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Reconstitution of Governing Bodies Damian Cunningham Director of Schools Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education.

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1 Reconstitution of Governing Bodies Damian Cunningham Director of Schools Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education

2 The Regulations 1.What are the main changes in the 2012 regulations? Minimum of seven members of the governing body; Community governor category abolished, and co-opted governor category created to be recruited on basis of skills; Minimum of two elected parent governors but there is no maximum; Maximum of one local authority (LA) governor, and governing bodies allowed to set criteria for LA governors and reject nominees not meeting the specification; Maximum of one elected staff governor (not including headteacher), but other staff may be appointed as co-opted governors provided staff (including the headteacher) comprise no more than one third of total governing body; Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education

3 The Regulations 2. 2012 changes for a reconstituted voluntary aided school governing body Foundation governors will still be appointed to voluntary aided schools in the same proportions as under the 2007 regulations. This means that the foundation body retains the power to appoint the majority of the governing body in voluntary aided schools. The most significant change is that there is no longer any requirement in reconstituted governing bodies for the foundation body to appoint such number of parents, that taken together with elected parents, comprise one third of the governing body. This is because the requirement for one third of the governing body to be elected parents has been removed in other types of school. Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education

4 The Regulations Therefore, minimum size: 2 elected parents; 1 LA governor (now appointed by GB after LA nomination); 1 elected staff governor; Headteacher; and 7 foundation governors (no requirement to appoint parents as FGs). Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education

5 Amplification of Statutory Guidance 4.1 Size and Membership GBs should be “no bigger than they need to be to have all the skills necessary to carry out their functions”. This will be highly subjective of course! Also “every member should actively contribute relevant skills and experience. Governing bodies should conduct regular skills audits and use the process of filling governor vacancies as an opportunity to address any skills gaps” Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education

6 Amplification of Statutory Guidance 4.2 Skills The government has tried to define the skills we need. “The specific skills that governing bodies need to meet their particular challenges will vary. It is therefore for governing bodies and other appointing persons (Diocese) to determine in their own opinion what these skills are and be satisfied that the governors they appoint have them skills audit Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education

7 Amplification of Statutory Guidance Experience has shown, however, that all governors need: a strong commitment to the role, the inquisitiveness to question and analyse, and the willingness to learn. They need good inter-personal skills, a basic level of literacy in English (unless a governing body is prepared to make special arrangements), and sufficient numeracy skills to understand basic data.

8 Amplification of Statutory Guidance Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education Experience also shows that effective governing bodies seek to secure or develop within their membership as a whole: expertise and experience in analysing performance data, in budgeting and driving financial efficiency, and in performance management and employment issues, including grievances. They seek to recruit and/or develop governors with the skills to work constructively in committees, chair meetings and to lead the governing body. They set aside a budget to fund appropriate and necessary continuing professional development for their members.”

9 Possible Size of Governing Body Diocese of Shrewsbury Department of Education

10 Re-constitution CES Guidance CES Guidance for Catholic Maintained Schools – Reconstitution under 2012 Regs – issued 06 08 14 CES Model Governing Body Skills Audit CES Update – Governance of a Catholic School

11 Re-constitution – The Process Governing Bodies need to conduct as skills audit (use CES) Then decide the model for reconstitution Staff Governors should be Headteacher +1 LA Governor – only one Foundation Governors must always be in the majority by 2 There can be co-opted Governors – but Foundation must be still +2 There can be associate Governors – non voting If there are surplus elected Governors (staff or parent) then there must be a re-election for the required number of posts If there are surplus Foundation Governors – then the skills audits must be submitted to the Diocese and the diocese will decide which governors will no longer serve. Once reconstituted the Governors must submit there new Instruments of Governance (appendix A & B in CES guidance) to the Diocese for approval. Once approved by the Diocese it will be sent to the LA and then returned to the school. The governing body must check the Edubase database to ensure that all the school’s details recorded on the Edubase database are correct, and particularly that the school’s name appears exactly as it does on the Instrument of Government and that the religious designation is correct

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