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Alyx & Allison Period 2.  Mineral-a naturally formed, inorganic solid with a crystalline structure  Elements-are substances that cannot be broken down.

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Presentation on theme: "Alyx & Allison Period 2.  Mineral-a naturally formed, inorganic solid with a crystalline structure  Elements-are substances that cannot be broken down."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alyx & Allison Period 2

2  Mineral-a naturally formed, inorganic solid with a crystalline structure  Elements-are substances that cannot be broken down  Atom-smallest part of an element  Compound-substance made of 2 or more elements  Crystal- solid geometric forms of minerals produced  Silicate Mineral- minerals that contains a combination of 2 elements  Nonsilicate Mineral- combination of the elements silicon & oxygen

3 Silicates & Nonsilicates SilicatesNonsilicates  Minerals that contain a combination of 2 elements  Silicate is made up of silicon and oxygen are the two most common elements in the Earth’s crust  Combination of elements silicon & oxygen  Nonsilicate minerals made up of elements such as carbon, oxygen, iron & sulfur

4 Nonsilicates and silicates Classes of nonsilicatesSilicates pictures  Native elements minerals that are composed of one elements  Carbonates minerals that contain combinations of carbon and oxygen  Halides compounds that form atoms Ex. Fluorine, chlorine  Oxides compounds when an element such as aluminum or iron  Sulfates contains sulfur and oxygen  Sulfides minerals that contain 1 or more elements

5  Luster- the way surface reflects light  Streak- color of minerals in powder  Cleavage- the tendency of some minerals to break on flat surfaces  Fracture- the tendency of some minerals to break unevenly along curved irregular surfaces  Hardness- refers to a mineral’s resistance to be scratched  Density- the measure of how much matter there is given in a amount of space

6 Moh’s hardness scale

7 Luster Chart MetallicSubmetallic NonmetallicEx. Earthy, waxy, pearly, silky

8  Ore- a mineral deposit large enough and pure enough to be mined for a profit  Reclamation- 1 way to reduce harmful effects of mining is completed

9 Common uses of minerals MineralMetalUses ChalcopyriteCopperCoins, electrical wire GalenaLeadBatteries, paints BerylBerylliumBicycle frames, airplanes ChromitesChromiumStainless steel, cast iron, leather tanners

10 Surface mining and Deep mining  Surface mining is the removal of minerals or other materials at or near the Earth’s surface  Deep mining is the removal of minerals or other materials

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