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Equity, Gender and Quality in Education Gender inequalities in teaching and learning processes & outcomes UNGEI GAC meeting 11-12 September 2008 Kathmandu.

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Presentation on theme: "Equity, Gender and Quality in Education Gender inequalities in teaching and learning processes & outcomes UNGEI GAC meeting 11-12 September 2008 Kathmandu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equity, Gender and Quality in Education Gender inequalities in teaching and learning processes & outcomes UNGEI GAC meeting 11-12 September 2008 Kathmandu GROUP 3

2 Key priorities in promoting gender equality: 1. Data collection, monitoring and evaluation 2. The role of teachers 3. Child and community participation 4. Working with parents 5. Advocacy and awareness raising 6. Local and relevant curriculum 7. Conceptualising gender in quality education

3 Data collection, monitoring & evaluation Data disaggregated by gender and other exclusionary factors: ethnicity; language; caste; disability; religion; and poverty Mapping exclusion at the community level and identifying multiple barriers to learning Data disaggregated by age and grade to monitor attendance, completion and survival rates Systemic overhaul of the school inspectorate services Code of conduct and school-based monitoring systems Mainstreaming of gender in School Development Planning

4 The role of teachers Mobilise and engage teachers as key change agents and role models Ensure teachers are at core of processes promoting gender equality Ensure a good gender parity and equality within the teaching profession Promote teacher collaboration with children and communities through participatory development of CofC and SDP School-based professional development activities to ensure gender-responsive classroom practice

5 Child & Community Participation Gender equality and equity need to be addressed beyond the school walls Ensure quality participation of children and parents extended into community-wide initiatives Provide information, ideas and skills to allow children and community to: - Address their identified needs, interests and priorities - Advocate and demand rights from duty-bearers

6 Working with Parents Strategies to promote girl’s education also need to extend to mothers Promote literacy of mothers to promote their role as change agents Engage fathers, often the head and key decision-maker in the household to raise awareness and change attitudes

7 Advocacy Key components of a grassroots advocacy campaign: Quality participation; effective data collection and analysis; mobilized and engaged teachers; literate mothers and engaged fathers Establish networks and linkages within and across levels and enhance collaboration with research and academic institutions Document and disseminate examples of success in girls education and impact of on girls and their communities Identify girl/women role models and promote children, especially girls, as champions for female participation

8 Local and relevant curriculum: Enhance enrolment, attendance and completion of girl children by providing livelihoods training to both children and parents Curriculum is that is locally relevant and reflects the needs and interests of the child / family increase commitment to girl’s education Local curricula should be developed in collaboration with all stakeholders and delivered through either the formal education system or alternative education programmes Linking local curriculum to the local labour market

9 Conceptualising gender in quality education Clear articulation of quality education and how it embodies key principles of gender equality and equity to provide a common vision and purpose Flexible to contextualization at the local level to ensure the community’s values, traditions and priorities are recognized and respected Linked to human rights legislation framework and emphasising transformative nature of education

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