar Energy -> Low Power MOTION DETECTION: Detect cyclist arm movement -> Factored Quaternion Algorithm DEBUG INTERFACE : Sensors Calibration, Algorithm Debug Factored Quaternion Algorithm Sensor Raw Data LED Driver

5 BLOCK DIAGRAM POWER MANAGEMENT: Outdoor Application -> Solar Energy -> Low Power MOTION DETECTION: Detect cyclist arm movement -> Factored Quaternion Algorithm DEBUG INTERFACE : Sensors Calibration, Algorithm Debug Real time sensor raw data analysis Data memory for sensor data backup Sensor Calibration

6 CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION BQ25504 BQ24090 Li-ion battery TPDS73001 MEMS MSP430F5xx TCA6507 POWER MANAGEMENT: Outdoor Application -> Solar Energy -> Low Power MOTION DETECTION: Detect cyclist arm movement -> Factored Quaternion Algorithm DEBUG INTERFACE : Sensors Calibration, Algorithm Debug MEMORY

7 POWER MANAGEMENT: Outdoor Application -> Solar Energy -> Low Power MOTION DETECTION: Detect cyclist arm movement -> Factored Quaternion Algorithm RESULTS 10% of direct sun condition  PV provides 7.7 mW BQ25504 with 80% efficiency  6.1 mW System total power consumption reaches to 5 mW Autonomous operation even at 10% of direct sun illumination!! When the arm is moving left or right the threshold for the yaw angle is reached turning on the LEDs The up and down movement is indeed filtered out by the tilt-compensation algorithm  LEDs off SOLAR CELL OUTPUT POWER LED on Arm right (rotated wrist) Arm upArm left LED off

8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Naser Khosro Pour TI university program ADVISING PROFESSOR: MAHER KAYAL ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE EPFL Denis Sallin Camillo Stefanucci Theodoros Kyriakidis Pietro Buccella

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