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PSHE & Citizenship Lesson Please mix and match the activities in this lesson as you see fit

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Presentation on theme: "PSHE & Citizenship Lesson Please mix and match the activities in this lesson as you see fit"— Presentation transcript:

1 PSHE & Citizenship Lesson Please mix and match the activities in this lesson as you see fit

2 Starter Have you seen this symbol before? Where? What are the connotations of this symbol? In which school subjects are you more likely to encounter this symbol? Key word Connotation: the meaning or ideas associated with something

3 You see a car in the street. It’s got lots of fangled inventions and cool little gadgets which made the person want to buy it in the first place. You buy yourself the car and study it and copy it perfectly bit by bit. You make loads and sell them. No one buys cars from the original company anymore. Is this fair? Starter

4 Starter Imagine/remember something that you have created. Anything. A cake, a model, a new tactic in a game, a photo, an essay, music. You have spent hours on it, maybe days, and it’s your creative achievement What should happen next? Should there be rules about this? Who should enforce those rules? What should happen if the rules are broken?

5 Open Site Quiz – Questions 1 - 6 1.When does copyright start? 2.What is the law that protects intellectual property rights? 3.How long does copyright last for most categories? 4.Name 5 things that are protected (5 marks) 5.What six actions does copyright law protect your work from? (6 marks) 6.At what age does copyright law apply to you?

6 Open Site Quiz – Questions 7 - 12 7.What is the difference between moral and economic rights? 8.When was CLA set up? 9.What % of jobs in the UK are in the creative industries according to 2012 figures? 10.What was the value of Creative Industry service exports in 2011? 11.Government estimates how many ‘creators’ are there in the UK in 2012 figures? 12.When do you not need permission?

7 1.As soon as a work is created in material form 2.The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 3.70 years from death of the creator 4.Literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, published editions, sound recordings, films, broadcasts, computer programs, databases 5.Copying, distributing, renting/lending, performing/showing, adapting, uploading to the internet 6.Applies no matter what your age Open Site Quiz – Answers 1 - 6

8 Open Site Quiz – Answers 7 - 12 7.Economic rights give creators exclusive right to have their work re-used (copied, rented lent). Moral rights mean the work should be accredited and should not be mistreated or adapted. 8.1983 9.5.6% 10.£15.5 million 11.770,000 12.Private study, criticism, review, ‘fair use’

9 Open Site Quiz - Debrief Use the quiz answers and websites to answer two of these Define Intellectual Property and copyright Is copying considered a bad thing? What is the government’s view of copyright and intellectual property? How has the law had to adapt over time? How important is creativity to the UK? What are the advantages of protecting creativity?

10 Tasks Design a copyright notice that tells people what they can do with you work. FIVE WORDS ONLY! The rest has to be pictures and symbols Think of at least seven different ways someone could unfairly copy someone’s work. Create a solution for each one Create a machine that detects if someone copies unfairly What one created. Write or draw what the world would be like

11 Plenary Paired discussion. The younger in the pair must decide what they think and say why. The older must argue against them People should be paid for their creative work You should be able to decide what happens to your creative work It is the job of the government, not the individual, to protect creations Copyright is more important in some school subjects than others Social Media has had a positive effect on copyright issues Copyright abuse should be punished, no matter what age you are There should be a global agreement on Copyright

12 Talk to a Martian. They have never heard of copyright, tell them what it means in 15 words Create a song/rap/anthem explaining why copyright is important. It must contain the words ‘copyright’ ‘law’ ‘fair’ ‘create’ ‘third party content’(!) and ‘permission’ Plot your opinion on this line and explain why. Revisit it as you learn more about copyright Talk for one minute, with no repetition, erms or pauses, on why ‘creators should be able to choose what happens to their work’ COPYRIGHT mneumonic Copyright is fair Copyright is unfair Discussion points

13 Further reading

14 T: 020 7400 3100 E: The Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd

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