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By: Samantha Stapleton USEFUL EQUIPMENT FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH Exercise: speed and cardio.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Samantha Stapleton USEFUL EQUIPMENT FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH Exercise: speed and cardio."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Samantha Stapleton USEFUL EQUIPMENT FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH Exercise: speed and cardio

2  Keeping up your heart rate is one key element in knowing you are exercising.  These tools/ software are helpful in knowing you are/will get in a quality exercise while having fun and learning!  Stop watch  Mini hurdles  Relay batons  Jump ropes  Music workout App EXERCISE IS FUN !

3  These watches come in a pack of six with a variety of colors.  Has a stop, start, and lap button.  Includes a neck length lanyard to put around you. SPECTRUM ECONOMY STOPWATCH

4  Purpose: to time personal splits, and events.  Use: To time training of a person(s), and timing events (track race).  Where to buy:  Cost: $49.99 (pack of 6) SPECTRUM ECONOMY STOPWATCH (CONT’D)

5  They are plastic hurdles that you are able to incorporate in many different physical activities.  You can jump or run over them.  Come in various sizes. (6” & 12”). MINI TRAINING HURDLES

6  Purpose: help build jumping skills in younger kids; helps build agility in older kids.  Use: In various physical education games, and in training.  Buy:  Cost: 6” hurdle- $7.99 ; 12” hurdle-$9.99 (each) MINI TRAINING HURDLES (CONT’D)

7  These are foam cylinder objects you would carry if you were in a track race (relay) or any other physical activity.  Teams of four  Pass it to the next person on your team when you have finished your part of the race/activity/challenge. RAINBOW FOAM RELAY BATONS

8  Purpose: to pass the baton successfully and safely to the next member of your team.  Use: In relay races, in team bonding and collaboration in an activity in class.  Buy:  Cost: $19.95 (set of 6) RAINBOW FOAM BATONS (CONT’D)

9  These are a way for students to have fun, and exercise all at the same time!  The students will be able to keep their heart rate up and will be able to jump over the rope at their own pace.  These specific jump ropes allow for easy turning of the rope. SPECTRUM JUMP ROPES

10  Purpose: To build speed, raise heart rate, and burn calories.  Use: In games, in the “jump rope challenge”, and in training. Keep children active and keep heart rate up.  Buy:  Cost: $ 10.49 (set of 6) SPECTRUM JUMP ROPES (CONT’D)

11  Great way to get kids wanting to move!!  A timer that uses your music to let you know when its workout time and rest time.  You can set how long you want your rest time, and how many sets and how long you want to workout for.  Perfect for coaches, teachers, and trainers! MUSIC WORKOUT

12  Purpose: To get a quality workout/class activity time in while engaging the students.  Use: classroom, practice. Can signal circuit changes or station changes.  Buy:  Cost: $0.99 MUSIC WORKOUT (CONT’D)

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