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EPortfolio Assessment Pilot. Agenda Purpose of the ePortfolio assessment pilot CSD use of ePortfolio English department use of ePortfolio Future applications.

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Presentation on theme: "EPortfolio Assessment Pilot. Agenda Purpose of the ePortfolio assessment pilot CSD use of ePortfolio English department use of ePortfolio Future applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 ePortfolio Assessment Pilot

2 Agenda Purpose of the ePortfolio assessment pilot CSD use of ePortfolio English department use of ePortfolio Future applications Questions

3 ePortfolio Assessment Pilot Spring 2009 Three programs Communication Sciences and Disorders Electrical and Computer Engineering English GOAL is “for you to become familiar with the assessment features in ePortfolio and, as you develop this familiarity, for you to provide feedback to the development team so the application can be enhanced to support assessment and reporting.”

4 Formative Assessment and ePortfolio Shannon Godsey Communication Sciences and Disorders

5 Formative assessment The purpose of formative assessment is to monitor students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills during educational preparation ( ASHA mandate Documented evidence of student learning and feedback process

6 Formative assessment process Determine outcomes Identify opportunities for evidence (measurement) Determine when to assess Review student choices and provide feedback Analyze for program improvement

7 History First year of implementation is 2004-2005 Initial process Students assessed at four levels ePortfolio as medium of assesssment Required elements = specific assignments Portfolios reviewed annually by two faculty members No coordination No analysis

8 Current Process changes New undergraduate outcomes ePortfolio as medium for assessment Required elements = general requirements/student choice Portfolios reviewed annually by one faculty member; changes each year Single coordination and analysis Results reported at first meeting of the year

9 Outcomes Where do they come from? Professional standards Department goals Faculty agreement CAA Knowledge and Skills Acquisition requirements Step one of planning template Due 15 October Determine outcomes Identify opportunities for evidence (measurement) Determine when to assess Review student choices and provide feedback Analyze for program improvement

10 Outcomes in ePortfolio Located on Community home page TERM ALERT! Communities educationally purposeful areas within ePortfolio where members are directed to collect items that reflect learning around desired program area objectives (learning outcomes). Communities may be designed to support formative and/or summative assessment and reporting.

11 Required evidence Evidence of knowledge and skills is demonstrated through required elements that contain materials chosen by the student TERM ALERT! Elements Each discrete information record in your ePortfolio collection is considered an element Materials Materials consist of files you upload and web addresses you link to in your ePortfolio collection. Step two of planning template Due 13 November Determine outcomes Identify opportunities for evidence (measurement) Determine when to assess Review student choices and provide feedback Analyze for program improvement

12 Evidence in ePortfolio Required elements are communicated through the collection guide (TERM ALERT!)

13 Due dates Portfolio are submitted annually for each academic level Specific elements are due throughout the academic year Complete portfolios due April for juniors as part of CSD 4010 (portfolio development) Completed portfolios are due in March for seniors and is a requirement for graduation Determine outcomes Identify opportunities for evidence (measurement) Determine when to assess Review student choices and provide feedback Analyze for program improvement

14 Review Assigned to a faculty reviewer each year Submit portfolios to reviewer and coordinator Reviewers complete review tool and turn into coordinator for record keeping and analysis Step three of planning template Due 15 December Determine outcomes Identify opportunities for evidence (measurement) Determine when to assess Review student choices and provide feedback Analyze for program improvement

15 Review tool

16 Simple assessment

17 Outcomes assessment

18 Analysis: Program development 2006-2007 80-100% completion rate except one element Diagnostic element was less than 70% complete Reviewed reasons Discussed solutions at department retreat Changed approached in courses and experiences Determine outcomes Identify opportunities for evidence (measurement) Determine when to assess Review student choices and provide feedback Analyze for program improvement

19 Analysis: student level

20 Why ePortfolio? Privacy and security Consistency and/or change as needed Convenient for use beyond college Ability to demonstrate growth, self-assessment, and awareness Multiple methods

21 Tips to designing Outcomes Collection guide Clear and obvious design Coordination True position, not an add-on Use the tool Communities Outcomes Collection guides Portfolio templates Assessment tools

22 Coordination Create collection guides Assign reviewers and due dates Portfolio course Review annual portfolio Analyze data Program adjustment

23 ePortfolio Collection guide Portfolio Element Material

24 Preparation Create collection guides Communicate the process Student awareness Choose elements Complete portfolio Program improvement Review portfoliosAnalyze data

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