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The Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School Sophomore Library Media Center Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "The Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School Sophomore Library Media Center Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School Sophomore Library Media Center Orientation

2 Using the Arts… sophomore students are reintroduced to the Library Media Center Resources through a fun and interesting festival

3 The Library Media Center Arts Festival… is held during the month of March in celebration of …


5 AND…

6 And this leads nicely to… In April !

7 The BVT Library Media Center ARTS FESTIVAL… serves two purposes:

8 First, our purpose is to invite sophomores to the LMC for sophomore orientation.

9 Through Tech Comp, sophomore students are reintroduced to research and database skills in a fun and interesting way…

10 …Preparing them for their junior year research project and portfolios.

11 They participate in a number of activities and raffles throughout the festival.

12 Second, we hope to link many of our fantastic BVT art departments (music and multiple art areas)…

13 …with the resources in the media center, technology, and throughout our academic and vocational areas.

14 The theme for 2012 is “Bringing the Past into the Future” and will run through the month of March

15 Some examples of the art … “Bringing the Past into the Future”

16 Art….

17 More Art… Old stuff made new!

18 And a few more!

19 Festival Activities... require students to complete some type of reading, research, following instruction and submit an entry to the activity raffle

20 After a brief introduction … students must choose two to three activities to complete during the forty minute block

21 They must… - visit 2-3 stations - complete the activity - obtain confirmation from their teacher - submit their entry into the raffle.

22 Some of the activities are… “Name That Tune” Estimation Activities Research Using the EBSCO Databases Scavenger Hunt using Electronic Library Card Catalog S.T.E.M. Simple Project FLIP Camcorder Activity Question of the Week Rejuvenate your Reference

23 Students receive a participation grade from Tech Comp Instructors

24 All vocational and academic classes are also invited to participate in the event.

25 Reservations are required… using our online reservation calendar. Teachers reserve a class period and meet students in the LMC.

26 The Festival provides a great time to… Display new library resources Bring teachers into the LMC

27 And… - Encourage academic and vocational teachers to collaborate on theme projects - Display multiple art and music curriculum related projects

28 Each activity has a raffle to enter… All prizes are donated by the vocational shops and individuals throughout our school community

29 Past prizes include… Gift certificates to Culinary Arts Bakery Gift certificates to Culinary Arts Restaurant Gift Certificates to Cosmetology Cutting Boards from Carpentry Small items from Technology and a variety of other simple prizes!

30 Prizes are announced and awarded at the end of the Festival

31 This presentation was created by Pamela Mark, M.Ed. Blackstone Valley Tech LMS February 2012

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