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By Thomas, Constantin and Johannes. Weimarer Republic Hitler and Nazi Germany Mussolini and Italy.

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Presentation on theme: "By Thomas, Constantin and Johannes. Weimarer Republic Hitler and Nazi Germany Mussolini and Italy."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Thomas, Constantin and Johannes

2 Weimarer Republic Hitler and Nazi Germany Mussolini and Italy

3 1919 - 1933

4 Nov. 9 1918 - Revolution in Germany: The Empire collapses, the Kaiser abdicates, and a republic is proclaimed Nov. 11 1918 - Armistice: The end of World War 1 Feb. 6 1919 – The National Assembly meets in Weimar ->Government of the "Weimar Coalition" (SPD, DDP, Center) is formed with Philipp Scheidemann as Chancellor Feb. 11 1919 – The National Assembly elects Friedrich Ebert (SPD) as first President of the Republic June 23 1919 - Versailles Treaty: The Treaty, drafted by Britain, France, and the United States, is imposed on the protesting German government

5 July 31 1919 - Weimar Constitution: The National Assembly, sitting in Weimar, adopts a constitution for the Republic Sept. 1919 - Adolf Hitler joins the tiny German Workers Party (later renamed the National Socialist German Workers Party, NSDAP, or Nazi Party) in Munich June 6 1920 - The parties of the "Weimar Coalition" lose their Reichstag majority in national elections May 11 1921 - The German government (under duress) accepts the Allies claims for reparations, the amount of which was left open in the peace treaty June 22 1922 - Foreign minister Walter Rathen assassinated by right-wing anti-Semites. In reaction to this outrage, Republican institutions are consolidated for a time Jan. 11 1923 - Occupation of the Ruhr and Great Inflation: Germany’s main heavy industrial area is occupied by French and Belgian troops in an attempt to force payment of reparations.

6 Aug. 12 - Nov. 23 1923 A "Great Coalition" government (SPD, DDP, Center, DVP) led by Gustav Stresemann (DVP) ends the passive resistance and the inflation Nov. 8 – 11 1923 "Beer Hall Putsch” Afterwards Hitler flees, he is arrested and spends about a year in prison during 1924-25 April 26 1925 Field Marshal Paul von Hindenbur g is elected as President of the Republic Oct. 16 1925 - Germany signs the Locarno Treaties are signed, voluntarily guaranteeing her Western borders June 13 1928 - A“ Great Coalition" government (the first since 1923) is formed under Hermann Müller (SPD) June 7 1929 - The German government accepts the Young Plan, which further eases German reparations obligations Oct. 1929 - The Wall Street crash, symbolic start of the Great Depression, finds the German economy already in decline

7 March 27 1930 – Brüning cabinet: After the collapse of the Great Coalition government, a minority government of the center and right-wing parties is formed under Heinrich Brüning (Center) Sept. 14 1930 - National elections, called by Brüning to strengthen his position in the Reichstag, result in a big surge in the Nazi and Communist vote April 10 1932 Hindenburg is reelected President by a small margin over Hitler May 31 1932 - Franz von Papen becomes Chancellor after Brüning loses Hindenburg' s confidence and resigns July 20 1932 – The Papen government takes over the government of Prussia, Germany's largest federal state, dismissing the Weimar Coalition

8 July 31 1932 - National elections, called by Papen to strengthen his position in the Reichstag, result in doubled Nazi representation Dec. 2 1932 - General Kurt von Schleicher becomes Chancellor. Jan. 30 1933 -Nazi "seizure of power": Hitler becomes Chancellor with a cabinet numerically dominated by conservatives Feb. 27 1933 - Fire partly destroys the Reichstag building. The government takes the occasion to step up persecution of the opposition parties



11 Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889 at Braunau am Inn, Austria, a small village, bordering Germany, the third son and fourth child of six Adolf left the school with 16 without any qualifications, he wanted to became a painter University of Vienna rejected Hitler twice 1913 he moved from Austria to Munich (Germany) He fought in Word War 1 for Germany Sep 1, 1914-Oct 18, 1918 Hitler soldiered in France and Belgium as a runner – he get awards in WW1 but never got a officer October 1918 Hitler was temporarily blinded by a gas attack Hitler had long admired Germany, and during the war he had become a passionate German patriot, although he did not become a German citizen until 1932 Germany in turn perceived the treaty and especially the paragraph on the German guilt as a humiliation Hitler was discharged from the army in March 1920 and with his former superiors' continued encouragement began participating full time in the party's activities.

