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Formative Assessment Guide Formative assessment is one of the new education “buzzwords.” This product is meant to get you oriented with formative assessment!

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Presentation on theme: "Formative Assessment Guide Formative assessment is one of the new education “buzzwords.” This product is meant to get you oriented with formative assessment!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Formative Assessment Guide Formative assessment is one of the new education “buzzwords.” This product is meant to get you oriented with formative assessment!

2 Formative assessment is a way for you to gather data on your students. It has been described as assessment for learning rather than assessment of learning. – But what does that mean?

3 Formative assessment should be used during the learning process. The goal is to gather data that will inform your teaching. – Does material need to be retaught? – Are your students ready to move on? – Are your students ready for a test, quiz, essay, etc.? Ideally, you will use this data to change what/how you teach during the next lesson.

4 There are two forms of formative assessment. – Informal Formative Assessment – Formal Formative Assessment Hint: It doesn’t involve what your students wear while taking the assessment!

5 Informal vs. Formal Informal formative assessments give you an idea of where the class is. Formal formative assessments give you specific data about where individual students are.

6 Informal formative assessment is like looking at a thermometer. – It’s quick and easy. – It gives you the average temperature of the room. Part 1

7 The Analogy Let’s say you want to “take the temperature” of your classroom.

8 Examples of Informal Formative Assessment Cell Phone Reception Ask your students to make a fist and place it over their heart. Ask them to use their fingers to indicate the following number of bars. No bars = Totally Lost 1 bar = I get a little, but not a lot 2 bars = I’m with you, but I have questions 3 bars = Full signal, I’m ready to move on Windshields When your students leave the classroom, ask them to write down the following words on an index card Muddy = I do not understand what’s going on Lots of Bugs = Things are a little clear, but I have a lot of questions Some Bugs = I’m with you, but I have some questions Clear = I’m with you and I’m ready to move on

9 Part 2 Formal formative assessment is like using a thermal gun. – It takes more time. – It tells you where the hot and cold spots are in your classroom

10 Examples of Formal Formative Assessment 3-2-1 Exit Card Ask your students to write on a half sheet of paper or an index card: 3 things you learned 2 things you need clarified 1 question you have Quickwrite Ask your students to write on a half sheet of paper or an index card: A response to a short prompt that requires students to show their understanding of a concept.

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