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Certification of Central Venous Lines Georgia Health Sciences Medical Center Augusta, Georgia November 13, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Certification of Central Venous Lines Georgia Health Sciences Medical Center Augusta, Georgia November 13, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Certification of Central Venous Lines Georgia Health Sciences Medical Center Augusta, Georgia November 13, 2012

2 The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal #7 2010 “Reduce the risk of healthcare associated infections”

3 NPSG.07.04.01 Implement best practice or evidence based guidelines to prevent central line associated bloodstream infections.

4 Elements of the Central Line Bundle:  Hand hygiene  Maximal barrier precautions upon insertion  Chlorhexidine skin antisepsis  Optimal catheter site selection, with avoidance of using the femoral vein for central venous access in adult patients  Daily review of line necessity, with prompt removal of unnecessary lines 1

5 What is a “Certified Line”?  Inserted by a “Qualified Inserter”  Witnessed by a “Qualified Observer”  Having at least 2 people present at all times during the insertion procedure.  Verified by the “Qualified Observer” through documentation in the medical record that:  All components of the CVL Bundle were followed, and  No breaks in sterile/aseptic technique occurred  Documented as “certified” in the medical record by the “Qualified Observer”  All components of the bundle must be followed with no breaks in sterile/aseptic technique.  NOTE:If components of the “bundle” are not adhered to, documentation by the “Qualified Inserter” indicates appropriate reason deviation occurred and can still be certified.

6 “Certified Line” = “Qualified Inserter” + “Qualified Observer” (A non-certified line should be removed within 24 hours of insertion.) 2

7 Who is a “Qualified Inserter”? A Physician, PA or Advanced Practice RN who has met these two criteria:  Successfully checked off by their service as competent in the insertion of central lines and credentialed for CVL insertion  Successfully demonstrated competent use of the CVL Bundle by attending the CVL Bundle Program sponsored by Hospital Epidemiology

8 Who is a “Qualified Observer”:  Vascular Access Teams (AVAT/PVAT)  Pediatric and Adult ICUs  General Nursing Units  Registered Nurses in:  Interventional Radiology  Emergency Department  Operating Rooms (circulating nurses)  Critical Care Units  Pediatric Units

9  13 members  24/7 Coverage  Preferred first contact for central line insertion observation  Routine maintenance for all central lines  Insertion of PICC lines Adult Vascular Access Team - AVAT 5

10 Pediatric Vascular Access Team- PVAT  8 PVAT members  CMC Coverage  Preferred first contact for central line insertion observation  Routine maintenance for all central lines  Insertion of PICC lines

11 Computerized Physician Order Entry(CPOE) Activates the VATs

12 CPOE Continued

13 CVL Bundle Program Consists of:  1 hour didactic class  National Patient Safety Goals  Central Line Bundle  Hospital Policy  Policy access on the intranet  Basic Asepsis within surgical field  Competency demonstration in a simulated lab  Skills assessed:  Surgical scrub / Donning sterile attire  Skin prep / draping / Central Line Bundle  Dressing & antimicrobial disc application  Documentation of insertion and bundle  Access to policies/procedures on line

14 CVL Bundle Program Upon successful completion of the program a badge is given to identify them as a “Qualified Inserter”

15 2 4

16 Next Step Incorporate “Qualified Inserter” verification into the Procedure Time Out process and documentation using the “red” Asepsis (CVL Bundle) Program badge.

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