12 Early 1921 - Hitler becomes an effective public speaker July 29 1921 - Hitler became Führer of the NDAP Jan 1922 - Nazis begin to rise in influence Nov 23, 1923 - Beer Hall Putsch Apr 1924 - Hitler sentenced to five-years imprisonment 1925 - His autobiography “Mein Kampf” was published "Strategy of legality" - taking control of Weimar Jan 1928 Jan 1930 Great Depression in Germany In the following elections 1930: Nazis win 18.3% of the vote Apr 1932 Hitler runs for presidency 1932 July elections for Reichstag, Nazi's gain 37.4%

13 Jan 30, 1933 Hitler becomes Chancellor Feb 27, 1933 Reichstag fire Mar 1, 1933 Reichstag elections of March 1933 – NSDAP 43.9% Jan 1, 1934 Hitler consolidates power, suppresses opposition Jun 29, 1934 Night of the Long Knives Aug 2, 1934 Hindenburg dies, Hitler passes law to be Führer The complete power of Germany was in one hand

14 Mar 1, 1935 Rearmament of Germany 1936 Olympics in Berlin Mar 1936 Reoccupying the Rhineland demilitarized zone Jul 1936 Intervention in the Spanish Civil War Oct 25, 1936 Axis created: Germany and Italy Nov 5, 1937 "Living space" for the German people Mar 12, 1938 Anschluss: Annexation of Austria The first step of Hitler to include all German-speaking lands and terriotieries that Germany lost in WW1 in one empire Sep 1, 1938 Sudetenland (Czechoslovokia) Crisis 1939 Action T4: Killing crippled and retarded children 1939-1945 The Holocaust: Systematic killing of Jews Mar 15, 1939 Hitler invades Czechoslovokia Aug 23, 1939 Secret agreement to divide Poland with the USSR - the Molotov- Ribbentrop Pact

15 Sep 1, 1939 Invasion of Poland and the start of World War Two April 1940 Invasion of Denmark and Norway May 1940 Invasion of Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium and France Sep 27, 1940 Tripartite Treaty: Germany, Japan and Italy Oct 1940 Battle for air superiority in Britain Jun 22, 1941 Invasion of the USSR - Operation Barbarossa Sep 1941 Holocaust: Final Solution Dec 11, 1941 Declares war against the USA Oct 1942 Germany defested in North Africa

16 Oct 1, 1943 Hitler starts to suffer breakdown Jun 1, 1944 Germany begins to collapse July 20 1944 Plot against Hitler – Stauffenberg April 1945 – Soviets before Berlin Apr 30, 1945 Hitler commits suicide More than 60 million people died in World War 2 20 Million soldiers 40 Million civilians, 12 million in concentration camps


18 1883 Benito Mussolii was born 1919 Benito Mussolini forms the Fascist movemen t in Milan Italy 1922 Mussolini becomes premier of Italy 1922 Mussolini forms a cabinet and a governme nt 1923 The Fascist Voluntary Militia forms in Italy under Mussolini 10 June 1924 The Socialist Giacomo Matteotti was found dead after speaking against Mussolini and his Fascists

19 1924 Mussolini disallows all non-fascist work unions 1925 Mussolini dissolves Italian / becomes dictator 1928 Mussolini ends woman’s rights in Italy 1935 Italy invades Ethiopia 1936 Mussolini describes alliance between Italy and Germany as an “axis”

20 1940 Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini confer at Brenner Pass in the Alps 1941 Italy declares war on USSR 26 July 1943 Mussolini resigns and is arrested 28 April 1945 Mussolini is captured and hanged by Italians partisans


22 Thank you for your attention!

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