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Design Workforce Development at South Carolina Department of Transportation Presented By: Rob Bedenbaugh, P.E. SCDOT Roadway Design Support Engineer July.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Workforce Development at South Carolina Department of Transportation Presented By: Rob Bedenbaugh, P.E. SCDOT Roadway Design Support Engineer July."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Workforce Development at South Carolina Department of Transportation Presented By: Rob Bedenbaugh, P.E. SCDOT Roadway Design Support Engineer July 27, 2010

2 Design Workforce Development Engineering Orientation Program E-Learning RE Academy Career Path Development Training Development Technology Training

3 Engineering Workforce  Engineers at SCDOT759  Engineers with PE227  Engineers with EIT140  Engineers with a four-year 488 engineering degree or higher

4 Engineering Orientation Program  Targets recently hired entry level engineers  Provides understanding of SCDOT’s mission, functions and Organizational Structure  Develops a network of engineering contacts  Provides training in basic management and engineering skills

5 Engineering Orientation Program  Program Structure  Approximately 200 hours of involvement  Over a period of 12 to 24 months  Networking Opportunities through Site Visits  E-Learning

6 Engineering Orientation Program  District Field Operations  Maintenance  Construction  Traffic  Central Office Operations  Planning  Preconstruction  Maintenance  Construction  Traffic  Office of Materials and Research

7 Engineering Orientation Program  E-Learning (Online Training Modules)  Overview Department’s organizational structure  Understanding of the mission of its various divisions  Basic Engineering Courses  Basic Management Courses

8 E-Learning  E-Learning also is used to train Engineering Staff on the following subjects:  Concrete Pavement Preservation  Maintenance of Traffic  Environmental Awareness  Highway Safety

9 RE Academy  Resident Engineer (RE) Academy  Provides SCDOT employees on a career path leading to Resident Construction Engineer or Resident Maintenance Engineer an opportunity to review specific job functions of the Resident Engineer  Employees are exposed to project management responsibilities in construction as well as day to day functions contributing to the successful operation of SCDOT maintenance forces. This includes:  Administration  Environmental  Construction Management  Materials  Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)  Bridge Construction/Maintenance  Maintenance Management  Human Resources

10 RE Academy  Approx. 15 employees selected annually to attend the academy.  126 employees have trained in the original 5 modules (Administration, Construction, Materials, Environmental, and ITS)  180 employees have completed at least one module since the start of the program in 2003  In 2009, 14 employees were trained in all modules except Human Resources  In 2010, 15 employees are attending the academy

11 Career Path Development  Leadership’s Commitment  SCDOT is committed to developing a diverse workforce of highly skilled, well qualified individuals  “Classification and Compensation Reform” was incorporated into the Department’s Strategic Plan  The reform initiative addressed several key issues to include the development of career paths

12 Career Path Development  Classification Philosophy  Positions are to be properly and consistently classified, regardless of location, based upon their functional responsibilities  Managers must continually ensure classification recommendations are consistent

13 Career Path Development  Advancement Criteria:  Employed in permanent position for 12 months  Meets minimum training and experience requirements  Completed at least three (3) professional development activities  Completed all professional development activities which demonstrate job proficiency  Rated at least a “Meets” on all job performances  Not under a Warning Notice of Substandard Performance  Not experienced a change in classification in past twelve (12) months  Not being recommended for advancement to same band/level as immediate supervisor  Not being recommended for advancement from non-supervisory to supervisory responsibilities  Not being recommended for advanced from Band 06 and below to Band 07

14 Career Path Development  Advancements  Advancements can occur throughout the year  Advancement is typically to the next level in the employee’s respective career path  Employee must meet specific criteria to advance  316 advancements have occurred to engineering staff since July 2007  This comprises of 45% of our engineering staff

15 Training Development  Training Development Funding  100% Federally Funded by Section 5204(s) of SAFETEA-LU “ The Transportation Research Board estimates that approximately 50% of the state transportation agency workforce will be eligible to retire within the next 10 years. ….. As the labor shortage becomes more pronounced, so to will the competition for workers from all industries. Those industries that invest in developing their next generation of workers will be in a better position to compete for the smaller labor pool. Section 5204(e) will also provide a greater opportunity to develop the current transportation workforce. ….The core fund workforce development provisions enhance the state’s ability to prepare individuals for transportation careers, and to develop current employees including those with management, technical, and vocational job responsibilities. ” ‐excerpt from Guidance for Use of Federal Aid State Core Program Funds for Training, Education and Workforce Development SAFETEA–LU Section 5204(e)

16 Training Development  Spring 2007 – Reorganized to divide the Preconstruction Division into four RPGs (Regional Production Groups) and a Preconstruction Support Group  December 2007 – The Preconstruction Support Training Department was created  Training Coordinators oversee the development, implementation, and facilitation of the training classes, maintain department training records, and provide certificates for classes with Professional Development Hours (PDH) for all Preconstruction employees

17 Training Development  Training Development Coordinators  Determine staff training needs  Schedule classes  Coordinate with the Department’s training office  Maintain contact with internal and external professionals engaged in training activities  Create lessons

18 Training Development  Training Development Course Offerings  Spring 2008 – Geosynthetic Conference was held in Columbia, S.C.  Spring 2010 –Partnered with Midlands Technical College (MTC) to develop and implement Basic Bridge Design and Basic Road Design Classes  Fall 2010 – Currently partnering with MTC to develop an Intermediate Bridge Design Class to be launched in Fall 2010  Continuous offerings of NHI (National Highway Institute) Classes  Continuous offerings of Webinars

19 Training Development  Training Development Statistics  2008:17 classes 96 attendees 3930.50 PDHs  2009:14 classes355 attendees 2529.50 PDHs  2010:28 classes442 attendees 4352.00 PDHs

20 Technology Training  MicroStation/Geopak/IPLOT  Training offered on a yearly basis to all CADD Users  Essentials and Intermediate MicroStation Courses  Geopak Roadway Design Courses  Geopak Drainage Courses  Geopak Roadway Modeler Courses  IPLOT Course  Bentley Online Training Courses  Engineering Software Training  Training offered on a yearly basis to select engineers  AutoTurn, TORUS, GuidSIGN Courses  Hydraulic Software Courses  Structural/Geotechnical Software Courses  Construction Software Courses (Leica, Trimble, Eaglepoint/SMI)

21 Technology Training  Transportation Technology Transfer Service (T 3 S)  Established partnership with Clemson University  Provides technical training courses for:  Erosion and Sediment Control  Asphalt Construction  Sign Retroreflectivity  Engineering Conferences  Stormwater Plan Review  Work Zone  Bridge Maintenance/Inspection  and various other course offerings

22 Questions? SCDOT Contact Info: Rob Bedenbaugh, P.E. SCDOT Roadway Design Support Engineer (803) 737-1134

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