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Reading with Meaning: Teaching Comprehension in the Kindergarten Classroom Presented by April Kelley Reading & Writing Consultant ESU #6.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading with Meaning: Teaching Comprehension in the Kindergarten Classroom Presented by April Kelley Reading & Writing Consultant ESU #6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading with Meaning: Teaching Comprehension in the Kindergarten Classroom Presented by April Kelley Reading & Writing Consultant ESU #6

2 Learning Targets… Explore various comprehension strategies Learn how to teach students to use comprehension strategies Gather instructional activities to use with some of the strategies Learn about additional resources

3 What is comprehension instruction? Definition Active Process of constructing meaning from text. It involves accessing previous knowledge, understanding vocabulary and concepts, making inferences, and linking key ideas.

4 Research has shown that good readers routinely use comprehension strategies to construct meaning as they read. So…what does this mean for us?

5 Think of a time that you learned how to do something new. How did you learn how to do it?

6 Gradual Release of Responsibility Pearson & Gallagher’s Model of Explicit Reading Instruction Stage 1: Teacher modeling and explanation of strategy Stage 2: Guided practice, teacher gradually gives students more responsibility for task completion Stage 3: Independent practice accompanied by feedback Stage 4: Application of the strategy in real reading situations

7 How do we begin planning to teach the comprehension strategies using the gradual release of responsibility model? Step-by-Step Planning Guide

8 Predicting Poster Reference Instructional Activities: –Making Predictions –Anticipation Guide/Agree-Disagree Chart

9 Making Connections Poster Reference Instructional Activities: –Questions Text-to-self Text-to-text (Venn Diagrams) Text-to-world –Prevoke/Vocabogram

10 Retell & Summarize Retell Poster Reference Summarize Poster Reference Retell vs. Summary Reference Instructional Activities: –Retell: Storymaps, Storybraid, Group Retelling, Flannel Boards

11 April’s Wikispace http://esu6-

12 Agree-Disagree Chart Thank You!!!

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