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 Housing: Refers to more than just a structural dwelling-it also includes all that is within the dwelling and all that surrounds it. ◦ Lifespace (aka.

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2  Housing: Refers to more than just a structural dwelling-it also includes all that is within the dwelling and all that surrounds it. ◦ Lifespace (aka housing): provides shelter, security, privacy, prestige, and a means of self-expression.

3  Location  Climate  Availability  Cost  Taste  Lifestyle

4  The specific placement of a home  Ranges from urban to suburban to rural  May be categorized as seashore, mountain, desert, and so on ◦ These difference should reflect in how a house looks. A house on the beach in California should look different than an house in the mountains of Montana or a house in Boyceville.

5  Location is an important consideration in the selection of design, or construction of a home. ◦ Materials used to build along with furnishings used to decorate can be affected by the location of a house.

6  A home is part of a neighborhood which is part of a community. ◦ Each person has needs that must be met by the location of their house:  Education  Transportation  Worship  Health care  Shopping  Recreation

7  The choice of climate in which to live in automatically affects the choice of housing design. ◦ A house built in northern WI should be designed for comfort during cold winters with lots of snow. It needs enough insulation and a tight shell to keep the cold air out. The roof slope is important so snow doesn’t accumulate on the roof top. Amount of windows-heat loss

8  Homes designed for desert climates should have thick masonry walls to keep the high temperatures out of the house. These homes should have wide overhanging roofs to shade the walls and light colors to reduce heat buildup.

9  Availability of desirable housing in a given area is often limited ◦ This is not the case with today’s economy and the number of houses currently on the market=buyers market ◦ Each year more people buy trailers, motor homes, mobile homes, and houseboats so they can take their house with them everywhere they go.

10  One of the largest factors  Repairs, taxes, and insurance costs are also something to think of other than the cost of rent or buying a house.

11  Taste- a sense of what is fitting, harmonious, or beautiful. Seems agreeable or pleasing ◦ Reveals the personality of an individual-acquired through experiences and cultural influences.  Tastes varies from person to person, along with from time to time throughout a person’s life.  Function also plays a factor with taste-a reading room should not just be designed for beauty. It should have good lighting, a comfy reading chair, etc.

12  Some use their home as a peaceful retreat, while other use it mainly for social gatherings. Some use their home only as a place to sleep and get ready for the next day, for others, it is a bustling center of activity.  The space inside a home may be described as individual, group, or support space.

13  Individual: needed for sleeping, dressing, studying, relaxing, and conducting business in privacy. ◦ The amount needed varies depending on how many household members there are and how highly they value privacy.

14  Group: Needed for family recreation, conversation, dining, and entertaining. ◦ The amount varies with the household’s lifestyle and socials values.  Support: Preparing food and doing laundry are two common support activities ◦ The amount varies widely from household to household.

15  Tract houses  Custom houses  Manufactured houses  Mobile homes  Multifamily dwellings ◦ Cooperatives ◦ Condominiums ◦ Rental apartments

16  Built by a developer who subdivides a large piece of land into lots. The developer then builds several houses using just a few basic plans.  This reduces cost and increase building speed ◦ The developer often provides financing. One unit in the development is usually left unoccupied to show as a display for prospective buyers.

17  The buyer can see what he or she is buying.  A firm price can be negotiated before building begins.  Usually costs less than a custom house  Usually increases in value as the development grows.

18  They can have very little individuality-they all look the same.  They often look bare and unfinished for a few years until trees and shrubs grow.  The lots are usually very small in order for the developer to sell as many houses as possible.  The buyer takes a risk of not knowing how successful the development will eventually be.

19  Designed and built to meet the needs of a specific household. ◦ They may be designed by an architect, home designer, or prospective homeowner.  Cost more per square foot, but is most functional housing

20  Experience gained from building a house  Savings in labor charges  Everything is built to your personal specification

21  It is complicated and requires a lot of patience and hard work.  Can be difficult to get a loan to cover expenses  Building a house to code-knowing the different codes

22  Produced in a factory, shipped to the site, and put into place with a crane.  They are available in several forms: ◦ Modular components ◦ Prefabs ◦ Kit houses ◦ Precuts  Parts such as roof panels, floor panels, wall sections, kitchens, and baths are all produced as modules.

23  Prefab housing: Preassembled panels are ready for erecting on the site.  Kit houses: factory models of houses available in kits  Precuts: packaged materials already cut to size for a customer’s plan.

24  Lower costs  Reduced time in building  Often high quality

25  Limited selection  Special equipment is needed to install pieces  Shipping can be expensive

26  Designed to be movable-constructed on a frame with wheels for towing.  Can be placed on a temporary or permanent foundation.

27  Movable  Price is low  Little upkeep is required  Recreational facilities and services offered at some mobile home parks.  Monthly license fees are typically lower than property taxes for houses.

28  The value depreciates rapidly ◦ Can lose 50% of resale value in 5 years  Sometimes considered second-class housing  Sometimes are limited to where they can put mobile homes in a city.  Not very mobile once they reach their final location.  Cost of moving a mobile home ◦ Need professional movers and there are highway restrictions which reduce mobility.

29  A dwelling that is managed and run as a corporation. ◦ This is referring to the type of ownership, not the type of building.  Cooperatives area available in single-family homes, mobile home parks, and multifamily dwellings. ◦ Most common cooperatives are multifamily dwellings=apartments.

30  The buyer purchases stock in the corporation that runs the building and, therefore receives an apartment.  The person owns the house, so they do not pay rent.  The buyer does however pay a monthly fee that is put towards property taxes and maintenance costs of the building.  The corporation takes care of maintenance and repairs with the money collected from the stockholders.

31  Owners have a say in how the co-op is run ◦ Whereas a renter has no say  They can express opinions regarding future neighbors ◦ Owners generally vote on potential owners

32  Each member must abide by the wishes of the total group ◦ If the group makes a bad decision, then all suffer.

33  A dwelling wherein the owner buys an apartment and a share of the common ground. ◦ They pay taxes on their apartment/ground just as if it were a separate house.  Common property is maintained with money collected from monthly assessments ◦ Hallways, laundry areas, parking lots, sidewalks, lawns, tennis courts, and swimming pools.

34  The owner of a condominium may sell their unit without consulting any other owners.  Condominiums are owned individually with a joint interest in the common property.

35  Any type of dwelling can be rented, but apartments are by far the most common rentals.

36  Very popular among people who prefer to be more mobile.  Usually require less initial expense and much less up keep effort than other types of housing.  Readily available  Choices are unlimited in terms of style, size, price, range, and facilities.  Usually conveniently located near public transportation, shopping centers, and recreation areas.

37  Renters have little or no voice in how the apartment building is managed or maintained.  Neighbors may move it and out so often, no neighborhood spirit is developed.  Money spent on rent is not applied toward ownership. ◦ After paying rent for years, renters have no property to show for their payments.

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